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Fix the Cowboys?


When all else fails, Smack em' in the Mouth!
Jul 3, 2013
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I do think Austin hurt Williams production only because Romo loved Austin. Both of Linehans backs last yr caught over 50 passes. It seemed like they were working on a lot of screens in OTAs especially with Dunbar. I dont see Murray and Dunbar catching 100 but I think 75 is a real possiblity. I think on 3rd downs it will be Dez, Wit, Beasley , and Murray/Dunbar in that order. I think Williams will catch his passes on 1st and 2nd down and it will be because his number is called. Romo and Williams seemed to have had chemistry last yr in training camp. It translated some to the regular season , but again there are only so many opportunities.

I would love for the RB position to avg 5 catches a game. (or more)


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Jul 22, 2013
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My take on fixing the Cowboys will basically include shared opinions from prior post and recycled ideas and theories. Certainly there is no new revelation coming from me, but first I start by resigning Dez and Smith those are priority 1 and 2. I think the Cowboys can be fixed in 2 to 4 yrs. I don't sign another F/A from another team for at least 2 years and I concentrate my efforts on the draft hoping to strike gold. My draft priorities over the next 2 or 3 seasons are DL, CB ,S , MLB and QB. With an obvious heavy emphasis on defense on the first 2 or 3 rounds unless there is an offensive player I can't live with out. I believe this offense is set for the next 5 yrs including the OL. I'm not cutting Romo but personally I would like to draft his replacement in the 1st round in the next 2 years depending on our record (I'm okay with that guy holding a clip board because this isn't a quick fix) I'm not a fan of getting a qb outside the 1st round based on the law of averages...just my opinion. I would like to fire JG, but it's slim pickings out there so I will wait and see who comes available. Finally I'm probably cutting all my cap casualties to try and create some space when I'm really to make a move in 2 years.


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Jul 7, 2013
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Looks like for the most part everyone is on the same page.

other than Smith and Dez no big contracts.
Seem split on tagging Dez or resigning him ( Me I say tag.... Tag will cost 12.5 million) He will make more than that on his new contract. So IMO the tag is cheaper for next year anyway.)
Plus I noticed someone say he has grown up alot.......... I didn't see that. When he walked off the field last year before the game was over it really sit bad with me. Especially when it comes to handing him a huge contact. Tag him get rid of the baby sitters. He will either prove he is worth the money or will fuck up and we get him back cheaper. Seems to me like a win win.

And dont forget we tagged Spencer .... So it's not above or below Jerry to do that.

Cant say we are set on O-line. I think this is possibly Free's last year. So next year depending on what we do with Martin we will need either a guard or a tackle.

To me it's no question This should be Carr's last year.
Maybe this team isnt in rebuild mode .... but the defense is ... his his 12.5 million hit isnt needed


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Jul 7, 2013
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oh Firing Garrett

Which I think is VERY VERY likely
Makes you wonder if you lose the entire coaching staff doing so.
Me wanting to keep the coaching staff.......
I think Gruden would have to be at the top of the list currently. He's worked with Callahan and has won a Superbowl with the Tampa 2
I would say ( if it happened right now) He has to be a heavy consideration

Plus when he went to Tampa ... They were in cap hell. Bad situation for him actually but remember he was traded wasnt a job he applied for.
Would be different here. Yeah we got cap issues but we are getting out from under them in the next few years (hopefully) So one would think it's much more favorable situation

oh oh and the big one

He put up with Al .... so he can put up with Jerry
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Jul 22, 2013
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I think we have a top 10 line if the rookie we drafted holds up and is a stud. that makes up 60% of our line plus we have some depth even if we do lose Free. I think you will be hard pressed to fine more than a hand full of times with an OL that is stacked on even 4 of the 5 positions. Curious I don't know one way or the other. What makes you so sure that Dez is still being baby sat or is that just an assumption? Regardless of that though dude has keep is nose clean for the better part of 2 years. It took him a life time to become the guy he was, so as long as he's not committing clearly egregious acts against society and is not a cancer to this team (which I don't believe he is and his teammates at least publicly defend him) I'm willing to continue being patient with the guy. 90% of us at his age had immature and foolishness wrapped up in us; plus we were broke so we couldn't find the trouble that knocks on his door daily. Give him time. Next to Calvin and A.J. green there's not another wr I would rather have.


