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Can Hassan Whiteside Be An All Star Next Season?

Is Whiteside All Star Material?

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Apr 17, 2013
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Okay you win, my bad! You gotta be the only NBA fan in the world that would rather have Beasley over LeBron. I still don't believe you though. Anyway...enjoy the Finals!

I never came close to implying that Beasley was a better player.

Not going to get into the reasons, but Beasley is a man who I can and do root for 100%.

James is a prick. Seen in first hand, numerous times. I prefer to not root for him.

It's simple as that.

Cavs fans are the biggest joke of all.
Hated James so fucking much, right down from the owner to the pathetic idiots burning his jersey.
You hated him then because you thought he was a complete douche.
Practically rioted when he first returned with the Heat (and all at the approval of Gilbert).
Now he's wearing your jersey so all is forgiven? Guess what..he's still the same douche but getting the last laugh on all of you.

Funny, on Mike and Mike this morning they had Scott Radd author of The Whore Of Akron.

All of the sudden, everything that he meant/ wrote is now suddenly all forgiven?
Yep, he's a true professional.
Wishes he would have titles the book differently? Why's that?

And, back to James.. the " Everybody makes mistakes. I’ve made mistakes as well. Who am I to hold a grudge? " guy.

Just more bullshit. Radd this morning said he is still banned from anything James/Cavs related.
He was banned from credentials the 4 years James was here.

Why hasn't Le Douche let go of that grudge?
Maybe he will if he ever becomes a billionaire and gives James total control of his team?

So, keep your douche. It might be next year, maybe the year after, but he's going to get knocked down and hopefully by us.


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Apr 17, 2013
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Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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This is more about Whiteside replacing James. I would still be mad if he left and I was. But I realized the players around him just werent even. Now some Heat fans have to realize that now as well.

He has talent but we have seen a small sample. Only time will tell


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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I never came close to implying that Beasley was a better player.

Not going to get into the reasons, but Beasley is a man who I can and do root for 100%.

James is a prick. Seen in first hand, numerous times. I prefer to not root for him.

It's simple as that.

Cavs fans are the biggest joke of all.
Hated James so fucking much, right down from the owner to the pathetic idiots burning his jersey.
You hated him then because you thought he was a complete douche.
Practically rioted when he first returned with the Heat (and all at the approval of Gilbert).
Now he's wearing your jersey so all is forgiven? Guess what..he's still the same douche but getting the last laugh on all of you.

Funny, on Mike and Mike this morning they had Scott Radd author of The Whore Of Akron.

All of the sudden, everything that he meant/ wrote is now suddenly all forgiven?
Yep, he's a true professional.
Wishes he would have titles the book differently? Why's that?

And, back to James.. the " Everybody makes mistakes. I’ve made mistakes as well. Who am I to hold a grudge? " guy.

Just more bullshit. Radd this morning said he is still banned from anything James/Cavs related.
He was banned from credentials the 4 years James was here.

Why hasn't Le Douche let go of that grudge?
Maybe he will if he ever becomes a billionaire and gives James total control of his team?

So, keep your douche. It might be next year, maybe the year after, but he's going to get knocked down and hopefully by us.

Most Cavs fans hated that he left the city of Cleveland for one reason, bc they wanted a championship and thought he was their last and only chance. That's what happens when you have diehard sports fans, they take things hard but will always forgive and forget. I am diehard but realized James had to do that for himself, they couldnt get any star player in Cleveland and that was the facts.


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I never came close to implying that Beasley was a better player.

Not going to get into the reasons, but Beasley is a man who I can and do root for 100%.

James is a prick. Seen in first hand, numerous times. I prefer to not root for him.

It's simple as that.

Cavs fans are the biggest joke of all.
Hated James so fucking much, right down from the owner to the pathetic idiots burning his jersey.
You hated him then because you thought he was a complete douche.
Practically rioted when he first returned with the Heat (and all at the approval of Gilbert).
Now he's wearing your jersey so all is forgiven? Guess what..he's still the same douche but getting the last laugh on all of you.

Funny, on Mike and Mike this morning they had Scott Radd author of The Whore Of Akron.

All of the sudden, everything that he meant/ wrote is now suddenly all forgiven?
Yep, he's a true professional.
Wishes he would have titles the book differently? Why's that?

