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Fix the Cowboys?


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Jul 7, 2013
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What have you done for me lately??? LOL...one playoff win since what, 1996?

I dont really take kindly to someone derailing a thread before it starts ......

but since you have decided you MUST

you better bring awhole lot better than that

Especially since your team had the greatest running back since Smith ..... and failed to win shit with him... Remind you of Detroit much motherfucker?

Ass Clowns of the NFL :lol:


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Jul 18, 2013
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I would say, do some grading.

What do you grade these corps...

QB -
RB -
WR -
TE -
OL -

DL -
LB -
DB -

ST -

Closer to F gets more work.

qb- B/ RBs- B plus/ WR corp- A - / TE- B plus / OL A-/ Depth- B

DL- C -/ LB- C/ DB- B- / ST- A-/ Coaching staff- b plus
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Jul 7, 2013
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Offense- I think you start with QB. If he is healthy he is a good enough QB . Then you build the OLine- which by all accounts I think they have. I believe its a top 5 Oline in the league. Skilled players- I think we have a top 10 RB , Top 5 ish WR , Top 5ish TE. The other supporting cast is above average as well- T Williams, Escobar, Dunbar, Beasley, Harris. To me it should be a top 5 offense in the league. Numbers can be skewed by how much we have the ball, how much we have to pass, etc.. Im not saying we will average the 5th most yrds. For example Det may finish with more yrds but I think we will have a better offense.

Offensive coaches- Garrett, Linehan, Callahan.

The only thing I see that needs to be fixed is possibly OLINE depth. Nwaneri was a good pick up IMO.

Defensively- I think we need a leader with the absence of Lee. Thats why I wouldnt have minded Vilma or Urlacher. Dont get me wrong here we signed the one with the most upside in MCClain. I just dont see that leader type guy right now. Fans and experts say that Church is that guy. Church has been a one year starter and it was honestly by default. I love Church as much as anyone, but there a lot of Safeties of his caliber.

Playing wise its hard to get any worse than last year on that side of the ball. I think they have 16 guys which are all pretty hungry and have something to prove on the Dline. Im sure they read the press clippings and see where they are rated anywhere from 27-32 by most. I think they really thought if healthy they had some good pieces already on the DLINE. I think thats why they did trade up and get what they were missing most. Many will say we could have had Nix or Coleman. I think we already have that.

LBs- obviously stung by the loss of Lee. If though McClain gets his head on right the LBs should be just fine. I think Wilber and Holleman will battle hard for a starting spot. They have both shown flashes.

Secondary- we will see what Marinelli chooses to do. If he does what his guys want then they will play a lot more man. Claiborne graded out high for a reason. Carr got paid 50 million for a reason. Scandrick is a nice 3rd CB. I like Sterling Moore but I think Phillips or Patmon will take the 4rth spot.

Safety- personally I would like to see the best two athletes back there. I think though Church will start. Hopefully on passing downs they get the best cover guys out there.

Special teams- should be fine

Basically I love this team. I think we have a brutal schedule but who knows. If the offense fails it will be because of the QB or the guy calling the plays. Defensively- I trust Marinelli will do the right thing. I think with health they could be a top 15 unit.

Thank you

Page 2 of this topic and we have 2 actual football responses


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Jul 18, 2013
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Now I was just going this yr. I just think you are going to get the best out of some of these so called average players because they are FAs. I think the scouting department nailed some of the UDFAs as well.


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Now I was just going this yr. I just think you are going to get the best out of some of these so called average players because they are FAs. I think the scouting department nailed some of the UDFAs as well.

oh no

actually what I was going for .... Jerry is gonna stay in place... thats not changing so really not debatable

I didnt say if someone bought the team......

My question is go from here ... where we are now .... with enough common sense to know what wont change ( Jerry and Stephen )


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Aug 9, 2013
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So for clarification, we're talking about how you get the most out of the current group of guys this season?


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So for clarification, we're talking about how you get the most out of the current group of guys this season?

No this season is pretty much sealed ..... Not really much you can do with the cap or current roster ....
Not going to pick up a superstar

I mean going forward ...

No crazy bullshit never going to happen situations ( fire Jerry)
No cut a player we cant afford to cut

Who do we release .... and how do we build onto what we have

R.J. MacReady

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Oct 15, 2013
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Work on picking up the blitz. How many big downs were foiled because of pressure on Romo. It's like there is no plan at all for it.

We have zero pressure on opposing QB's. We need to start blitzing a bit more but don't get crazy. It's worth it to get burnt on a play or 2 to knock the QB around. Speed up his clock.

