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Fix the Cowboys?


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Aug 19, 2013
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I know Carr played well for a game at FS, but that was very short term and a different defense. I wonder if playing him there in this defense would just force him to do even more of what he isn't that great at. He just hasn't been very good in space or zone. Carr is a guy that needs to play more as a physical cover corner. Everything I've read about this offseason says he will be doing more of that. Let's see what happens.


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Jul 22, 2013
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I know Carr played well for a game at FS, but that was very short term and a different defense. I wonder if playing him there in this defense would just force him to do even more of what he isn't that great at. He just hasn't been very good in space or zone. Carr is a guy that needs to play more as a physical cover corner. Everything I've read about this offseason says he will be doing more of that. Let's see what happens.

That's my thing.....I think the fastest way for this defense to improve towards the middle of the pack will be the play of the defensive backfield. Especially the play of our corners. Carr & Mo have to be worlds better than last years efforts


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Jul 18, 2013
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Sign Smith ASAP to a six-seven year contract.

On Dez, I'm with Twist: Don't give him a contract this year at all. Make him play out his contract to show that he can be focused on being a team player. If he shows some promise in that regard, franchize him for a year to see if he can continue being a team player for another year. If not, trade him for additional draft picks in next year's draft. Jerry gains nothing by giving him a new contract during this coming season.

Next year, draft OL, DL, Safety, QB, and LB (order can depend on who is available where we draft) No trade backs and no trade ups - best player available in those five positions.

Bring in a coach who will commit to a running game and knows how to manage the clock. Being defensive minded would be a plus - we should be OK on offense for a few years, but we need a coach who knows how to build a defensive juggernaut.

Put a three year moratorium on restructuring. No one gets restructured, period. We aren't within two years of having a championship caliber team. More restructuring of contracts at this point will only hurt the possibility of getting there within four years.

In free agency, unless an absolute stud is to be had at rock bottom price, only pick up guys who can fill rolls for one or two years. Build talent through the draft and use free agency to plug holes. By year four, our cap situation should put us in a spot where we could actually spend some money in free agency to get that one guy that would put us over the edge.


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Aug 19, 2013
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On Dez, I'm with Twist: Don't give him a contract this year at all. Make him play out his contract to show that he can be focused on being a team player. If he shows some promise in that regard, franchize him for a year to see if he can continue being a team player for another year. If not, trade him for additional draft picks in next year's draft. Jerry gains nothing by giving him a new contract during this coming season.

One big thing to remember if you go that route. The franchise tag for a WR in 2015 will be what, $13M or $14M? So that will also be his cap hit in 2015 if you franchise him. If we sign him long term it would certainly be structured in a way that 2015 will have a lesser cap hit. We can argue all day about the cap problems, but it IS an issue for the Cowboys regardless of whether we agree on how big the issue is or not. Now it very well could end up being worth doing it this way, but I don't see anyway at all that Jerry plays it that way.

Also, you are suggesting paying him this year, franchising him in 2015 and then if he shows he can't be focused as a player in that time period trading him during the 2016 draft? What would we get for him at that point? If his 2015 salary is $14M, that would make his 2016 salary $16.8M. So a team would have to either pay him that or give him a huge contract and this would be after him showing he couldn't be focused as a player and they would also give us something of value. I don't see getting much in return for him in that scenario.

IMO Dez will be signed to an extension this season. Like him or not he is a top WR and top WRs get paid. I'm not trading him and going into the season with Williams and Beasley (or a rookie we've never seen) as my starters along side an aging Witten with a team that has shown they don't want to run the ball. I think this would get Romo killed when they single everyone and send the house at him...


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Jul 18, 2013
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IMO Dez will be signed to an extension this season. Like him or not he is a top WR and top WRs get paid. I'm not trading him and going into the season with Williams and Beasley (or a rookie we've never seen) as my starters along side an aging Witten with a team that has shown they don't want to run the ball. I think this would get Romo killed when they single everyone and send the house at him...


I agree that what you wrote is what will happen. I was just playing the game that Twist laid out.

Yeah, I know that there would be some difficulties with the whole "trade Dez" thing. I'm just not certain that those difficulties outweigh the prospect of having him on a long-term, big money contract for us. If (when) Jerry gives him his big pay day, we are going to further castrate this team's ability to build a championship caliber team. In my opinion, it just isn't worth it.

Otis B. Driftwood

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I agree that what you wrote is what will happen. I was just playing the game that Twist laid out.

Yeah, I know that there would be some difficulties with the whole "trade Dez" thing. I'm just not certain that those difficulties outweigh the prospect of having him on a long-term, big money contract for us. If (when) Jerry gives him his big pay day, we are going to further castrate this team's ability to build a championship caliber team. In my opinion, it just isn't worth it.

Which once again puts a premium on drafting well. If you know that you are bumping up against the cap until the dumb money starts coming off the tab, you have to hit and hit consistently in the draft.


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I agree that what you wrote is what will happen. I was just playing the game that Twist laid out.