And, back to James.. the " Everybody makes mistakes. I’ve made mistakes as well. Who am I to hold a grudge? " guy.

Just more bullshit. Radd this morning said he is still banned from anything James/Cavs related.
He was banned from credentials the 4 years James was here.

Why hasn't Le Douche let go of that grudge?
Maybe he will if he ever becomes a billionaire and gives James total control of his team?

So, keep your douche. It might be next year, maybe the year after, but he's going to get knocked down and hopefully by us.

First you say I live & Ohio & now you're calling me a Cavs fan? Can't say they are the team I have always rooted for. So you would be wrong by calling me a true Cavs fan or saying that I currently live in Ohio. They (meaning the Cavs) already booted the only NBA team I have ever really rooted for outta the Playoffs. Do I want the Cavs to beat the Warriors? Well yes. But that doesn't make me a true Cavs fan. You are so hurt over LeBron leaving you don't even realize it. And I am convinced you will NEVER get over that fact.

Oh yeah...and you don't need to get into your so-called reasons about Beasley because there's only one reason you're saying this nonsense. And it's ONLY because LeBron left your Heat.


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
Hoopla Cash
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I'm telling you there are plenty of coaches that simply wouldn't post Shaq up as a main part of their offense if they had him on their team. No one wants to play that way anymore. Too much standing around. Not enough involvement from other players. Kills pace.

I'm still really curious for the draft to get here and see if Okafor really does go #1 or #2. If my wolves pass on him and take Townes (that is what they should do) , I really think your Lakers will be in an hell of an interesting situation. They can take Okafor and team him with Randle. But it would mean that they would be stuck running offensive sets that are 10 years past their prime as their permanent offense and have zero in the way of spacing on the floor. They would be a throwback team with him. Or they can take Russell and run a modern offense with a super-natural playmaker running the show. I really don't think that the top 2 playres in this draft are as set in stone as people think and a large reason for that is no one wants to run a post up, slow tempo offense anymore.

They'd be dumb not utilizing an inside force like Shaq. There can be plenty of spacing and passing and player movement around a dominant low post inside-out offense. The prime Shaq triangle teams would still dominate today. The Lakers didn't just dump the ball inside to Shaq and stand around.

I agree with you about possibly drafting Russell over Okafor. I have concerns about Okafor. Mainly defense and rebounding at the NBA level. Russell looks really nice and could be part of a dangerous backcourt if Clarkson shows continued improvement. I really do hope Minnesota takes Okafor.


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Sep 2, 2014
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I really do hope Minnesota takes Okafor.

I really don't!

I'm a big enough homer that I would be on board with it 15 seconds after the selection was made but I really want Towns at this point. Really think he'll develop into a Timmy D type of all around PF/C player that does a little bit of everything really well.

Hell I actually want Russell before I want Okafor even in the #1 slot. There just is too much downside to the post up game. And it really is the only area that Okafor really is likely to excel in.


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
Hoopla Cash
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I really don't!

I'm a big enough homer that I would be on board with it 15 seconds after the selection was made but I really want Towns at this point. Really think he'll develop into a Timmy D type of all around PF/C player that does a little bit of everything really well.

Hell I actually want Russell before I want Okafor even in the #1 slot. There just is too much downside to the post up game. And it really is the only area that Okafor really is likely to excel in.

Just read an article that has Minnesota showing interest in drafting Russell #1 and trading Rubio. The rumor mill working hard these days!


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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No I don't think he can be an All-Star.

Not because he can't play at an All-Star level....but the voting rules now really hurt the C position.

And there is already too many good centers in front of him.

Hell just look at the east all star roster. Now go look at Vucevic stat line from last year and understand that he didn't make the all star game.

Even if he plays at an all-star level, he isn't going to win the popularity contest that is the all star game voting.

Everyone knows that the All Star process involves "front court" players now instead of having to put an undeserving center on the team

Lets assume the 3 guys voted into the "front court" positions in the East are

1. LeBron James
2. Carmelo Anthony
3. Paul George (who I think is probably the 2nd best player in the East while healthy)

that leaves you with what? How many All star rosters spots are there? From what I have seen on the internet its 12- (13 guys were on the roster but Wade pulled outbecause of injury if my memory serves me correctly)

SO- 5 starters- you have 7 reserve spots- 3 guards and 4 front court players?

