Saw this last night and I agree with the above review. Slightly above average mainly because of the great cast; good special FX and the creature is top notch.
This is GREAT. Good creature feature, minimized jump scares (and the ones there were meaningful/fairly predictable - it didn't require a super loud BANG with a fakeout clock or some bullshit), AMAZING younger acting (Alyla Browne is about 13 or so) and she carries the film - so rare for an actor of that age to do it. I am looking forward to what this young lady does in film going forward... God damn what a hell of a job. Usually a find kids annoying, but if a 13 year old can carry a movie... DAYUM.
Some great elements here of Alien, good isolation, fun film overall. This screams 90s B movies, and God bless them for making it. We need more of this and not the stupid paranormal shit we see 24/7 for the PG13 kiddies.
I'll give this a solid 7/10... I'm a bit biased because I love creature features but I couldn't help but love this movie for what it was.