Yeah, I know that there would be some difficulties with the whole "trade Dez" thing. I'm just not certain that those difficulties outweigh the prospect of having him on a long-term, big money contract for us. If (when) Jerry gives him his big pay day, we are going to further castrate this team's ability to build a championship caliber team. In my opinion, it just isn't worth it.

Understood and I didn't mean for that one sentence (of how I think Jerry will play it) to be the gist of my post.

I get both sides of the trade/don't trade Dez debate. But, why trade Dez and keep Romo??? I just don't see us getting enough to make trading him worth it. Draft picks are a crap shoot. I don't subscribe to the theory of getting a pick back and assuming the player will be a key player for you. You get one first and use it on him and there is a 95% chance the guy isn't as good. Even if you get two firsts you don't know what you get. So yes you saved money, but you probably hurt the team. Tough call. IMO you always sign your best players unless they are looking for crazy money and then you let them go elsewhere...


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Jul 9, 2013
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Thought that was the most interesting question I saw posted today...... someone was asked how they would do it ...... Also noticed it was an avoided question.

I thought it would be an awesome topic .....

No going back in the past .....

AS IS RIGHT NOW ... Draft over .... Fix the Cowboys


Seriously....we know JJ is not going anywhere so we're operating from his shoes...I would fire Garrett...hire Cowher and bring in a GM that Cowher wants to work with...Bill's puppet, not Jerry's.

Roster...to be honest right now it's too late to get of Romo...at this point you have to keep good weapons around him and hope for the best for the next year or two.


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Jul 22, 2013
Texas by the Grace of God
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how will the jerry we know do things seems the better question.
with that thought...no well in hell Dez plays elsewhere. He doesn't want to and Jerry sure doesn't want him to.

If I had to bet on how Jerry plays this I'd say he ups Dez this season and maybe by September. Me? I'd wait for the offseason and dangle the tag if required. Did a say Dez wants to stay in Dallas and I don't see jerry insulting him with an offer. Not sure jerry has done that to anyone much less a talent HE drafted, like Dez.
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When all else fails, Smack em' in the Mouth!
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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started reading the thread but when the bivckering started jusst kinda skimmed through to the end. So if any or all of this has already been said my bad.

Defense I will be happy if we attempt to improve any of the positions. The only thing I was happy with on Defense is now on IR for the year. However if you asked your choice which do we fix 1st. I say D-line. Live & die in the trenches I say.

I would love to say we draft 100% of the replacements, but that is unrealistic. So let me just say the only 2 positions I would like to see maybe go through FA is interior D-line & LB. Both can bring in servicable players for cheap (bang for the buck) while we draft DBs & DEs. Not saying ignore talent in the draft at the other spots, just saying if we pick up FA rather it be those two areas, instead of DBs & DEs which happens to be costly anytime you sign one in free agency.

On Offense I am pretty happy with it. Would like to circle out the depth chart on the O-line (like the starters) I think we are one more starter from having a dominating line. Just would like to see some more depth just in case.
Like our RB situation, hopefully we keep a FB on staff & start utilizing the talent we have at RB & OL by running more.

Like our QB situation, even the back up which has starter exp. & is very cheap on the cap.

TE is sound until Witten retires

WRs position though I am gonnna disagree with most. Saw someone give us an A-. Well I think our potential could reach an A-, but I think we could be as bad as C or even C-.

Our #2 WR was a rookie last year. While showed flashes of some awesome plays, also did things that made me want to scream. All year I wasnt sure if I was happy with him or not. guess that is what Bipolar ppl feel like. I would feel like that in a single game. So to me he is a huge question mark as a #2 ( i am hoping for the best & think he will end up being very good, but honestly dont know yet)
Which bring me to our #1 WR. I know some here (well a lot here) are saying he is a top 5 WR. I disagree with that too. potential he could be a top 5 WR, but he realistically has yet to have a full season. I still see a lot of question marks with him as well. As seen last year with out a good compliment Defenses can gameplan him out of the game. So if #2 WR doesnt step up, will the #1 be able to step up?
Then we go to #3 WR. Well we dont even know who that is going to be. Personally I dont care for Harris at WR, I like him on ST but dont think he is goona do much at the WR spot. We have our rookie who almost all of us knows nothing about. Another huge question mark. then we have beasley who simply for the role he plays I would list as the #4 WR even if he outplays all the potential #3's He is the guy in this squad I am the surest about. "the lil' chain mover that could"

So I see what some here think is one of the strongest areas on our offense as one of the weakest areas of our offense. Something I will be interested in watching during TC. if we have to make any changes to the offense other than OL depth I think it will be here.

Bottomline though we have to get hot & heavy into changing personnel on defense.

Also with Jerrys millions I would send JG to time management classes (look at tape of how some other coaches deal with time management)

On offense my simple move is to run the ball more & when running the ball is working, dont outsmart yourself. Just keep runnning the ball.