Who are the other leading candidate front court players?- my list-
Kevin Love
Andre Drummond
Al Horford
Giannis Antetokounmpo
Chris Bosh
Pau Gasol
Nikola Vucevic

Who would be wild card guys- a la Paul Milsap this year?
Paul Milsap
Greg Monroe
Jabari Parker
Tobias Harris
Brook Lopez
Al Jefferson
Marcin Gortat
Jonas Valunciunas
Joe Johnson

Does Whiteside crack the top 4 on that list? Absolutely not. Not only that- but he only has one half a season in the NBA and will start next year at the age of 26 not because scouts missed him-but because he has a bad head on his shoulders- which at times showed last year. If he was a boy scout it would be damn near impossible to crack the top 4 on this list. Couple that with his attitude and emotional issues and I cannot see a scenario he makes it unless their is mass exodus out of the East and a slew of guys get injured.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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Newsflash: I don't live in Ohio! You are as full of shit as Thumper is. You couldn't stand LeBron but don't tell me for a second you weren't happy when the Heatles got together. It must suck that your teams BEST player ever is actually LeBron & not Wade. You also said you'd rather have Michael Beasley than LeBron...just more bullshit from you. Rationalize your hurt feelings & hatred for LeBron anyway that makes you feel better though. NOBODY...ever would honestly say they'd rather have Beasley over LeBron. And you have said that more than once. You have hurt feelings that he went back to Cleveland, you just refuse to admit that.

dude it became "stale" going to the Finals dont you understand? anytime you can watch a consensus shithead like Whiteside accumulate garbage time stats on an Eastern Conference lotto team you GOTTA take that opportunity.


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Jul 17, 2014
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I agree. I only can assume he means footwork, some good post moves, passing skills, etc.
not only that but 1 on 1 defense. He definitely is a great shot blocker and rebounder- but he is at best an average 1 on 1 defender- and thats putting it nicely.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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He plays in the East. Hell, I can be an all-star in the East.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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I agree. I only can assume he means footwork, some good post moves, passing skills, etc.

I know he dominated but mainly by strength. He bullied his way to lots and lots of dunks, alley-ops, putbacks, etc. Not to say they didnt run the offense through him and he didnt have post moves bc he didnt have a weakness at all except free throws lol

I'm guessing you never saw Shaq play. He dominated because of how agile he was despite his size. That is what made him so tough to handle. He was already bigger and stronger than the guys he was going up against, but he was often just as, if not more athletic. Additionally, he was one of the best passing bigs in the game.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Everyone knows that the All Star process involves "front court" players now instead of having to put an undeserving center on the team

Lets assume the 3 guys voted into the "front court" positions in the East are

1. LeBron James
2. Carmelo Anthony
3. Paul George (who I think is probably the 2nd best player in the East while healthy)

that leaves you with what? How many All star rosters spots are there? From what I have seen on the internet its 12- (13 guys were on the roster but Wade pulled outbecause of injury if my memory serves me correctly)

SO- 5 starters- you have 7 reserve spots- 3 guards and 4 front court players?

Who are the other leading candidate front court players?- my list-
Kevin Love
Andre Drummond
Al Horford
Giannis Antetokounmpo
Chris Bosh
Pau Gasol
Nikola Vucevic

Who would be wild card guys- a la Paul Milsap this year?
Paul Milsap
Greg Monroe
Jabari Parker
Tobias Harris
Brook Lopez
Al Jefferson
Marcin Gortat
Jonas Valunciunas
Joe Johnson

Does Whiteside crack the top 4 on that list? Absolutely not. Not only that- but he only has one half a season in the NBA and will start next year at the age of 26 not because scouts missed him-but because he has a bad head on his shoulders- which at times showed last year. If he was a boy scout it would be damn near impossible to crack the top 4 on this list. Couple that with his attitude and emotional issues and I cannot see a scenario he makes it unless their is mass exodus out of the East and a slew of guys get injured.

Wiggy's bringing up the past, instead of commenting on what actually occurred on the court.
Whiteside fucked up once, big time, but if he really learned from it then it was the best thing that ever happened to him.
Players taunted him from that point on, and he just laughed at them ( while dunking on their heads).

