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College Athlete Compensation

Shouel they get paid?

  • NO. Free education is enough

    Votes: 11 52.4%
  • Have a bake sale

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • Give them a small stipend

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • Pay them! They are the ones bringing the school money.

    Votes: 3 14.3%

  • Total voters


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Jul 2, 2013
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They get a similiar thing to what the army gives.

You can get housing money if you live outside the dorm, like if you have a family and stuff.

And they can still get student loans and grants if they qualify.

It's how they have all these cars and stuff.

Football Players Receive $17,000 Annually in Cash, all within NCAA Rules « HolyTurf

I read that article a few months ago and verified it with a friend of mine who worked in the marketing dept at UT and he said all of that is the truth. He doesn't understand why more athletes do not take advantage of this.


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Jul 12, 2013
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Adrian Peterson of Minnesota Vikings says college athletes should be paid - ESPN

"Nobody wants to live in the dorms for four years. You see the guys who are older, and they have responsibilities. I feel like, as much money as universities make, some of that should come down to the players, as well." - Adrian Peterson

Nobody wants to live in the dorms for free for four years? What do they deserve then Adrian? Some fucking castle? Shit I had to take out $10,000+ a year in loans to pay for my student housing. I would have given an arm and a leg to have that shit paid for in exchange for playing football.

I suspect AP sold more tickets and merchandise than you presumably would have.


who gives a fuck
Jun 13, 2010
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I assume you mean AD. Which is his nickname. has been since college.


May 1, 2013
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College players being paid to play? If that is the case, give the scholarships to real students who deserve it.
Agreed, but if we're going to pay them, then they should be obliged to gradutate in the 4 year time span. No leaving early.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
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Agreed, but if we're going to pay them, then they should be obliged to gradutate in the 4 year time span. No leaving early.




Sep 10, 2013
Madison, Wisconsin
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Every time I hear someone say the "right's" of student-athlete's I cringe Why do you not want to live in the dorms? I had to for the first 2 years of my college experience, I survived it. I had to eat University food, not all of it was good, but I survived. Pro athletes aren't great decision makers with their money, and major Universities/the NCAA are just suppose pay these student-athletes and hope for the best?


Modern Major General
Jul 7, 2013
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The more I think about this, I have come to this conclusion.

Colleges shouldn't pay their athletes.

But the rules for athletes earning their own money need to disappear.

If the local Papa John's wants to pay Joe Quarterback money to endorse his restaurant, let them.
If the local used car lot wants to use Steve Defensivend in one of thier commercials, let them.
If the Duncan Donuts wants to give Robert Slamdunk free donuts when he eats there, let them.
If the Girls Volleyball team wants to sell calendars with them in it, let them.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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The more I think about this, I have come to this conclusion.

Colleges shouldn't pay their athletes.

But the rules for athletes earning their own money need to disappear.

If the local Papa John's wants to pay Joe Quarterback money to endorse his restaurant, let them.
If the local used car lot wants to use Steve Defensivend in one of thier commercials, let them.
If the Duncan Donuts wants to give Robert Slamdunk free donuts when he eats there, let them.
If the Girls Volleyball team wants to sell calendars with them in it, let them.

Not sure if I agree about the first 3. But that last one needs to happen.


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Apr 17, 2013
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If I want to watch athletes being paid - I will watch the pros. This whole argument is ridiculous. AP is now a mult-imillionaire because of what college did for him.

I was a scholarship athlete for 4 years, and I cannot support college players getting paid. Coming out of high school at age 17 or 18 you are offered:

* Free room and board for 4 years;
* Free education for a lifetime;
* Free coaching;
* Free tutors;
* Free food if you eat what is provided;
* Free training in world class facilities;
* Free PR time every week where the world gets to know your name;
* A chance to play the sport you love;
* An opportunity to become rich and famous. Every week you are given the chance of a free interview with pro scouts who may recommend that you be paid millions to keep playing after college.

You know how many kids out of college will gladly accept internships where they will not be paid - just to have the chance to earn a good job down the road? These athletes are being given that same opportunity, with unbelievable benefits that nobody else gets. :bawling:. Cry me a fucking river.


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If I want to watch athletes being paid - I will watch the pros. This whole argument is ridiculous. AP is now a mult-imillionaire because of what college did for him.

I was a scholarship athlete for 4 years, and I cannot support college players getting paid. Coming out of high school at age 17 or 18 you are offered:

* Free room and board for 4 years;
* Free education for a lifetime;
* Free coaching;
* Free tutors;
* Free food if you eat what is provided;
* Free training in world class facilities;
* Free PR time every week where the world gets to know your name;
* A chance to play the sport you love;
* An opportunity to become rich and famous. Every week you are given the chance of a free interview with pro scouts who may recommend that you be paid millions to keep playing after college.

You know how many kids out of college will gladly accept internships where they will not be paid - just to have the chance to earn a good job down the road? These athletes are being given that same opportunity, with unbelievable benefits that nobody else gets. :bawling:. Cry me a fucking river.

End/Thread :clap:


On Wisconsin
Aug 31, 2011
London, UK
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Every time I hear someone say the "right's" of student-athlete's I cringe Why do you not want to live in the dorms? I had to for the first 2 years of my college experience, I survived it. I had to eat University food, not all of it was good, but I survived. Pro athletes aren't great decision makers with their money, and major Universities/the NCAA are just suppose pay these student-athletes and hope for the best?
There are plenty of reasons not to live in the dorms. But having to live in the dorms for 4 years as an athlete is no different from every other student who can only afford to live in the dorms.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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If I want to watch athletes being paid - I will watch the pros. This whole argument is ridiculous. AP is now a mult-imillionaire because of what college did for him.

