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Can Hassan Whiteside Be An All Star Next Season?

Is Whiteside All Star Material?

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So half the league and their scouts pass up on him, he ends up playing abroad or in the D-League for most of his career, he ends up playing half a season for the Heat and now he's an all-star because he has a handful of half decent games?

Right... that's not homerism talking...

It's not like its never happened before with guys like him. Anthony Mason bounced around leagues to start out with before finally catching on in the league and made an all star team as well.


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Apr 17, 2013
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Hassan Whiteside might have come up short for the NBA’s Most Improved Player Award last season, finishing fourth while Chicago’s Jimmy Butler won the honor.

Today we learn he was indeed the most improved player in the video game world.

From D-League to 20-20 machine, Whiteside’s overall rating in NBA2k15 improved by a gargantuan 22 points from a 59 to an 81 overall over the course of the season, according to Sporting News.

The man just wanted to get his 2k rating up. Mission accomplished.


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So far, looking pretty damn good.


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Apr 16, 2013
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I think we can confirm that he is not some fluke/one hit wonder


Depressed Sports Fan
Jul 21, 2013
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Damn it Kings.


Nov 11, 2013
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Didn't realize Whiteside was in the last year of his contract and that the Heat have no bird rights on him.

Sort of a catch-22 for the Heat. If he has as good of year as it looks like he will... its going to be hard for the Heat to keep him. They can't go over cap to keep him and I would think plenty of teams would be willing to throw money at him.


Apr 18, 2013
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Didn't realize Whiteside was in the last year of his contract and that the Heat have no bird rights on him.

Sort of a catch-22 for the Heat. If he has as good of year as it looks like he will... its going to be hard for the Heat to keep him. They can't go over cap to keep him and I would think plenty of teams would be willing to throw money at him.

Looking at their current salary obligations and considering the rise in the cap for next season, the Heat should have plenty of money to throw at Whiteside.


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Jul 17, 2014
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I think we can confirm that he is not some fluke/one hit wonder
agreed. Its obvious the talent is there. He moves absolutely great for a 7 footer.

The All-Star game is an interesting goal for Whiteside. He has the TALENT to be an all star- but to a certain extent being an all star is about performing great CONSISTENTLY.

The question for Whiteside has never really been talent and athleticism and the ability to do it- its the mental part. He has proved that, at least talent/athleticism wise, he never should have been playing in some backwater Lebaneese league.

If he plays CONSISTENTLY at this level he has a shot at being an all star....

just a reminder to everyone- that center is no longer a position though- its "front court player" which includes the small forwards.

So- There are how many guys on the all star team? 12 right? Im like 95% sure its a 12 man roster- and then often times a guy or two is added because someone has to withdraw with an injury like DWade last year who didnt play in the game since he was injured and Korver was replaced.

So 12 guys. How many of those will be "back court" guys? Probably 5 it looks like from past rosters.

So that leaves 7 "front court" guys in the East.

1. LeBron James obviously has one of those spots.

after that- I dont know if you can name any one guy as a "for sure" guy. I mean- I think Melo will PROBABLY be voted in as usual like last year - because hes in NY, big star etc....I think he would get VOTED in probably before named to the team- but I think he is PROBABLY voted in. I can see arguments against him though. What do you guys think? For arguments sake ill put him there

2. Carmelo Anthony

Personally I think Paul George can be considered the 2nd best player in the East because of his two way ability. I think there is a very high probability he is on the all star team- and he is DEFINITELY a front court guy playing all that PF this year.

3. Paul George

Al Horford. The Hawks look pretty good again and should be a top 4 seed at the least when they choose the rosters- and Al Horford is their best player. He is a deserving all star in my opinion and likely to be on the team. Id love to hear if anyone doesnt think so and take a look at their arguments- which I could understand- but all in all- I gotta think unless hes injured Horford is an all star..

