Sportster 72
Well-Known Member
Must be talking about a football playing being an abortion. 

Yes. A person who is vaccinated can get somebody killed by that same token.
Abortion is in no way similar to a virus. Abortion is guaranteed to end a life.
Abortion is not the same in any way. The person inside is not the mother’s body.
You have never once backed up this statement.
It is funny that you think people who think purposely ending human life are hypocrites for believing people should be free to choose what goes into their body; yet, you don’t think you are a hypocrite for saying “my body my choice” and wanting a mandate when people can protect themselves by getting the vaccine. If you want to see a piece of shit…look into a mirror.
Dont be a dick, g-love. I didnt call you specifically a piece of shit.
You did though.
It’s cool becaue I know that deep down inside that gumbified, twisty, knotted up nut of circular logic and hypocrisy you’re a lover and not an asshole.