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Jul 7, 2013
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I think we have a top 10 line if the rookie we drafted holds up and is a stud. that makes up 60% of our line plus we have some depth even if we do lose Free. I think you will be hard pressed to fine more than a hand full of times with an OL that is stacked on even 4 of the 5 positions. Curious I don't know one way or the other. What makes you so sure that Dez is still being baby sat or is that just an assumption? Regardless of that though dude has keep is nose clean for the better part of 2 years. It took him a life time to become the guy he was, so as long as he's not committing clearly egregious acts against society and is not a cancer to this team (which I don't believe he is and his teammates at least publicly defend him) I'm willing to continue being patient with the guy. 90% of us at his age had immature and foolishness wrapped up in us; plus we were broke so we couldn't find the trouble that knocks on his door daily. Give him time. Next to Calvin and A.J. green there's not another wr I would rather have.

oh no its not an assumption
It was put on him after the mama incident ( no so much for that one but there was the mall incident before that) rather than face being suspended he signed the agreement and it is with him until his contract ends ..... which is after this season.

Dez has no less than 2 team body guards with him at all time. This even includes from his home to practice. Dez doesnt drive himself to practice or games...... He is driven by team security
Also has a midnight curfew and is not allowed to goto clubs.

Now take all that away ..... just one year and see how it goes
Im pretty cure a man his age isnt going to sign a new contract with those same clauses in it. He's a young man ... you know he is going to want to cut loose when those limitations are taken away

Otis B. Driftwood

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Jun 26, 2014
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... you know he is going to want to cut loose when those limitations are taken away

He needs to cut loose of his mooch mama and leech brother. Funny how they showed up for the ride right about the same time he put pen to paper.


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here you go ...... several sites have it posted though ..... This is just the first that pops up on google

Dez Bryant of Dallas Cowboys to adhere to strict team-mandated guidelines on behavior - ESPN Dallas

• A midnight curfew. If he's going to miss curfew, team officials must know in advance;
• No drinking alcohol.

• He can't attend any strip clubs and can only attend nightclubs if they are approved by the team and he has a security team with him.

• He must attend counseling sessions twice a week.

• A rotating three-man security team will leave one man with Bryant at all times.

• Members of the security team will drive Bryant to practices, games and team functions.

Bryant's adviser, David Wells, will hire the security team for the wide receiver.

"Oh yeah, very much willing to do anything he can to help himself and help the team," Cowboys owner/general manager Jerry Jones said of Bryant. "He's very open-minded and cooperative. He's doing the right things by his teammates and everybody is counting on him."

The rules stem from a July 14 incident where Bryant was charged with allegedly assaulting his mother, Angela Bryant. Bryant was charged with a Class A misdemeanor by the DeSoto Police Department.

article is longer .... but thats the part in question

R.J. MacReady

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Oct 15, 2013
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Kinda reminds me of Josh Hamilton ..but his escorts were for his drug problem.


Troll slayer
Jun 27, 2013
Ket'ha lowlands, Kronos
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Nothing you do with the Cowboys will matter until you get rid of Jerry Jones as your GM. No matter how much talent you have on the field, he's going to have to have his hands in it so that people will think HE'S the reason they're winning.


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Jul 7, 2013
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Kinda reminds me of Josh Hamilton ..but his escorts were for his drug problem.

we've done it with a few players.
Most recently Pacman .... and Tank

Think we did it with Mike and Nate 96 season with the drug charges followed by the r*pe alligations.

Thats the only names I remember it happening to on the Cowboys

Otis B. Driftwood

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Jun 26, 2014
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we've done it with a few players.
Most recently Pacman .... and Tank

Think we did it with Mike and Nate 96 season with the drug charges followed by the r*pe alligations.

