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Evan Mathis?


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Apr 23, 2013
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He will probably that the largest contract offered, thing is I doubt he gets all that large of a contract. He won't be out of work long. I guess he may sign with SF so he can announce his retirement.

That could happen but we all know it depends on the signing bonus.


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At this point where all teams have right now doing OTAs preparing for training camp having their young guys compete for starting spots there isnt much of a chance that he could get anymore than a 1 year deal. if this was the beginning of free agency and teams had cap it would be a different story. Honestly if he wants a shot a getting a good deal he should play for a contending team and get some spot light because marshawn lynch will have a pro bowl year and most likely send him to the pro bowl now he has something to work with heading into next offseason. If he goes to a sorry team and they finish 6 wins or lower his career will probably be over.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Guys, wake up.
My guess is this guy is not what you think he is.
Why would Philly cut him instead of trading him for anything, even a 7th? His cap hit is quite small considering some of you think he is worth 8 million.
Ain't gonna happen. We will not pursue this guy unless for camp competition.

Rumor is he's an asshole and a few Eagles players have expressed that. On the flip side Mathis is a work horse, but Rosenhouse has put a bug in his ear to demand a raise and missing OTA's has Chipper pissed off. Word was Mathis was going to be back next week but Chipper didn't care, so he got cut. Chipper also claims there weren't any takers for a trade, but I doubt he's telling the truth. Mathis would be a solid upgrade on our line, but not at the money he's looking for. Price could come way down if he can't find work.


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
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It would be nice to have Mathis on the line, but he was hell bent on that pay raise. Someone will pay for him.

I remember many years ago, asking for a raise when I was not happy with my job. Money would help but the real issues was I did not like my boss.
Could be Mathis is not fond of Chip and the Eagles situation? Did not take much to get canned for a pro-bowl player.....


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I remember many years ago, asking for a raise when I was not happy with my job. Money would help but the real issues was I did not like my boss.
Could be Mathis is not fond of Chip and the Eagles situation? Did not take much to get canned for a pro-bowl player.....
Naa, he just been reading to many news clipping saying he's great. Reality is about to slap him in the face, just like it did with Crabtree.


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
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Naa, he just been reading to many news clipping saying he's great. Reality is about to slap him in the face, just like it did with Crabtree.

He'd be a great rent-a-pro fit if he could get excited about a Superbowl run.....


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Profootball focus has him rated as the second best guard in the NFL.
I venture his coaches think otherwise and would label him a malcontent, which is akin to a cancer. Got cut that cancer out.
Philly had no takers in a trade.
So there.


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Apr 23, 2013
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I remember many years ago, asking for a raise when I was not happy with my job. Money would help but the real issues was I did not like my boss.
Could be Mathis is not fond of Chip and the Eagles situation? Did not take much to get canned for a pro-bowl player.....

This has been a 2yr battle between the two. Mathis was offered a 1 mil raise by Howie Rosemen last season but turned it down. This yr he wanted to take that mil pay raise but Chipper took it off the table and that really completed the downward spiral. Two major egos butted heads and nobody came out smelling like roses.


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Apr 23, 2013
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I venture his coaches think otherwise and would label him a malcontent, which is akin to a cancer. Got cut that cancer out.
Philly had no takers in a trade.
So there.

Even with Mathis in trade talks, the Eagles didn't have enough amo to move up to the first or second spot. Chipper says there weren't any takers, but I think he only wanted to trade Mathis to TB or Tenn for a chance to get Mariotta.


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Even with Mathis in trade talks, the Eagles didn't have enough amo to move up to the first or second spot. Chipper says there weren't any takers, but I think he only wanted to trade Mathis to TB or Tenn for a chance to get Mariotta.
Why in the world would he only except that? Rather then get what he could for Mathis in a trade? Even the Colts cut Peyton Manning rather then waste there time trying to trade him. If a player is getting top dollar no team is willing to take that on plus add draft picks or other assets usually. I feel the Seahawks really made out trading Unger for some value, considering his salary and health issues.


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Jul 17, 2013
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My prediction on this is he lands with KC and reunites with Andy Reid.

I don't see how it is even possible. The Chiefs have the least cap space of any team in the league right now. They would have to cut some decent money to even think about signing him plus then risk that next year when needing to sign some big name guys like Houston that it will be even a harder issue than for this season.

I also don't see Mathis wanting to take a pay cut to go to a winner as he was already on a winning team in Philly. He is wanting his money so unless some team is willing to sacrifice some in the future such as giving him a huge signing bonus so he has a small cap hit this year and big one next year I just don't see this happening. Honestly would love for the Broncos to sign him but Cap is just too much with the players we still need to sign this year and next.


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Apr 23, 2013
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I don't see how it is even possible. The Chiefs have the least cap space of any team in the league right now. They would have to cut some decent money to even think about signing him plus then risk that next year when needing to sign some big name guys like Houston that it will be even a harder issue than for this season.

I also don't see Mathis wanting to take a pay cut to go to a winner as he was already on a winning team in Philly. He is wanting his money so unless some team is willing to sacrifice some in the future such as giving him a huge signing bonus so he has a small cap hit this year and big one next year I just don't see this happening. Honestly would love for the Broncos to sign him but Cap is just too much with the players we still need to sign this year and next.

I didn't know about KC's cap space was that bad just figured he would want to reunite with Reid if it was possible. I think when camp opens he'll take a 1yr deal cause he's not going to get what he wants money wise until next yrs FA.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Why in the world would he only except that? Rather then get what he could for Mathis in a trade? Even the Colts cut Peyton Manning rather then waste there time trying to trade him. If a player is getting top dollar no team is willing to take that on plus add draft picks or other assets usually. I feel the Seahawks really made out trading Unger for some value, considering his salary and health issues.

Cause Chipper's ego is larger then the Space Needle. I think he believes GM's will bow down to his demands but that kind of back fired when the draft started.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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Cause Chipper's ego is larger then the Space Needle. I think he believes GM's will bow down to his demands but that kind of back fired when the draft started.


Mathis has a big ego too, I'm sure. But Chip has shown over and over that his is not to be challenged.


LOL at 42-13, 29-3, 19-3
Nov 20, 2012
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We don't have the cap space for this.


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Mathis has a big ego too, I'm sure. But Chip has shown over and over that his is not to be challenged.

Very true. Only time will tell wether Chipper's moves pay off or he's back in college in a couple of years.


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Apr 22, 2013
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I have to say this about Chip, He wants to show these "men" HE is the boss no if ands or buts about it. Do it his way or get out. Look at the trades and cuts he has made. I swear he is even telling the FO to F-off he is doing it his way. After saying that i think there is something else going on here, Mathis if he was so good would have been picked up in a heart beat. There is or has to be info out there that we are not privy to regarding Mathis.


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
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I have to say this about Chip, He wants to show these "men" HE is the boss no if ands or buts about it. Do it his way or get out. Look at the trades and cuts he has made. I swear he is even telling the FO to F-off he is doing it his way. After saying that i think there is something else going on here, Mathis if he was so good would have been picked up in a heart beat. There is or has to be info out there that we are not privy to regarding Mathis.

He is coming off a season ending knee injury, so there are/should be concerns about his knee.

As for Chip - it does seem to be that unless you tow the company line, you're gone. Star player or not (i.e. DeSean Jackson), they'll cut you - and they don't necessarily look for trade partners to do it.