4. Al Horford

Andre Drummond. Andre Drummond was not an all star last year. I think that will be the last all star team in a long time that does not have his name on it. The Pistons are off to a surprisingly decent start. If the Pistons can continue to just be a DECENT team- and Drummond keeps up some of these insane numbers - hes a lock. Andre Drummonds rebound totals his first 4 games this season? 19, 10, 20, 29

THE MAN IS AVERAGINING 20 and 20 right now!!! lol...of course he is not going to keep that up- but shit. I gotta think he is going to be an all star? Anyone disagree?

5. Andre Drummond

SO--- #1 is LEBron obviously- and while 2-5 are not 100% sure lead pipe locks- id like to think they are very likely to be all stars. This would theoretically leave 2 open spots for a number of big men around the Eastern Conference.

So for spots 6 and 7 the candidates would be in my mind:

A. Kevin Love- Cavs- its obvious the Cavs are really stressing him in the offense. Its still of course EXTREMELY early but Love is at 19 and 11 and back to 3.5 assists per game and looks so much more comfortable than at any point last year. Being on a winning team- and the Cavs likely 2nd all star - because depending on how long KI is out- maybe he doesnt even make the team this year. The Cavs will get AT LEAST 2 all stars and Kevin Love is the most sensible choice. The minuses to Love? A. If KI comes back soon and he stops getting as many shots or B. He has issues with his repaired shoulder or back and has his minutes cut.

B. Pau Gasol: Was voted in last y ear- and would not be surprised if the Chicago fans voted him in again. At least in the game I saw against the CAvs Gasol looked kinda cooked and or unsure of his role in the new Hoiberg offense. Of course then he makes the play of the game on the block!

C. Hassan Whiteside: His per minute averages are awesome- He has proved that last year was not a fluke. Hes at 16, 11, and 3.5 blocks per game on like 70% shooting!! thats pretty fucking good. Averaging a double double with 3.5 blocks a game is pretty redonkulous. He is still improving as he has less than a seasons worth of games under his belt. Against?- Would be be an all star OVEr Chris Bosh? I dont see both Bosh and Whiteside making it, and I think Bosh would still make it over Whiteside. Especially if Dwade makes it too- 3 all stars? If the Heat have a really good record maybe I could see it- but i dont see the Heat being good enough to justify 3 all star selections. Whiteside controlling his temper is always an issue that needs to be monitored.

D. Chris Bosh- I think hes the best player on the Heat at this point. Still so efficient offensively and moves well defensively. His shooting is down right now but its still super early. Has the rep around the league of just being a great pro. like Whiteside- if Whiteside makes it does that preclude Bosh? I think it would be tough to get both on unless the Heat are really good since I gotta think Dwade makes it too.

E. Nikola Vucevic. This guy is a really good player who is going to be around 20 and 10. Hes young- started getting some all star attention last year, and if the Magic are decent he should get it this year. Will the Magic be decent though? They have looked improved thus far this year but maybe not good enough to get an all star unless the guy is just over the top great- and Vucevic is really really good but i dont think he will make it from a bad team.

F. Greg Monroe- the guy has played great this year. 20 and 10. He is everything the Bucks could have imagined when they signed him. Of COurse the Bucks will have to be good- and there are some other guys on the team drawing attention away- but rigth now he looks like the focal point on offense and looks tobe playing very good defense as well. Would not surprise me at all if he was an All-Star.

G. Giannis A. "Greek Freak"- establishing himself as a force at small forward. Would probably be the #1 pick in the 2013 draft if it could be redone (sorry Anthony Bennett! lol). Is a GREAT defensive player with crazy length. Is almost 23 points a game offensively. Hes going to make multiple al lstar teams in his career- but is he ready yet? Highly unlikely both him and Monroe would make the team together.

Darkhorses: Paul Milsap, Brook Lopez, Jonas Valunciunas, Joakim Noah, Al Jefferson, Tobias Harris,


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Jul 17, 2014
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hes the abridged version

12 all stars to a team- 7 front court players-

LeBron is for sure one of them.