Thats the only names I remember it happening to on the Cowboys

They absolutely did after the thing with the cop. I specifically remember this because it was at that point I lost my mind and threw away a $100 Irvin jersey. I was furious with him. Immediately went out and bought a $100 Woodson jersey... which I still have.


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They absolutely did after the thing with the cop. I specifically remember this because it was at that point I lost my mind and threw away a $100 Irvin jersey. I was furious with him. Immediately went out and bought a $100 Woodson jersey... which I still have.

Your anger over that is exactly what concerns me.

It was frustrating with Mike to be in that situation. And He has 3 rings. So that bought him some ok I can almost turn the cheek.

on a 3 year consistant 8-8 team without a playoff win ....... no one is going to turn the cheek if Dez fucks up

Otis B. Driftwood

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Your anger over that is exactly what concerns me.

It was frustrating with Mike to be in that situation. And He has 3 rings. So that bought him some ok I can almost turn the cheek.

on a 3 year consistant 8-8 team without a playoff win ....... no one is going to turn the cheek if Dez fucks up

Thing is - I got over it and still love that dude. That was during my dark period... when I transformed from one of "those" fans to one that understands the proper context of sports in the universe.

It ain't that important.

As far as Dez goes... I root for him every day to be successful. The kid had one of the most fucked up family situations I can ever imagine growing up. He has a chance to be one hell of a role model for kids who have no direction or no role models of their own. Last thing I want to see is another Roy Tarpley around here. That would be incredibly sad.

Incredibly sad!


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Jul 18, 2013
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There is a big difference in mike and dez to me. Dez is not nearly as smart as Irvin. I know Irvin did some stupid things, but the guy seemed intelligent. He also had good leaders around him. There is no telling what he would have done if he was drafted by another team.


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Thing is - I got over it and still love that dude. That was during my dark period... when I transformed from one of "those" fans to one that understands the proper context of sports in the universe.

It ain't that important.

As far as Dez goes... I root for him every day to be successful. The kid had one of the most fucked up family situations I can ever imagine growing up. He has a chance to be one hell of a role model for kids who have no direction or no role models of their own. Last thing I want to see is another Roy Tarpley around here. That would be incredibly sad.

Incredibly sad!

I wish him the best
That said he worries me more than any player on our roster

I see in no way where it would be a bad thing to take away the baby sitters for a year and actually find out how much he has really matured before we hand him a mega deal


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Jul 7, 2013
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There is a big difference in mike and dez to me. Dez is not nearly as smart as Irvin. I know Irvin did some stupid things, but the guy seemed intelligent. He also had good leaders around him. There is no telling what he would have done if he was drafted by another team.

I gotta disagree

I think success got to Mike. 3 rings in 4 years will blow anyones head up ..... and he fucked up

But that was all it took was that one year for him to change.

The tell all on Dez is yet to be written .... but it cant be unless the chains are taken off and he can do his own thing.

A chance I'd rather take on a tag than on a 7 year contract

Hell just look at Josh Gordon


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Jul 18, 2013
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I agree with that. Nfl players, I would think are the smartest athletes of the major sports by a long shot. With that being said, they still do stupid things. Irvin, as dumb as some of the things as he did, still I think is a fairly smart guy. DEZ, on the other hand, I don't know. I think it's a very slim chance DEz does television after his career. I could be wrong.


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
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I gotta disagree

I think success got to Mike. 3 rings in 4 years will blow anyones head up ..... and he fucked up

But that was all it took was that one year for him to change.

The tell all on Dez is yet to be written .... but it cant be unless the chains are taken off and he can do his own thing.

A chance I'd rather take on a tag than on a 7 year contract

Hell just look at Josh Gordon


Otis B. Driftwood

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Jun 26, 2014
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I see in no way where it would be a bad thing to take away the baby sitters for a year and actually find out how much he has really matured before we hand him a mega deal

Completely agree.