the tiger game is on here now
Downtown London off the QE freeway thing or whatever it is called.... now I see.... East of the border there.
the tiger game is on here now
No VMart and Miggy goes 0-4 2K's yet they scored 5 and had 11 hits. Nice showing boys. Leaving KC heading for home picking up at least 1 and maybe a sweep... GO TIGERS!!!
Did I say Mike Thomas?Thanks Gandy!D'You find him yet Bums?
Downtown London off the QE freeway thing or whatever it is called.... now I see.... East of the border there.
River is vice? Ah, makes sense why so many ppl dont care for his posts. This is the same guy that said fisters low ERA when trading for him wasnt that good then turned around and said that the bullpen would be better than last years even though all of those guys career ERAS minus nathans were about two points higher than fisters. Kind of makes you lose credibility, then finding out you are vice, that doesnt help. You are a nice guy, just cant admit when you are wrong (which is often when it comes to tigers because you are a slight homer).