Carmelo, PGeorge, Drummond, Horford I think you can mark in pretty easily

leaving a group of guys fighting over the 6th and 7th front court spots that include- Love, Pau, Giannis, Whiteside, Monroe, Bosh, Vucevic..........

dark horses- Milsap, BLopez, Jonas Val., Noah, AlJeff, Tobias Harris.


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Jul 17, 2014
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when you do an actual analysis like that I would err on the side that its doubtful Whiteside would be an all star

the 7 front court guys I would predict

1. LeBron
2. Melo
3. Horford
4. Drummond
5. George
6. Love
7. Bosh

right outside- a. Giannis,b. Gasol, c. Whiteside,d. Monroe, e. Vucevic,f. Milsap,

of course this is less than 2 weeks in so who freaking knows. So much can change- injuries, who knows what.


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Apr 17, 2013
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when you do an actual analysis like that I would err on the side that its doubtful Whiteside would be an all star

the 7 front court guys I would predict

1. LeBron
2. Melo
3. Horford
4. Drummond
5. George
6. Love
7. Bosh

right outside- a. Giannis,b. Gasol, c. Whiteside,d. Monroe, e. Vucevic,f. Milsap,

of course this is less than 2 weeks in so who freaking knows. So much can change- injuries, who knows what.

No doubt, and often young players get bypassed.

He did lose him cool for a split second last game, but for the most part he has laughed at the players who keep trying to antagonize him.

Anyway, your comments now are far different from when I originally posted the thread.

Glad you finally admit that he is a beast of a basketball player, talent wise.


Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Looking at their current salary obligations and considering the rise in the cap for next season, the Heat should have plenty of money to throw at Whiteside.

I'm not so sure. With a generous estimate of the cap jumpting to $88 mill, and the already committed $50 mill... That leaves $38 mill for Wade and Whiteside. If the cap is $88 mill.. Whiteside could get up to $22.

....And that still leaves 7 roster spots plus a supposed plan to go after Durant in the mix.

I'm not trying to paint the picture as hopeless.... The Heat organization has proven their ability to handle these things well.... I just don't think the issue of not having Whiteside's bird rights should be dismissed so easily.


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I'm not so sure. With a generous estimate of the cap jumpting to $88 mill, and the already committed $50 mill... That leaves $38 mill for Wade and Whiteside. If the cap is $88 mill.. Whiteside could get up to $22.

....And that still leaves 7 roster spots plus a supposed plan to go after Durant in the mix.

I'm not trying to paint the picture as hopeless.... The Heat organization has proven their ability to handle these things well.... I just don't think the issue of not having Whiteside's bird rights should be dismissed so easily.
the Heat simply couldnt add Durant while keeping Whiteside and Wade- the finances dont work with Bosh and Dragic each on the books for huge money.

what does Bosh make? like 23-24 million? Dragic has to be at like what 20 million? Wade will get AT LEAST 15 even if he takes a significant discount and id guess more towards 20....and Whiteside- if Valuncuinas and TT and Kanter are getting 16-18 a year - then Whiteside has to get close to that if not more since next year is when the cap goes up.


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Apr 17, 2013
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Didn't realize Whiteside was in the last year of his contract and that the Heat have no bird rights on him.

Sort of a catch-22 for the Heat. If he has as good of year as it looks like he will... its going to be hard for the Heat to keep him. They can't go over cap to keep him and I would think plenty of teams would be willing to throw money at him.

Yeah, it's a double edged sword. But I've given up on getting Durant. I'm hoping that Whiteside gives the Heat a bit of a discount (meaning take the max that they can give him) given that they gave him a chance over anyone. We'll see, but yeah, I agree with you. I'm worried about keeping him right now.


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Apr 17, 2013
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Looking at their current salary obligations and considering the rise in the cap for next season, the Heat should have plenty of money to throw at Whiteside.

