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Can Hassan Whiteside Be An All Star Next Season?

Is Whiteside All Star Material?

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R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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if by "the East" you mean the Far East- the Chinese league- yah I think Whiteside would have a shot at the all star team

In the NBA? No way on God's green earth.

Like I said- because of the voting you can write in permenent ink LeBron and Melo into the starting lineup- and - Paul George- especially since he already got his feet wet this season and looks healthy- should definitely be the 3rd guy--- those are your starters....

Who does Whiteside beat out? Love? Horford? Pau? -shit- if the Bucks play well Giannis is going to get a ton of credit for it and he has already established himself as a true rising star. Vucevic was a monster statistically and the Magic should be improved next year with another year of development under their belts and a new coach. Do I see Whiteside taking Bosh's spot? doubtful- Whiteside is basically a poor man's Drummond except for the fact that Drummond has never run himself out of the league. Horford was only the best player on a 60 win team- no one is bouncing him for Whiteside if the Hawks are good next year.

The ONLY way Whiteside makes an all star team is if A. The Heat are REALLY REALLY good- because Wade and Bosh will make it over him and they dont give a team 3 all stars unless the team is really good. B. Monroe, Love, Milsap move to the West. C. Multiple injuries to guys like Pau occur.

The NBA All star game is a numbers game- and the numbers just don't add up.

and I mean- coaches vote for the reserves right? It takes time to get your due in this league. Guys like Vucevic who couldve been allstars but were passed over for vets or guys on winning teams need to work their way up and then get rewarded- which is probably in the cards for Vucevic if he can repeat his 19 and 11 season. Giannis is in the same boat- except his team should be decent. I dont see how the coaches would vote in Whiteside over Giannis if both continue their current levels of play.

I just don't see how anyone makes a logical case for Whiteside making the all star team....maybe in a couple years if he keeps his head on straight, learns how to play some 1on 1 D and adds an offensive move other than the put-back.

Do you really think anyone reads all of this shit? Why do you keep posting here?


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Apr 17, 2013
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biggest question for Whiteside is how he responds when teams start throwing guys at him with the sole purpose of agitating him (like teams do/used to do with blake). Is he going to lose his temper? Or grow up?

If he controls himself he is DeAndre Jordanesque, if he can't maintain his composure he is just another in a long list of wasted NBA talents


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Jul 17, 2014
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biggest question for Whiteside is how he responds when teams start throwing guys at him with the sole purpose of agitating him (like teams do/used to do with blake). Is he going to lose his temper? Or grow up?

If he controls himself he is DeAndre Jordanesque, if he can't maintain his composure he is just another in a long list of wasted NBA talents
DeAndre Jordan is LESS than a year older than Whiteside. Whiteside wasted years of prime playing time in podunk leagues around the globe because despite being very athletic and 7 feet tall GM's wanted nothing to do with him. Think of that for a minute- GM's in the NBA put up with some major effed up shit all the time. LOL....the ego's, the BS, the stupid shit guys do- hell- JAVALE MCGEE got a 50 million dollar contract....think of all that--- how bad must have Whiteside been for a full consensus of the NBA Gms to say- "yah know what- not worth my time" for a period of years.

I would give the guy the benefit of the doubt- but he had incidents last season - I mean- he finally got another chance- is playing well and poised to some day possibly break the bank- and STILL screws up? I mean that is just insane.

It just boggles my mind.

Plus- I mean- there is no debating- he is a special shot blocker- already one of the best in the entire NBA- and he is a very very good rebounder...but he is shaky on defense, and really does not have any offensive moves- Not that I would expect him too- but if you are talking about being an all star and getting the nod over guys like Horford, Pau, Love, Drummond, Bosh, Giannis, Noah, - i I just dont see it.---- and like i said in a previous post- if Miami resigns Dragic- whiteside will be 4th in the pecking order there.

Its awful hard to make an all star team in that position no matter what you do. Teams that get 3 or 4 all stars need to be on pace to win 60+ games in most instances and its hard for me to imagine that happening in Miami.

That being said- if the kid goes out there, blocks 3 shots a game, grabs 12 boards a game and shoots 60% from the field who knows.

The 2 guys that I see blocking him are 1. Drummond and 2. Vucevic. Vucevic is the focal point of the Magic a lot- and its hard to ignore 19 and 11---and Drummond is basically a better version of Whiteside thats younger with a better track record and will be a primary contributor on his team.


