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Game Thread: CFP SEMIFINAL: Clemson (13-0) vs Ohio State (13-0) 8pm ET ESPN

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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I personally disagree with targeting calls as a whole. I think football is football, and most are incidental and it's absurd to eject a player for it. That said, by the rulebook, that was targeting, and there's a reason everyone is saying it. The catch/no catch was a really close call. It was nearly instantaneous because of Okudah's great play. I didn't think there was possession, and it really didn't affect anything, because Ohio State scored because of the good field position any way. After Clemson woke up, they outscored the Buckeyes 29-7, and those didn't affect that. But it sounds like really sore apples when all you do is complain instead of saying good game. It was a good physical game and a lot of players on both sides got really beat up. Ohio State is a hell of a team and is extremely young. They played really hard (harder than I ever saw a Meyer team play). They deserved all the hype. They'll be back next year.
Take it how you want, but OSU was the better team overall. They largely dominated the game, but that call changed the entire shape of the game. It was a clean hit that was only made helmet to helmet by Lawrence ducking his head down when Wade was already going for the tackle. That took a 4th and long with OSU getting the ball to Clemson having the ball nearly in the redzone while also taking away one of our best defensive players. It changed the outcome of the game, which is what refs are absolutely never to do.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Nope. Not required. But we've seen worse hits let go. Lawrence stays upright he hits him in his chest. Not really debatable.

Hitting him anywhere on the body with his helmet could be penalized. Doesn't have to be to the head.

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
Hoopla Cash
$ 24,656.63
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because a play is dead when the runners forward progress is stopped. That is why they mark WRs at the spot of forward progress, not where they end up after
So when would they have blown it dead? Before the ball came out? Because in that case, it would've been ruled a completed pass. There's no logic there.

The Oldtimer

Older than dirt!!
Jun 30, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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You, of all people, asking me why I care because your comment wasnt directed at me, is beyond the pale. You are the undisputed king of butting your head into an exchange between others to play coy with some dumbshit question, usually followed up with that stupid fucking head-scratching emoji. Piss off you worthless sack of cat shit
LOL, okay I get that you have been drinking and are mad because Ohio State loss. Here I will really get you piss!!!! :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2018
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Hoopla Cash
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actually seen reversals on forward progress stopped with replays. Replay is mostly good, but it is still a double edged sword. I don’t think it really applies, because live I didn’t think it was a catch. I am just pointing out with replay you can come up with a lot of things you would not even think of watching it live
You've seen forward proress reviewed on where to spot the ball. Not if it was a fumble or not. I'll listen again, but didn't the official call it an incomplete pass? Fairly certain he did. Had nothing to do with forward progress.

If he had and he was allowed to reverse it for that, I could understand it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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LOL, okay I get that you have been drinking and are mad because Ohio State loss. Here I will really get you piss!!!! :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:

Lol i havent had a drop of anything, save for some iced tea an hour or ago.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Not to be an asshole, but I have been quoted as saying referees decide at least half of the close football games in college and the nfl. The referees were the difference in this game.

The referees also blew the football into the uprights NOT ONCE, BUT TWICE in last year's Bears playoff game.

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
Hoopla Cash
$ 24,656.63
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“We only lost the game because of the refs”

Always someone else’s fault, never your own
Here's the difference: If instant replay existed back then, OSU would've won the game in regulation instead of needing to go to OT at all.

That call tonight literally changed the entire complexion of the game and gave Clemson life with great field position on a drive where OSU earned the 4th down and very long punt.

Again, very different circumstances.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Take it how you want, but OSU was the better team overall. They largely dominated the game, but that call changed the entire shape of the game. It was a clean hit that was only made helmet to helmet by Lawrence ducking his head down when Wade was already going for the tackle. That took a 4th and long with OSU getting the ball to Clemson having the ball nearly in the redzone while also taking away one of our best defensive players. It changed the outcome of the game, which is what refs are absolutely never to do.

OSU did not dominate the game in the Red Zone. They were utterly pathetic.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2016
Hoopla Cash
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Take it how you want, but OSU was the better team overall. They largely dominated the game, but that call changed the entire shape of the game. It was a clean hit that was only made helmet to helmet by Lawrence ducking his head down when Wade was already going for the tackle. That took a 4th and long with OSU getting the ball to Clemson having the ball nearly in the redzone while also taking away one of our best defensive players. It changed the outcome of the game, which is what refs are absolutely never to do.

That 29-7 statistic says you're wrong. As does the final score, despite Clemson's top wide receiver missing half the game and their second best receiver playing hurt. You're making yourself and your team look bad. I know you were anointing yourself the greatest team ever a few weeks ago, but just take the L with grace. And the call was right. You've admitted the rule is wrong, which I agree with, but the rule is the rule and the ref just called it because it was a very dangerous play.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Here's the difference: If instant replay existed back then, OSU would've won the game in regulation instead of needing to go to OT at all.

That call tonight literally changed the entire complexion of the game and gave Clemson life with great field position on a drive where OSU earned the 4th down and very long punt.

Again, very different circumstances.

Then thankfully we have replay, so that the right call was made.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2017
In the here and now
Hoopla Cash
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Weren't you guys beating us by 14 at halftime a few weeks ago? How'd that go?

Yes, and you and OSU should be embarrassed for letting a bunch of farmers man handle THE OSU. At least the UW players will leave school educated. For having all blue chip players heading for the NFL OSU shits the bed more often then naught when they play against other football factory schools.

The Oldtimer

Older than dirt!!
Jun 30, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Lol i havent had a drop of anything, save for some iced tea an hour or ago.
Then why do you sound like such a sore loser? The Buckeyes played a great game and have nothing to be sorry about.


Game of Thoops!
Nov 30, 2018
Hoopla Cash
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Another bit of OSU futility to report.