Next, I never said the Finals got stale. However, true fans of a team are invested from mid October until whenever the season ends.
The Heat, as they were constructed, became hard to watch for most parts or many games during the regular season.
There was little emotion. No sense of urgency. Winning or losing meant nothing.

The players themselves said that season 4 was never much fun.
If you don't understand, whatever, I get it, I know winning anything is foreign to Cavs fans.

If you ever do win, you'll find out that it really isn't some life changing event.
It's fun for a few days, until the parade ends, and then for the most part people get back involved with their real life's and move on.


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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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He plays in the East. Hell, I can be an all-star in the East.

Wiggy's got Love penciled in.
Remember, he's the best passer and everything else in the game.
It's kind of astonishing how much better they've been without him.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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Just read an article that has Minnesota showing interest in drafting Russell #1 and trading Rubio. The rumor mill working hard these days!

Saw that too.

But, Flip will roll with a big.

I hope Minny picks Okafor.


I think it would be good for Wiggins not to be forced to carry so much of the scoring load so soon

Towns just might be the better player long-term, and the difference in free throw shooting alone would cause me to give him a hard look if I'm Minny.

But, Dieng can play beside Jahil to help cover some of his defensive liabilities.

Nobody expects Minny to be good anytime soon.

But. they don't want Wiggins to go the Love route. Keeping him happy should be priority #1 . So, the fact that he and Okafor share the same agent might be a factor in who the Wolves choose to draft.


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I don't like the options but just said possibly. From what I've seen, no reason he can't be DeAndre Jordan and DJ has been flirting with AS level.


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Apr 17, 2013
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:pound:...I don't remember you being a Warriors fan. Exactly when did you jump on their bandwagon? Fuckin' funny, a pissed off Heat fan now is a GS fan. Classic! Were you also a Celtics, Bulls & Hawks fan for a minute during the playoffs as well?:noidea:

Oh shit, I'll go ahead and answer this......YEP! Fuck Lebron and the Cavs.


What Me Worry?
Jun 25, 2014
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But he has to be close enough to the hoop to dunk. Body him up further out and make him work to the hoop or take a shot that isn't a dunk. Yes, he's big, but that doesn't mean he automatically sets up in range to dunk. You don't have to be as tall as him to be as strong as him and keep him out of position.
He isn't very explosive.


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Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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He plays in the East. Hell, I can be an all-star in the East.

if by "the East" you mean the Far East- the Chinese league- yah I think Whiteside would have a shot at the all star team

In the NBA? No way on God's green earth.

Like I said- because of the voting you can write in permenent ink LeBron and Melo into the starting lineup- and - Paul George- especially since he already got his feet wet this season and looks healthy- should definitely be the 3rd guy--- those are your starters....

Who does Whiteside beat out? Love? Horford? Pau? -shit- if the Bucks play well Giannis is going to get a ton of credit for it and he has already established himself as a true rising star. Vucevic was a monster statistically and the Magic should be improved next year with another year of development under their belts and a new coach. Do I see Whiteside taking Bosh's spot? doubtful- Whiteside is basically a poor man's Drummond except for the fact that Drummond has never run himself out of the league. Horford was only the best player on a 60 win team- no one is bouncing him for Whiteside if the Hawks are good next year.

The ONLY way Whiteside makes an all star team is if A. The Heat are REALLY REALLY good (which is not happening)- because Wade and Bosh will make it over him and they dont give a team 3 all stars unless the team is really good. B. Monroe, Love, Milsap move to the West. C. Multiple injuries to guys like Pau occur.

The NBA All star game is a numbers game- and the numbers just don't add up.

and I mean- coaches vote for the reserves right? It takes time to get your due in this league. Guys like Vucevic who couldve been allstars but were passed over for vets or guys on winning teams need to work their way up and then get rewarded- which is probably in the cards for Vucevic if he can repeat his 19 and 11 season. Giannis is in the same boat- except his team should be decent. I dont see how the coaches would vote in Whiteside over Giannis if both continue their current levels of play.

I just don't see how anyone makes a logical case for Whiteside making the all star team....maybe in a couple years if he keeps his head on straight, learns how to play some 1on 1 D and adds an offensive move other than the put-back.