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Apr 17, 2013
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DeAndre Jordan is LESS than a year older than Whiteside. Whiteside wasted years of prime playing time in podunk leagues around the globe because despite being very athletic and 7 feet tall GM's wanted nothing to do with him. Think of that for a minute- GM's in the NBA put up with some major effed up shit all the time. LOL....the ego's, the BS, the stupid shit guys do- hell- JAVALE MCGEE got a 50 million dollar contract....think of all that--- how bad must have Whiteside been for a full consensus of the NBA Gms to say- "yah know what- not worth my time" for a period of years.

I would give the guy the benefit of the doubt- but he had incidents last season - I mean- he finally got another chance- is playing well and poised to some day possibly break the bank- and STILL screws up? I mean that is just insane.

It just boggles my mind.

Plus- I mean- there is no debating- he is a special shot blocker- already one of the best in the entire NBA- and he is a very very good rebounder...but he is shaky on defense, and really does not have any offensive moves- Not that I would expect him too- but if you are talking about being an all star and getting the nod over guys like Horford, Pau, Love, Drummond, Bosh, Giannis, Noah, - i I just dont see it.---- and like i said in a previous post- if Miami resigns Dragic- whiteside will be 4th in the pecking order there.

Its awful hard to make an all star team in that position no matter what you do. Teams that get 3 or 4 all stars need to be on pace to win 60+ games in most instances and its hard for me to imagine that happening in Miami.

That being said- if the kid goes out there, blocks 3 shots a game, grabs 12 boards a game and shoots 60% from the field who knows.

The 2 guys that I see blocking him are 1. Drummond and 2. Vucevic. Vucevic is the focal point of the Magic a lot- and its hard to ignore 19 and 11---and Drummond is basically a better version of Whiteside thats younger with a better track record and will be a primary contributor on his team.

Uh huh.

Hassan Whiteside posts 14-point, 13-rebound, 12-block triple-double in Heat win over Bulls (VIDEO) | ProBasketballTalk


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Jul 17, 2014
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Mathew Dellavadova lead the Cavs in scoring in a close out game in Chicago- UH HUH.

one game does not make a player....so please tell me....

who does Whiteside make the all star team over? LeBron, George or Melo? obviously not-

Horford? Drummond? Love? Bosh? Giannis? Vucevic? Pau?


As long as you are so concerned about single games---Do you know who Alex Ajinca is>? yah neither does anyone else- well I should take that back. whiteside knows who he is. He only punked Whiteside going for 24 and 8 on 9/10 shooting for a game winning shot. Whiteside is a great shot blocker as i said- but that does not mean he knows how to play defense one on one with a big man who has some footwork and a clue.


I watched Mozgov go for a season high on like 80% shooting against Whiteside. Ive said multiple times Whiteside has a ton of talent and is a very useful player- but as far as technique and basketball IQ go- he has a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG way to go- which is both negative and a positive since it means if he gets his act together he has ample room for growth- but at this point- if you were going to either give him or not give him the benefit of the doubt- based on his body of work....what would a reasonably prudent person pick?



Still a Heat fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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who does Whiteside make the all star team over? LeBron, George or Melo? obviously not-

You do realize you are talking about small forwards. Whiteside is a center. I get there are only so many spots on a team...but no one was even close to suggesting Whiteside was going to be the starting SF in the East. Do you just type shit to see words?

Whiteside 11.8 points 10 boards 2+ blocks in under 24 minutes while shooting 60%. Give him 36 minutes a night, he will be an all star.

Horford? Drummond? Love? Bosh? Giannis? Vucevic? Pau?

I can even take the Giannis thing seriously. He is second all nba ROOKIE team. Now he is unbeatable for the all-star game. Seriously? REALLY?

Love and Bosh are PFs. Not C's. Not the same position. Why not ask about how he is going to make it over Derrick Rose while you're at it?

Horford...Whiteside is already better. More boards/blocks/better fg% and played 8 less minutes a game. Horford going to the all-star game 3 times in his career is absolute proof Whiteside can make it. If a guy who averaged 15/7 with 1.3 blocks is an all-star in the East.. the double double guy with twice as many blocks in less minutes isn't?


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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Mathew Dellavadova lead the Cavs in scoring in a close out game in Chicago- UH HUH.

one game does not make a player....so please tell me....

who does Whiteside make the all star team over? LeBron, George or Melo? obviously not-

Horford? Drummond? Love? Bosh? Giannis? Vucevic? Pau?


