Across The Field
Oaky Afterbirth
Well, except it does. If they were in such a numbers crunch, why accept a lower-rated commitment? Just for the hell of it? You have a huge misstep in logic which is causing you to jump to unjustified conclusions. You can criticize the medical staff all you want, but the tests they did showed a kid that was in serious jeopardy of causing significant further damage to an already damaged knee. If they knew they were in such a serious numbers crunch, there would be absolutely no rationale whatsoever for them to take Arnette.I'm not guessing to come to my conclusion. I'm not saying --- logically this makes sense. This is what happened and there can only be two conclusions made. Either OSU's team doctors suck or OSU cut this player to make room for others. I'm using facts that are straight from OSU, the recruit or other teams. At the time of his dismissal, OSU Had too many players committed. It doesn't matter what happened at or after signing day that OSU wasn't planning on. OSU screwed this kid over to make room. Whether that bit them in the ass and they needed to take some lower level kids later on is irrelevant to their handling of this player.
Your conclusion is fueled by desperation to take the spotlight off of your snake of a coach. In the end, you're simply left with sad accusations and speculation to help you stomach the disgusting antics of your sleezeball savior.