Coaching side already mentioned time management, but quit being so obvious on what play is gonna be ran on offense.
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The Umpire
Jul 19, 2013
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Fix the cowboys? Nah, let them have babies if they want them!


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Jul 18, 2013
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WRs have a hard time making a real impact in year one. Williams really never stood out to me either. He made a great sideline catch against Washington in Week 16 that I remember very well. He did get deep a few times as well. The good WRs usually make big jumps in yr 2 and 3. Unfortunately I would still predict him to catch less than 50 balls. I would not be surprised one bit to see Beasley catch more than him. Im not saying he wont improve - it just comes back to there are only so many balls to go around. He is our #2 WR but truthfully he is our 4rth or 5th option.

As far as the FB- not sure yet about this. I like the 11 personell thing with Escobar. We did spend a big draft pick on the guy.


When all else fails, Smack em' in the Mouth!
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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WRs have a hard time making a real impact in year one. Williams really never stood out to me either. He made a great sideline catch against Washington in Week 16 that I remember very well. He did get deep a few times as well. The good WRs usually make big jumps in yr 2 and 3. Unfortunately I would still predict him to catch less than 50 balls. I would not be surprised one bit to see Beasley catch more than him. Im not saying he wont improve - it just comes back to there are only so many balls to go around. He is our #2 WR but truthfully he is our 4rth or 5th option.

As far as the FB- not sure yet about this. I like the 11 personell thing with Escobar. We did spend a big draft pick on the guy.
I cant stand the 12 formation. It makes us one dimisional & Escobar isnt good enough to over come that. Thought it was a wasted pick as soon as we picked him & still think that.

We know we are effective running with the FB, why force a philosphy that isnt working when we have one that we know does work.


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Jul 18, 2013
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Well it will be interesting to see which way we go. Escobar was a 2nd round pick. We know he wont get snaps with Witten here, unless we play a lot of 2 TEs . I think he can be a huge weapon especially in the red zone. I would like to see him catch 25 passes this yr.

FB - We only got to see Clutz play a little. Many will remember him for the big fumble vs Washington, but he also did some good things. Copeland seems to be the fans choice. It will be a fun preseason.


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Jul 22, 2013
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Well it will be interesting to see which way we go. Escobar was a 2nd round pick. We know he wont get snaps with Witten here, unless we play a lot of 2 TEs . I think he can be a huge weapon especially in the red zone. I would like to see him catch 25 passes this yr.

FB - We only got to see Clutz play a little. Many will remember him for the big fumble vs Washington, but he also did some good things. Copeland seems to be the fans choice. It will be a fun preseason.

I agree with you. Nobody liked the pick where taken, but Escobar has skills. Dallas will also continue with two tight sets more than the single with a fullback


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Jul 7, 2013
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I agree with you. Nobody liked the pick where taken, but Escobar has skills. Dallas will also continue with two tight sets more than the single with a fullback

I hope it's a good mix.

Will be sad if we don't play more I-Formation though.

End of last season the Cowboys looked their best out of the I


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WRs have a hard time making a real impact in year one. Williams really never stood out to me either. He made a great sideline catch against Washington in Week 16 that I remember very well. He did get deep a few times as well. The good WRs usually make big jumps in yr 2 and 3. Unfortunately I would still predict him to catch less than 50 balls. I would not be surprised one bit to see Beasley catch more than him. Im not saying he wont improve - it just comes back to there are only so many balls to go around. He is our #2 WR but truthfully he is our 4rth or 5th option.

As far as the FB- not sure yet about this. I like the 11 personell thing with Escobar. We did spend a big draft pick on the guy.

I think Williams will be just fine. I think the biggest thing holding him back last year was Austin .... With Austin gone .... I looks for him to have a big year


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I think Williams will be just fine. I think the biggest thing holding him back last year was Austin .... With Austin gone .... I looks for him to have a big year

I think so too but again I go back to my point there are only so many balls to go around . How many catches will qualify for him to have a good year? To me its 50 .


When all else fails, Smack em' in the Mouth!
Jul 3, 2013
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I think so too but again I go back to my point there are only so many balls to go around . How many catches will qualify for him to have a good year? To me its 50 .

to me it isn't always about stats like yardage recpt. or TDs.
How well does he take the pressure off the #1 guy, & if he has sure hands when the ball does come to him.

Beasley didn't have impressive stats, but later in the season he had the defenses attention, which helped those around him get open.


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I do think Austin hurt Williams production only because Romo loved Austin. Both of Linehans backs last yr caught over 50 passes. It seemed like they were working on a lot of screens in OTAs especially with Dunbar. I dont see Murray and Dunbar catching 100 but I think 75 is a real possiblity. I think on 3rd downs it will be Dez, Wit, Beasley , and Murray/Dunbar in that order. I think Williams will catch his passes on 1st and 2nd down and it will be because his number is called. Romo and Williams seemed to have had chemistry last yr in training camp. It translated some to the regular season , but again there are only so many opportunities.