As long as you are so concerned about single games---Do you know who Alex Ajinca is>? yah neither does anyone else- well I should take that back. whiteside knows who he is. He only punked Whiteside going for 24 and 8 on 9/10 shooting for a game winning shot. Whiteside is a great shot blocker as i said- but that does not mean he knows how to play defense one on one with a big man who has some footwork and a clue.


I watched Mozgov go for a season high on like 80% shooting against Whiteside. Ive said multiple times Whiteside has a ton of talent and is a very useful player- but as far as technique and basketball IQ go- he has a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG way to go- which is both negative and a positive since it means if he gets his act together he has ample room for growth- but at this point- if you were going to either give him or not give him the benefit of the doubt- based on his body of work....what would a reasonably prudent person pick?


You can choose to not give him the benefit of the doubt, but I'm guessing it's the wrong choice.
If he keeps his head right this season, he should be able to financially set himself for LIFE.
Teams taunted/baited him near evety game after his suspension and he handled it perfectly.

As far as talent, he has already proved that he is an elite rebounder, shot blocker, and has more offense then the group of bigs who can only dunk.

Now, try to consider and understand that Heat had no chance to really run an offense that got the most out of their players. The offense you will see the Heat run this season won't come close to resembling what we saw last year.

All of the changes will benefit Whiteside.

I'm pretty sure we've seen the last of a roster where we are spotting up U.D. or Birdman for corner 3's.


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Sep 2, 2014
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Wait, the NBA doesn't have center listed as an All-Star position? WTF? What a stupid shitty league.


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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Wait, the NBA doesn't have center listed as an All-Star position? WTF? What a stupid shitty league.

Pretty much because the list of true centers in the game is small and not so great.
Whiteside is a traditional, true center.
Despite being a late season find on a crappy Heat team, he still gathered tons of media and national attention because of both good and bad things he did on the court.

If he just naturally progresses on the good things, sky's the limit for this kid.


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Jul 17, 2014
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Pretty much because the list of true centers in the game is small and not so great.
Whiteside is a traditional, true center.
Despite being a late season find on a crappy Heat team, he still gathered tons of media and national attention because of both good and bad things he did on the court.

If he just naturally progresses on the good things, sky's the limit for this kid.

someone should tell Flauge this- I mean- at least 3 people have already mentioned it on this thread- but maybe a 4th time would remedy his ignorance.


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Apr 17, 2013
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someone should tell Flauge this- I mean- at least 3 people have already mentioned it on this thread- but maybe a 4th time would remedy his ignorance.

He might not have know how the all star ballot works, but he was correct about the players on it.

No coach is going to select a bunch of similiar type style forwards and exclude having a couple of bigs on the roster.

It's an all star game.
Who needs Lopez, Horford, Love or most of the others that you named?
It's not like they are getting that many minutes or shots anyway.

What center in the East, athletically, brings to the table what Whiteside does?

This is not a Heat homer thing, the man is fun to watch.
Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Despite being a late season find on a crappy Heat team, he still gathered tons of media and national attention because of both good and bad things he did on the court.

In that case we can consider Jordan Clarkson as one of the best PGs in the league!


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Sep 2, 2014
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Towns just might be the better player long-term, and the difference in free throw shooting alone would cause me to give him a hard look if I'm Minny.

But, Dieng can play beside Jahil to help cover some of his defensive liabilities.

Dieng is one of the reasons I want Towns over Okafor as a MN fan. Dieng and Towns can play together long term. Okafor and Dieng can't. Okafor and Dieng simply can't shoot well enough between the two of them to keep defenses honest. Towns on the other hand is going to be a killer shooter in time and will keep enough floor spacing with Dieng on the court next to him.


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Apr 17, 2013
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Andre Drummond.

He's a legit true center and def can make all star games.

I would have no problem watching as roster with Drummond, Whiteside, James, Anthony, George and company as your core of F/C.
Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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No it's not.
Just admit that you don't watch any teams other than the Lakers (if they are winning).

I've forgotten more about basketball than you'll ever know little buddy! Still doesn't make whiteside and all-star though :crazy:


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Apr 17, 2013
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In that case we can consider Jordan Clarkson as one of the best PGs in the league!

I might be wrong, but I don't remember seeing nightly Clarkson sports center highlights.
MUCH more competition at that position though. No way is he now considered near one of the elite.
The kid has talent. Lets see how he progresses.