Well-Known Member
It's the same agency looking for the real killer in that Simpson/Goldman caseStill waiting for the results of his investigation into why he tested positive. Must be some kind of in depth process to be taking 11 years.
It's the same agency looking for the real killer in that Simpson/Goldman caseStill waiting for the results of his investigation into why he tested positive. Must be some kind of in depth process to be taking 11 years.
Pitchers that retaliate against Houston this year will get longer suspensions/punishment (except for the eternal shame) than the Astros players that cheated their way to a (forever tainted) championship.The Astros went above and beyond, knew it was illegal, regardless of what is said and I have zero doubt they also used buzzers, but the league had no evidence so they didn’t admit to that.
I think anyone on those Astros teams who used this shouldn’t be punished, as they were granted immunity (which is why you see the outrage).
I think 100% — any player on those teams should be given the bonds and Clemens treatment when it comes to the HOF.
The 2017 ‘World Series title’ is already forever tainted. So whether they put an asterisk next to it or not — it doesn’t matter. Taking it away would be futile as they already played the games, but Houston should donate the $30 million they received in compensation for the playoffs to a worthy cause.
"That Astros team wasn't full of morally bankrupt individuals outside the norm of baseball."I'm not minimizing anything. I'm talking about the broken culture in baseball that allows this to continue to happen decade after decade. Every decade something new rocks the baseball world. This time, it was the Astros, if things continue, it will be something else.
If true, Manfred is going to sound like Ralph Kramden when he’s in trouble....homina, homina.....
Well, we know which team it isn’t.
The problem is more that this is being treated like it’s a single player / PED infraction. It isn’t, because this was a coordinated conspiracy to cheat that included all the players on the team, coaches, managers and was done with the full knowledge of- if not blessing of, the front office.
"That Astros team wasn't full of morally bankrupt individuals outside the norm of baseball."
Stop saying you're not minimizing it when you write this which is a prime example of minimizing it. lol
Known cheater backs cheaters.
If MLB actually has to codify: "No, you are not allowed to have a team of guys with spy cameras observing dugout, pitcher and catcher and relayed through a concealed buzzer on the batter so he knows what pitch is coming & where", that's pretty damn sad.Stealing signs has always been blessed from the top down. The Astros clearly went outside what was acceptable to do it though. I'm not arguing otherwise. I'm simply saying cheating is quietly part of baseball culture and unwritten rules is what truly governs the cheating. Steroids, technology, corked bats, etc is a bridge too far by the unwritten rules. In my opinion, they should just play the game and stop ALL the extra crap and the unwritten rules should be thrown in the dust bin of history. I don't like any of it. I'm particularly disgusted by what the Astros did though.
I feel like if anybody but an Astros fan had posted what I've posted on this thread it wouldn't be really getting any responses. Many former baseball players have said the same things.
If MLB actually has to codify: "No, you are not allowed to have a team of guys with spy cameras observing dugout, pitcher and catcher and relayed through a concealed buzzer on the batter so he knows what pitch is coming & where", that's pretty damn sad.
And altuve already hit by pitch. So it begins
Rofl what an absolute joke. Manfred should step down.
To be fair, getting the robot to walk to Hawaii was a solid plan...It's actually comical how bad this guy is.....every decision he has made is like an idea from Gilligan on how to get off the island.....