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Harbaugh pulls commit's offer two weeks before signing day

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
Hoopla Cash
$ 24,656.63
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I'm not guessing to come to my conclusion. I'm not saying --- logically this makes sense. This is what happened and there can only be two conclusions made. Either OSU's team doctors suck or OSU cut this player to make room for others. I'm using facts that are straight from OSU, the recruit or other teams. At the time of his dismissal, OSU Had too many players committed. It doesn't matter what happened at or after signing day that OSU wasn't planning on. OSU screwed this kid over to make room. Whether that bit them in the ass and they needed to take some lower level kids later on is irrelevant to their handling of this player.
Well, except it does. If they were in such a numbers crunch, why accept a lower-rated commitment? Just for the hell of it? You have a huge misstep in logic which is causing you to jump to unjustified conclusions. You can criticize the medical staff all you want, but the tests they did showed a kid that was in serious jeopardy of causing significant further damage to an already damaged knee. If they knew they were in such a serious numbers crunch, there would be absolutely no rationale whatsoever for them to take Arnette.

Your conclusion is fueled by desperation to take the spotlight off of your snake of a coach. In the end, you're simply left with sad accusations and speculation to help you stomach the disgusting antics of your sleezeball savior.


Well-Known, and Feared, Member
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Well, except it does. If they were in such a numbers crunch, why accept a lower-rated commitment? Just for the hell of it? You have a huge misstep in logic which is causing you to jump to unjustified conclusions. You can criticize the medical staff all you want, but the tests they did showed a kid that was in serious jeopardy of causing significant further damage to an already damaged knee. If they knew they were in such a serious numbers crunch, there would be absolutely no rationale whatsoever for them to take Arnette.

Your conclusion is fueled by desperation to take the spotlight off of your snake of a coach. In the end, you're simply left with sad accusations and speculation to help you stomach the disgusting antics of your sleezeball savior.
These kids were early enrollees. What the situation was around Christmas is likely to be vastly different than it would be in early feb.

My conclusion is based off easy to obtain evidence, that even your own newespapers caught onto. It's not like I'm making this up from thin air. Unbiased reporting also noted that OSU's numbers didn't add up and cutting the kid got them closer to working out. Not to mention the OSU team doctors going against the general consensus of many others who also evaluated the recruit's health. If other doctors would have told him no, then you'd have a case. But the fact that all other medical experts went the other way states pretty clearly that OSU's doctors weren't evaluating on medical condition alone.


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Jul 14, 2013
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I've already called out Harbaugh for his actions (hence this thread). It would be nice if OSU fans could at least admit the errors of their own coach.

Only issue I have is that you haven't called him shady.

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
Hoopla Cash
$ 24,656.63
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These kids were early enrollees. What the situation was around Christmas is likely to be vastly different than it would be in early feb.

My conclusion is based off easy to obtain evidence, that even your own newespapers caught onto. It's not like I'm making this up from thin air. Unbiased reporting also noted that OSU's numbers didn't add up and cutting the kid got them closer to working out. Not to mention the OSU team doctors going against the general consensus of many others who also evaluated the recruit's health. If other doctors would have told him no, then you'd have a case. But the fact that all other medical experts went the other way states pretty clearly that OSU's doctors weren't evaluating on medical condition alone.
Actually, no, Arnette wasn't an early enrollee.

Again, the bolded segment directly contradicts the notion of them accepting a late commitment from a low-rated player who would already need a redshirt. You can't seem to get past this conundrum: why would we drop a higher rated player for a lower rated player at the same position who we already knew would need a redshirt season? See? This is the enormous misstep in logic that you can't seem to address.


Well-Known, and Feared, Member
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Actually, no, Arnette wasn't an early enrollee.

Again, the bolded segment directly contradicts the notion of them accepting a late commitment from a low-rated player who would already need a redshirt. You can't seem to get past this conundrum: why would we drop a higher rated player for a lower rated player at the same position who we already knew would need a redshirt season? See? This is the enormous misstep in logic that you can't seem to address.
The same reason Michigan would drop a higher rated player (Swenson) for lower rated players. Coaches evaluate these kids outside of recruiting rankings. Maybe Urban thought the lower rated kids were actually better. I don't know.

What we do know is that OSU cut a recruit using his medical condition against him to make room for other recruits.

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
Hoopla Cash
$ 24,656.63
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The same reason Michigan would drop a higher rated player (Swenson) for lower rated players. Coaches evaluate these kids outside of recruiting rankings. Maybe Urban thought the lower rated kids were actually better. I don't know.

What we do know is that OSU cut a recruit using his medical condition against him to make room for other recruits.
The bolded part is the first honest thing you've said in this entire conversation.

And actually no, we don't know the second part. You desperately want it to be true, but again, you just can't prove it and in no way will ever be able to. The logic isn't there, sorry.


Well-Known, and Feared, Member
Jul 2, 2013
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The bolded part is the first honest thing you've said in this entire conversation.

