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Evan Mathis?


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Apr 23, 2013
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I have to say this about Chip, He wants to show these "men" HE is the boss no if ands or buts about it. Do it his way or get out. Look at the trades and cuts he has made. I swear he is even telling the FO to F-off he is doing it his way. After saying that i think there is something else going on here, Mathis if he was so good would have been picked up in a heart beat. There is or has to be info out there that we are not privy to regarding Mathis.

I think teams are a little worried about Mathis's injury, the money that he wants despite his age and his attitude. Chip got tired of his act and once Howie Rosemen got pushed out of being GM, that gave Chip the green light to to give Mathis one more chance or be gone. Chip seems like he's a no nonsense guy, but he needs to realize that not all probowl players will see eye to eye with him.


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Jul 2, 2013
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Would Mathis even be a good fit for a zone blocking scheme? From what I understand (and it isn't a lot) Tom Cable has a fairly unique blocking scheme.


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Jul 17, 2013
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Would Mathis even be a good fit for a zone blocking scheme? From what I understand (and it isn't a lot) Tom Cable has a fairly unique blocking scheme.

Athleticism is the biggest key to a good ZBS type OL player and Mathis is probably one of the best in the league when it comes to athleticism. Chip runs a lot of ZBS so I don't think he would have any trouble going to a team like yours or mine. The issues seem to be attitude, money, and injury at this point. Those are 3 of the bigger red flags though for a player of Mathis' age so I can see why teams so far have stayed away. It does look like though here pretty soon one of Indy, Miami, KC, and San Fran. Those seem to be the teams mentioned the most often when it comes to Mathis. KC as I said earlier will be tough to figure out Cap side of it so hard time seeing them make it work. The other 3 all have about the same Cap Space so I would say those 3 have a better chance of landing him. Colts and Dolphins seem a bit more All-In this year than San Fran so to me those two teams if I were to narrow it down are the leaders in signing Mathis.


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Apr 17, 2013
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Moffitt's unretiring...


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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IMO Mathis would actually be smart to sign here for $3-4M. Yah he'll get less money than with the Eagles but teams rarely spend big in FA after the draft and Mathis will prob. have big success in Seattle and then sucker some team into overpaying for him.

Honestly end of day I kind of liked the move by Chip Kelly. The ultimate loser in this is Mathis. He's prob (at 34 years of age) not gonna get the money he would've in Philly and just wastes another year. Nobody is going to give him a massive contract, it'll most likely be a 1 year prove it deal, but he's 35 by next season. Kind of a giant middle finger to players who constantly bitch about their contract.

The correct move was for Philly to just ignore it, so it's still a D- grade in my book, but I gotta give them an A+ for completely trolling an NFL player.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
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IMO Mathis would actually be smart to sign here for $3-4M. Yah he'll get less money than with the Eagles but teams rarely spend big in FA after the draft and Mathis will prob. have big success in Seattle and then sucker some team into overpaying for him.

Honestly end of day I kind of liked the move by Chip Kelly. The ultimate loser in this is Mathis. He's prob (at 34 years of age) not gonna get the money he would've in Philly and just wastes another year. Nobody is going to give him a massive contract, it'll most likely be a 1 year prove it deal, but he's 35 by next season. Kind of a giant middle finger to players who constantly bitch about their contract.

The correct move was for Philly to just ignore it, so it's still a D- grade in my book, but I gotta give them an A+ for completely trolling an NFL player.

Ultimate loser in this deal is Bradford. He's probably wondering who's going to block for him.