Is it me or did we give up on the deep ball? Let Romo air it out a few more times a game ...let the corners get jumpy about getting burnt and you will get some room underneath.

Get the balance going between run and pass and mix it up. I get the feeling opposing team know exactly when we are going to run or pass in certain situations.
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Otis B. Driftwood

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Thought that was the most interesting question I saw posted today...... someone was asked how they would do it ...... Also noticed it was an avoided question.

I thought it would be an awesome topic .....

No going back in the past .....

AS IS RIGHT NOW ... Draft over .... Fix the Cowboys


Always a great topic... here's my $.02.

  1. I am not in the "Fire Jerry" fan club. Hire good football people to give him good input. Talk to Ron Wolf - see who the "up-and-comers" are. That dude knows his shit.
  2. Focus on the draft. This team only got better the last time when smart football people (re: Jimmy) made good personnel decisions. Don't draft dumb football players.
  3. It ain't gonna get fixed overnight. Don't pretend it will.
  4. Every draft should have at least one offensive lineman and one defensive lineman in it. No exceptions. Teams are built from the line back. You cannot get old there.
  5. Drafting a QB to groom for the future is tantamount. Doesn't have to be in the first day or second day.
  6. We can never, NEVER have 2008/2009 happen again.

I'm sure I could come up with some other stuff... but those are the items I believe are important. Jerry's not going anywhere. So - put good people around him. He may become the football guy he wants to be.


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Aug 9, 2013
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Ya' know, as much as it may kill some people, JG may need to stay as long as Romo does. Knowing that Romo isn't leaving soon, and their defense isn't stellar, would suggest to me that they may be best off with stability. If they head in another direction come 2015 as some are hoping, I'd fear that they're setting some guy up for failure, and he'll only last 3 seasons anyway, possibly 2.

Oddly enough, the best thing they may have going right now is that O-line. Lock up Smith to try and help keep it that way for a while. Fredericks may earn himself a new deal too, but I'll put that in the wait and see drawer. I wouldn't mind keeping Dez, but not for Megatron money. I wouldn't mind keeping Murray too, but again, I'm looking for a bargain. No way I'm blowing up my cap thanks to a WR and a RB. Let Witten play out his contract, tell him thanks for everything, and move on. Don't give the old guy big money, no matter how much we like him. If Im not mistaken, they have to hope Romo is their guy through 2018 thanks to that contract, so that's that. I think they should be willing to draft a successor in 2017 if the opportunity presents itself, but the bottom-line is that he's sticking around for a while.

Defensively... shit. It feels like they'll probably need a complete overhaul, unless we get lucky and 2-3 guys step up and then stick around. I think Rod isn't too shabby, so hopefully a couple more drafts will give him enough to work with. With that said, I can't sit here and pretend there's a guy on that side of the ball I'm desperate to see them keep. I really like Lee, but it's looking like being a pro just isn't going to work out for that poor guy. As generic as this is, right now, I'd say continuity and good drafting is vital to repairing that side of the ball over the next 3-4 seasons.

No magic fixes really. I think they just need to be smart. No more huge deals for mediocre or bad play. Trust the scouts, and if they suck, get new ones because building via the draft is vital. Finally, continuity, because rotating coaches and schemes isn't going to work any better.

Pretty generic?


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Jul 7, 2013
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Always a great topic... here's my $.02.

  1. I am not in the "Fire Jerry" fan club. Hire good football people to give him good input. Talk to Ron Wolf - see who the "up-and-comers" are. That dude knows his shit.
  2. Focus on the draft. This team only got better the last time when smart football people (re: Jimmy) made good personnel decisions. Don't draft dumb football players.
  3. It ain't gonna get fixed overnight. Don't pretend it will.
  4. Every draft should have at least one offensive lineman and one defensive lineman in it. No exceptions. Teams are built from the line back. You cannot get old there.
  5. Drafting a QB to groom for the future is tantamount. Doesn't have to be in the first day or second day.
  6. We can never, NEVER have 2008/2009 happen again.

I'm sure I could come up with some other stuff... but those are the items I believe are important. Jerry's not going anywhere. So - put good people around him. He may become the football guy he wants to be.

Change your profile pic to a female ..... I think Im in love :lol:


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Jul 18, 2013
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I have tried to but I just cant look forward. I know this has been debated before about our cap situation. Its easy to say resign this one, cut that one, etc. What if Dez or Murray has a bad injury this season??? The lines to me are the most important thing besides QB. Our future QB is likely a FR in college right now, or maybe even a Sr in high school. Our Oline has 3 1st rounders invested in it. I think you keep that plan and continue to grab one in the top 2 or 3 rounds every yr. I think as the pass heavy offenses are continuing to grow, the need for Superstar caliber skilled position players isnt as important. See GB, NE, Saints . Sure they are nice to have and yes I would resign Dez but Murray is a different story. I wouldnt overpay him. To me the pickup of Williams was genius.