And actually no, we don't know the second part. You desperately want it to be true, but again, you just can't prove it and in no way will ever be able to. The logic isn't there, sorry.
You guys are delusional. The rest of the world sees that transaction for what it is. Even your own news media sees it for what it is. The player reported exactly what happened and you don't believe it. But Swenson says something about Harbaugh and you take it as Gospel. Whatever, keep being delusional.

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
Hoopla Cash
$ 24,656.63
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You guys are delusional. The rest of the world sees that transaction for what it is. Even your own news media sees it for what it is. The player reported exactly what happened and you don't believe it. But Swenson says something about Harbaugh and you take it as Gospel. Whatever, keep being delusional.
LOL, not one single reputable source has ever said that Urban Meyer falsified medical documents just to make sure he came in under the recruiting numbers, and again, your logic is flawed.

It's fun to sit back and watch michigan fans desperately clawing and scratching at anything to escape the reality that their coach is the most despicable man in college football right now.


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Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yes he was, that's pretty easy to look up yourself. And yes they have to. Why would they OK that if they knew he wasn't going to be cleared? Your speculation is unfounded, just like MB.
Because they weren't expecting a few recruits to sign with them and only certain players can enroll early and get a full spring practice schedule in. Once the class filled up, they had to get
Well, except it does. If they were in such a numbers crunch, why accept a lower-rated commitment? Just for the hell of it? You have a huge misstep in logic which is causing you to jump to unjustified conclusions. You can criticize the medical staff all you want, but the tests they did showed a kid that was in serious jeopardy of causing significant further damage to an already damaged knee. If they knew they were in such a serious numbers crunch, there would be absolutely no rationale whatsoever for them to take Arnette.

Your conclusion is fueled by desperation to take the spotlight off of your snake of a coach. In the end, you're simply left with sad accusations and speculation to help you stomach the disgusting antics of your sleezeball savior.
TY. If michigan just pulled the scholarship of Swenson without cause -- Why would they sign a 3 star tackle to replace the 4 star?

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
Hoopla Cash
$ 24,656.63
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Because they weren't expecting a few recruits to sign with them and only certain players can enroll early and get a full spring practice schedule in. Once the class filled up, they had to get

You didn't finish your sentence so I don't know what you were getting at.

TY. If michigan just pulled the scholarship of Swenson without cause -- Why would they sign a 3 star tackle to replace the 4 star?
Wasn't talking about Swenson in this case. I was talking about Weaver.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Hey guys, Jordan Elliot decommitted from Michigan today without any warning. What a classless act doing that to Michigan this close to signing day. It's sad that recruiting has come to this, just going after the next new "best" school to come after him. I'm just really disappointed in his actions, but that's business these days.

Oh wait....is that criticism only reserved for Harbaugh?

If you want to hold your 52 year old coach being paid $5 million a year to the same standards as an 18 year old high school kid trying to make the best decision for his future, then be my guest.


I ♥ t-baggin
Aug 10, 2011
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If you want to hold your 52 year old coach being paid $5 million a year to the same standards as an 18 year old high school kid trying to make the best decision for his future, then be my guest.
Everything I've read about says they were expecting it and had already been looking/made offers elsewhere anyway. Seems way better than the way Harbs is treating these "business decisions" he's recruiting.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You didn't finish your sentence so I don't know what you were getting at.

Wasn't talking about Swenson in this case. I was talking about Weaver.
So u know what the coaching staff told weaver when they offered him? Fill the rest of us in. From the sound of it -- he knew he was plan b and figured out plan A was happening.
While I definitely don't agree with the timing, u continue to talk about assumptions in regards to deen, yet you take a recruits word as the bible. If that is the case -- OSU royally screwed over Deen and the coaching staff lied to him, right?


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You didn't finish your sentence so I don't know what you were getting at.

Wasn't talking about Swenson in this case. I was talking about Weaver.
Sorry about the first part of this post. I didn't finish the sentence and got pulled away to take care of something. Basically, I was trying to say, they had filled the class and had to figure out who to get rid of. That made Deen the easy target as they could pass it off as injury related.

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
Hoopla Cash
$ 24,656.63
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So u know what the coaching staff told weaver when they offered him? Fill the rest of us in. From the sound of it -- he knew he was plan b and figured out plan A was happening.
While I definitely don't agree with the timing, u continue to talk about assumptions in regards to deen, yet you take a recruits word as the bible. If that is the case -- OSU royally screwed over Deen and the coaching staff lied to him, right?
There's a whole lot more to back up my side on Dean than there is on you guys and Weaver. OSU never told Dean he was for sure going to get medically cleared and that he'd be able to play. You guys told Weaver he had a commitable offer and that you had accepted it, and then you shut down communication. Two different situations.

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
Hoopla Cash
$ 24,656.63
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Sorry about the first part of this post. I didn't finish the sentence and got pulled away to take care of something. Basically, I was trying to say, they had filled the class and had to figure out who to get rid of. That made Deen the easy target as they could pass it off as injury related.
And as I pointed out to MB already, at the last minute they accepted a commitment from a much lower rated CB prospect who they knew was going to need to take a redshirt anyhow to rehab from an injury. The logic just isn't there.