Well-Known Member
Tell it to the apple I phone 12 calculator
Ahhh yes…. It’s the calculator’s fault.
Tell it to the apple I phone 12 calculator
I made no such claim.
i guess the CDC shouldnt be posting misleading numbers . same with the WHOPlease delete this thread! Someone will be influenced by the misleading numbers, and disinformation otherwise posted. (I've given examples previously and the same information is continually being spread as "fact." STOP!!
STOP!! Please delete this thread!
STOP!! Please delete this thread!
STOP!! Please delete this thread!
STOP!! Please delete this thread!
They aren't posting misleading numbers, neither of them are doing that! Wannabees pretending to be knowledgeable are misreading them, taking them out of context, or applying them in a manner that's related to some point that they are trying to make. They then are posting the misinformation for their own purposes, therein lies the problem.i guess the CDC shouldnt be posting misleading numbers . same with the WHO
using math to illustrate what those numbers mean isnt mis reading them . math is the universal languageThey aren't posting misleading numbers, neither of them are doing that! Wannabees pretending to be knowledgeable are misreading them, taking them out of context, or applying them in a manner that's related to some point that they are trying to make. They then are posting the misinformation for their own purposes, therein lies the problem.
However, I'm open to this challenge, show me once where the numbers are misleading in context and I'll not ask that this thread be deleted again. Now if/when I show context and how these things are misleading, would you delete the thread?
They aren't posting misleading numbers, neither of them are doing that! Wannabees pretending to be knowledgeable are misreading them, taking them out of context, or applying them in a manner that's related to some point that they are trying to make. They then are posting the misinformation for their own purposes, therein lies the problem.
However, I'm open to this challenge, show me once where the numbers are misleading in context and I'll not ask that this thread be deleted again. Now if/when I show context and how these things are misleading, would you delete the thread?
It is not numbers but here is a great one.
CDC: If you have had the virus, you should still get the vaccine.
Me: Well, why mighty CDC?
CDC: We don’t know how long you are protected?
Me: How long are the vaccinated protected?
CDC: Fuck if we know.
Me: Isn’t natural immunity typically long-lasting and sometimes even life-long?
CDC: Just get the fucking vaccine and stop asking questions.
Math understood is universal, use of math in misleading ways isn't!using math to illustrate what those numbers mean isnt mis reading them . math is the universal language
the numbers in the USA , world and what the current state of deaths , infections etc are the most current , come from the CDC , WHO , and studies by oxford
i mean what do you think is happening ? are there 10% death rates ? 20 ? 30 ? 40 ? same with infections ? what % do you think it is ?
the numbers are the numbers . are there 70% unreported rates ? . what is it you think is happening ?
Good joke, the punch line though, outstanding!!! (Stop wasting our fucking time!!)It is not numbers but here is a great one.
CDC: If you have had the virus, you should still get the vaccine.
Me: Well, why mighty CDC?
CDC: We don’t know how long you are protected?
Me: How long are the vaccinated protected?
CDC: Fuck if we know.
Me: Isn’t natural immunity typically long-lasting and sometimes even life-long?
CDC: Just get the fucking vaccine and stop asking questions.
Me: I read on some idiot’s website that I’ll have natural immunity for 17364829176 months, is that corrext?
Any rational adult: I dont think you should believe everything you read from unverified sources on the internet.
Me: Yeah but I am really good at finding evidence to support my claim while ignoring reality. Especially if that reality is not something that I like or agree with.
Any rational adult: Well, educated people try to find the validity of all sides of an argument in order to make a well informed decision about difficult subjects.
Me: Yeah, but I like to throw around the phrases “I did my research,” and “do your research,” and “well in my experience….” as if a) I actually did research which I didnt, b) I actually investigated all sides of the topic, which I didnt, or c) my limited experience should equate to everybody’s experience which it doesn’t.
Any rational adult; You’re right about one thing: Your experiences dont equate to their expertise. Sorry.
Good joke, the punch line though, outstanding!!! (Stop wasting our fucking time!!)![]()
Pretty sure that's not their reasoning. Some people are difficult to reason with because they wish to argue in other peoples lanes...typically unreasonably!It is true though. That is their reasoning? I don’t blindly do as I am told. As it turns out I work in a country that is going to force me to vaccinate.
Math understood is universal, use of math in misleading ways isn't!
What's happening is exactly what I previously posted, not what I think, what I know!
For example according to you, we should use 100% of the total population (320M) as basis upon which infection rate and resulting deaths are calculated. ABSOLUTELY WRONG!!! Only the infected for that basis. In every posting there's no mention of spread and/or infection rate. Perhaps this is where you're getting it twisted. They are called "Hotspots" for a reason. Take a look at this graph.
View attachment 276475
It proves factually that there is a SPREAD, meaning new and re-infections across the country. As a result, no one can tell you definitively that thus and such is true nationally. National numbers are used in the industry and are read within the context of the accompanying report. When the public gets them, they're taken at face value bereft of the report and ultimately viewed as confusing when mistakenly compared to other numbers put into the public.
Mask and vaccinations actually work, uninformed messaging related to masks/vaccinations are counterproductive. There's also absolute evidence to support this. How people use masks, the materials associated with them and their effectiveness/ineffectiveness is key here. Social distancing plays a key role as well. I recommend the N-95 mask as it destroys every argument related to micron filtration. Given the unavailability of N-95 masks at the time the experts offered alternatives covering measures rather than offering nothing. It is rare to see anyone using the N-95's today and even rarer to see masking and distancing in tandem. Why did this come to be? Well, the messaging was correct but the sale became "masks" or face coverings which were more readily available. Few heard them say that the N-95's were best. Few cared if that was best for them.
We have zero numbers on vaccinated people who have gotten it and what that personal viral load could be, meaning, how likely it is to be spread by this group. Why, because, vaccinated people aren't being tested at least not uniformly.
Total deaths in:
WWII= 420,000,
Korea=54,260, revised to 36,914 in 1994,
Vietnam = 58,220,
Iran/Iraq = 7,057
Afghanistan =2,372
Coronavirus = 618,392
(There's a point to posting these comparisons)
Pretty sure that's not their reasoning. Some people are difficult to reason with because they wish to argue in other peoples lanes...typically unreasonably!
You're a pilot, and as such, you wouldn't want to argue with your passengers in the midst of a life or death situation somewhere between 31,000 and 38,000 feet above ground would you?
Given the choice between you and the country the country wins every time! I learned that as a youngster, as a soldier, as a professional practitioner and now as an old retired man. From start to present, I'm the most militant (albeit pragmatic) MF'er that you've ever posted with.
With COVID 19, the real issue has always been not overloading our health care system. It's not an especially deadly disease. But it is quite virulent and we have no natural immunity to it. So its spread and it's ability to force people into hospital beds is it's worst feature, especially at the start of it all, when no one had immunity.I actually agree with almost all of this. We do have numbers on vaccinated people getting ill though.
Yes there is a point to the posting. It is a false equivalency. Let’s compare it to something similar…Spanish Flu perhaps…Plague.