Its hard not to say defense is the most important thing right now with Seattle and SF arguably the 2 best teams. I think we have 2 really good building blocks on the DLine with Lawrence and Crawford. DBs - If 24 doesnt show up this yr he has to go. I think you have to have 4 CBs that can play - and not be scared shitless when a certain one is out there- BYE BYE BW . Safeties - 3rd round pick in Wilcox - I liked what I saw last yr and think he will grow and become a good football player. The other Safety position has to be addressed. You cant have great players at every position but what you can have is athletes and athletes make plays. The days of the big hitter back there are over. The LB corp will be led by Lee again some day. I think you need leaders on that side of the ball. Church to me is more like what yall use to call Brady James. I will take the Keith Brooking type. Interesting draft note= I think all of our draft picks were team captains.

Finally coaching- I think you need consistency and constants. These players didnt all graduate from Vanderbilt or Stanford. The swapping of coordinators every other yr or every yr gets confusing.


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It's the cigar.

Everyone digs the cigar.

nah .... it was drafting lineman that hooked me

Im old school ... care shit about fantasy football or superstars

The Lines make the team ..... get those ... and build around them

Otis B. Driftwood

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nah .... it was drafting lineman that hooked me

Im old school ... care shit about fantasy football or superstars

The Lines make the team ..... get those ... and build around them

The good news for us - at least they're fixing the O-Line. Wish I could be as optimistic about the D-Line.


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The good news for us - at least they're fixing the O-Line. Wish I could be as optimistic about the D-Line.

agree .... I am all in on the O-line and the direction it is going
Actually to the extent I have faith in our team this year .... Not superbowl faith ... but faith ... ( I dont think we have the defense of what should be a playoff winning team)

When I think good news .... Here is what I'm thinking

Romo is eventually going to be replaced .... Thats just fact .... When is the question

We now have the potential to have a top 5 ( up or down rank them how you want) O-line.
Past drafts ... we have OFC Dez... Williams for a rookie (held out of games trying to get Austin going) came on real good last year.
Alot of people dont like the Escobar pick ..... He smells of what an NFL tight End is now days .... Could say mold of TG ... but Graham is a better comparison .... ( not saying he is Graham) just same match up nightmare with his size and jump ability

When the Next guy steps in ...... He will have every weapon that even Luck wishes he had his rookie year ...... and a Line to protect

IF we manage our cap right and keep this line together
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Otis B. Driftwood

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agree .... I am all in on the O-line and the direction it is going
Actually to the extent I have faith in our team this year .... Not superbowl faith ... but faith ... ( I dont think we have the defense of what should be a playoff winning team)

When I think good news .... Here is what I'm thinking

Romo is eventually going to be replaced .... Thats just fact .... When is the question


IF we manage our cap right and keep this line together

As long as we keep drafting good players... the cap will take care of itself. Just gotta stop pushing dead money down the road. If Romo stays healthy, we have to get at least three good years out of that contract. Anything less and we're screwed with the cap.


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As long as we keep drafting good players... the cap will take care of itself. Just gotta stop pushing dead money down the road. If Romo stays healthy, we have to get at least three good years out of that contract. Anything less and we're screwed with the cap.

Id say two good years ....

Actually I'd settle for two years of just paying him ... without a restructure ...... and then I'd ride him as long as it took me to build a defense ( aka Elway and the Broncos ..... Damn I'm getting old )


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
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This would have been so much easier to answer two years ago but since we can't go back I think our only option at the moment is concentrate on the D these next two drafts. No I'm not saying completely forget about the O but the pieces are there where it should be amongst to best in the league for the near future, but the defense is one big question mark. There is no quick fix right now.


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This would have been so much easier to answer two years ago but since we can't go back I think our only option at the moment is concentrate on the D these next two drafts. No I'm not saying completely forget about the O but the pieces are there where it should be amongst to best in the league for the near future, but the defense is one big question mark. There is no quick fix right now.

exactly .... no quick fix

People are gonna be pissed at this ..... But let's say we goto the playoffs ... even win one......

Sure anything can happen if you get in ..... and you can ride that horseshoe.......

It's not a solid team ..... not one that last for years

There are players we can release next year ...... Two huge contracts on the border .... and right many free agents after this year

I was just looking for who to resign / release/ what positions to draft .... going forward