I was a scholarship athlete for 4 years, and I cannot support college players getting paid. Coming out of high school at age 17 or 18 you are offered:

* Free room and board for 4 years;
* Free education for a lifetime;
* Free coaching;
* Free tutors;
* Free food if you eat what is provided;
* Free training in world class facilities;
* Free PR time every week where the world gets to know your name;
* A chance to play the sport you love;
* An opportunity to become rich and famous. Every week you are given the chance of a free interview with pro scouts who may recommend that you be paid millions to keep playing after college.

You know how many kids out of college will gladly accept internships where they will not be paid - just to have the chance to earn a good job down the road? These athletes are being given that same opportunity, with unbelievable benefits that nobody else gets. :bawling:. Cry me a fucking river.

Yep, such a hard life! These greedy fucks, they should just hand them a ticket to the NFL as well.


Aug 14, 2011
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I fucking hate unappreciative people. I know guys that would give both nuts for a 4 year scholarship to ANY college.


Huskers 24/7 365
Apr 16, 2013
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My only question is why don't we pay students that work under Muli-Million dollar research projects and give them their share of the pie?


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Jul 23, 2013
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Im a bit indifferent about this.

If athletes are paid, how will pay be determined? Pay scales? If so, based on what? Class? Percentage of team production?

Does the guy riding the bench get the same as the starter? If the starter goes down and the bench guy outperforms in his place, does his pay go up? Does the starter still get paid of he/she is out for the season?

Do they just get paid for gameday or training too?


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Jul 22, 2013
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When this stuff first started up one of the players was saying how much rules and restrictions are placed on them. Curfews, not talking to media, what to eat, list goes on and on.

Like I said in other posts nick Saban or Bob stoops would turn away real quick if they weren't getting multi million deals. Hell if You Paid the coaches and assistants and athletic directors all a substantial lesser amount I'm sure that could go along way to paying the players.

Nick Saban makes over 4 million a year. Let's cut that to 500 thousand and distribute it to athletics


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
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When this stuff first started up one of the players was saying how much rules and restrictions are placed on them. Curfews, not talking to media, what to eat, list goes on and on.

Like I said in other posts nick Saban or Bob stoops would turn away real quick if they weren't getting multi million deals. Hell if You Paid the coaches and assistants and athletic directors all a substantial lesser amount I'm sure that could go along way to paying the players.

Nick Saban makes over 4 million a year. Let's cut that to 500 thousand and distribute it to athletics

Nick Saban makes 7 million a year and it has been proven that he brings in millions more to the athletic department going well beyond his salary.

Cutting the salary down to $500,000 so that he would quit would equal less money for the athletics department, not more.

And that goes not only in money, but other areas of the university as well that people like to pretend get no benefit due to sports.

Why Nick Saban Is Worth $7 Million Per Year - Forbes

Higher quality students due to more people wanting to go to the school.

In 2007, Alabama had an acceptance rate of 77%. Today, rivals like Auburn and LSU are still at that near-80% rate; Alabama now accepts just 53% of applicants.
Way more money coming into the school.

Shortly after Nick Saban took over in Alabama in 2007, FORBES published its second ever list of college football’s most valuable teams; Alabama, then worth $72 million, ranked ninth overall and sixth within the SEC. The team generated $32 million in profit that season. In last year’s team valuations, Alabama was worth $95 million, good for sixth in all of college football and third among SEC teams. That 32% growth in value was only outpaced by Texas, Michigan and LSU.
From 9th overall to 2nd overall. A growth in worth of 23 million.

For the 2012-13 football season, the most recent for which financial data is available, Alabama reported football revenue of $89 million, second only to Texas. The $50 million or so in football profit not only supported non-revenue sports like golf and gymnastics, but it also helped Alabama’s athletic department end the year $34 million in the black. While many athletic departments have to take loans from their parent universities just to break even, Alabama’s athletic department sends money the other way. Last year it contributed around $6.5 million to the university to provide for faculty support and non-athletic scholarships. Only Notre Dame and Florida contributed more to academics last year.
Did you see that? The athetlic department generated so much revenue that not only was the atheltic department able to pay for all it's programs(a good bit of which are championship caliber programs), it also gave money back to the university for academics.

Oh, and if you scroll on down the page, you'll see a similar article about Mack Brown and what he did for Texas.

Like it or not, no 4 years student on the team itself doing anything close to these things. Alabama has had tons of high quality players who's jerseys get bought over the years before Saban, and so have other teams.

The Crimson King

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Nick Saban makes 7 million a year and it has been proven that he brings in millions more to the athletic department going well beyond his salary.

Cutting the salary down to $500,000 so that he would quit would equal less money for the athletics department, not more.

And that goes not only in money, but other areas of the university as well that people like to pretend get no benefit due to sports.

Why Nick Saban Is Worth $7 Million Per Year - Forbes

Higher quality students due to more people wanting to go to the school.

Way more money coming into the school.

From 9th overall to 2nd overall. A growth in worth of 23 million.

Did you see that? The athetlic department generated so much revenue that not only was the atheltic department able to pay for all it's programs(a good bit of which are championship caliber programs), it also gave money back to the university for academics.

Oh, and if you scroll on down the page, you'll see a similar article about Mack Brown and what he did for Texas.

Like it or not, no 4 years student on the team itself doing anything close to these things. Alabama has had tons of high quality players who's jerseys get bought over the years before Saban, and so have other teams.

You seriously think "higher quality students" are wanting to go to Alabama because of the football team :lol:

It's more dumbasses that belong at UNA, UAH or West Alabama applying to UAT these days