I just realized that the cap is rising next year, so the Heat could possibly throw the max or damn near close to it. At this point, I'm on the Whiteside train as opposed to getting Durant. Not saying Whiteside is better, but he fills the 7-footer center hole that's hard to find. I personally think Winslow will grow into an all-star caliber SF over time, which would make it redundant in getting Durant.

But Wiggy's right on this one, there's no way that the Heat would be able to sign Whiteside and Durant, while keeping Wade at like $15 mil given Wade's cap hold. But I'm ok with it given the young players we have and the potential of keeping Whiteside.


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Apr 17, 2013
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when you do an actual analysis like that I would err on the side that its doubtful Whiteside would be an all star

the 7 front court guys I would predict

1. LeBron
2. Melo
3. Horford
4. Drummond
5. George
6. Love
7. Bosh

right outside- a. Giannis,b. Gasol, c. Whiteside,d. Monroe, e. Vucevic,f. Milsap,

of course this is less than 2 weeks in so who freaking knows. So much can change- injuries, who knows what.

I think Giannis and Whiteside will put up better numbers than that of Drummond, Love, and Bosh. But both players will be left out of the All-star game given that fans usually vote based on popularity, and not production-wise. Which Whiteside has been beasting the last couple of games. I speak of Giannis not knowing how he's doing with the Bucks though as I haven't watched any of their games yet, but the boy has potential.

Black Adam

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Apr 17, 2013
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Hassan Whiteside might have come up short for the NBA’s Most Improved Player Award last season, finishing fourth while Chicago’s Jimmy Butler won the honor.

Today we learnicon1.png he was indeed the most improved player in the video game world.

From D-League to 20-20 machine, Whiteside’s overall rating in NBA2k15 improved by a gargantuan 22 points from a 59 to an 81 overall over the courseicon1.png of the season, according to Sporting News.

The man just wanted to get his 2k rating up. Mission accomplished.

lol wait, what do YOU know about NBA 2K15...?:lol:


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Jul 17, 2014
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I think Giannis and Whiteside will put up better numbers than that of Drummond, Love, and Bosh. But both players will be left out of the All-star game given that fans usually vote based on popularity, and not production-wise. Which Whiteside has been beasting the last couple of games. I speak of Giannis not knowing how he's doing with the Bucks though as I haven't watched any of their games yet, but the boy has potential.
Drummond dude? cmon man look at that guy....hes been a beast-

I mean- I can understand the Love and Bosh stuff- all though like I said- you KNOW the Cavs are going to get more than 1 all star and the 2nd one will in all probbility be Love. If you think Whiteside will make it over Bosh I think thats a reasonable argument but I dont think both will make it - especially if Dwade does-

Honestly though I kinda think Drummond looks to be a lock- especially in that SVG system....guy is an absolute beast


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Apr 17, 2013
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Drummond dude? cmon man look at that guy....hes been a beast-

I mean- I can understand the Love and Bosh stuff- all though like I said- you KNOW the Cavs are going to get more than 1 all star and the 2nd one will in all probbility be Love. If you think Whiteside will make it over Bosh I think thats a reasonable argument but I dont think both will make it - especially if Dwade does-

Honestly though I kinda think Drummond looks to be a lock- especially in that SVG system....guy is an absolute beast

Wade will make it as he'll probably average around 19-22 ppg and will get solid numbers. He'll be in the mix for an all-star spot given that the guards he has to compete with are as followed:

1. Wall
2. Derozan
3. Lowry
4. Teague
5. Butler
6. Rose
7. George

I may be missing a name or two, but I honestly think Wade makes it in the all-star game, and possibly as an all-star.

I was actually mistaken as I meant Monroe and not Drummond. Drummond's starting off pretty hot and although his stats will go down a bit as the season goes on, he's still rather solid. Love although all-star caliber, is having to play on a pretty deep team where his stats (as expected will go down), same with Bosh as the Heat look to be taking a balanced approach.

Everyone knows Lebron's going to the all-star game. He hasn't had the best start (by Lebron's standards), but he'll go regardless.