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Bob Kraft just dropped the boom hammer on the NFL


Not left-handed either
Aug 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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The key word in that statement is the first one, "if". I take it that he knows there is a chance that they will be caught with tampering and he is just hoping that they're not caught.

If he'd said "when" instead of "if", (many of) you guys would be screaming that his use of word proved the fix was in.


Not left-handed either
Aug 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I'm pretty sure I could pop a needle into 11 footballs in 90 seconds. Let's give him 5 seconds to walk in a open the bag. 5 seconds to close the bag and walk out. That leaves 80 seconds to deflate 11 footballs. Assuming it's 2 seconds to find each ball and insert the needle. that gives 5 Mississippi's to deflate each ball. That's gotta be enough time to release 2psi of pressure.

Crap. I don't think it happened that way, because too many people have stuck their reputations on the line, which is the whole point of the very strong statements from BB and Kraft this week. And it probably would involve two collaborators, because there would be too much risk for the guy to have the needle on him, so somebody else would likely have taken it out of the bathroom.

But I have to admit that, with practice, somebody could probably let air out of a lot of balls that fast.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Crap. I don't think it happened that way, because too many people have stuck their reputations on the line, which is the whole point of the very strong statements from BB and Kraft this week. And it probably would involve two collaborators, because there would be too much risk for the guy to have the needle on him, so somebody else would likely have taken it out of the bathroom.

But I have to admit that, with practice, somebody could probably let air out of a lot of balls that fast.

Pats bungled this and should have messaged him that he had plenty of time, because the game was postponed because the NFCG was going into OT. Why rush the kid with only 90 seconds and 2 sacks of balls, carrying 24 balls aint easy


Still a Heat fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Belichick is a known cheater.. the Pats rings are all lies.


Jul 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Pats bungled this and should have messaged him that he had plenty of time, because the game was postponed because the NFCG was going into OT. Why rush the kid with only 90 seconds and 2 sacks of balls, carrying 24 balls aint easy

That's probably how he missed one of them


It's my Country, Flag, Bible, Gun. Don't try it !
Nov 30, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I'll take you at your word, but you would only be hypocrite if you react differently towards your own team's mess ups than you do towards other teams'. That is where you are off base in your perception of me.

I know both of you guys as posters and both are good ones....Both are a little homerish as I am also.
Both should clean the language up a little and show that you really are as intelligent as generally perceived on here....
To quote Rodney King, "why can't we all just get along".....:lol: We're on to the off season !!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Crap. I don't think it happened that way, because too many people have stuck their reputations on the line, which is the whole point of the very strong statements from BB and Kraft this week. And it probably would involve two collaborators, because there would be too much risk for the guy to have the needle on him, so somebody else would likely have taken it out of the bathroom.

But I have to admit that, with practice, somebody could probably let air out of a lot of balls that fast.

all kraft and bb care about is winning ! they don't care how as long as they make millions on doing it and not getting caught . it wouldn't shock me if the pats haven't listened to the talk in the helmets of other teams and relay them to their helmet guys .

it will be funny if nfl was watching for this due to other games . this is all the nfl fault because they shouldn't let a qb play with his on hand picked balls . brady was a big pusher of this policy .


It's my Country, Flag, Bible, Gun. Don't try it !
Nov 30, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The entire story is crumbling. But you just go on being a hater.:pound:

Kraft understands it perfectly, and Goodell and Mr. Kensil in particular might want to look up their local unemployment office number.

The intial investigation is now down to an equipment manager taking the balls into a bathroom for 90 seconds if reports are accurate. 90 seconds to unbag 12 balls, deflate them by a couple of pounds, rebag them. All in 90 seconds, riiiiiight.:pound:

Or a more likely reason. The guy went in and took a leak before heading onto the field.

Let's not forget the league has said it's investigation is being expanded to other teams.

"Mr. Harbaugh, Mr. Wells on line one for you."

You have just lost all credibility with me and anyone else with an IQ above a frog with those delusional comments.....
Click your heels twice, you're almost home Dorothy !!



Hard Member!
Jun 24, 2014
Around Big D
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Pats bungled this and should have messaged him that he had plenty of time, because the game was postponed because the NFCG was going into OT. Why rush the kid with only 90 seconds and 2 sacks of balls, carrying 24 balls aint easy

Gisele doesn't have any problem carrying Tom's ballz. :noidea:


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I know both of you guys as posters and both are good ones....Both are a little homerish as I am also.
Both should clean the language up a little and show that you really are as intelligent as generally perceived on here....
To quote Rodney King, "why can't we all just get along".....:lol: We're on to the off season !!!!

Your right OS and sure I can be a homer. Kudos to you because during the week leading up to Pitt game and then Pats, you were the only Ravens poster battling and trash talking vs the rest. Balt lost a squeaker, that they had every right to win and you are man enough to show up after the game and next day, while others are still in hiding. Now there is a scandal with deflategate and all resurface, and you dont jump all over it. Well done my friend


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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BOOM! Kraft is dumbfounded how the NFL could accuse them of cheating!!

The nerve!


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2011
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Your right OS and sure I can be a homer. Kudos to you because during the week leading up to Pitt game and then Pats, you were the only Ravens poster battling and trash talking vs the rest. Balt lost a squeaker, that they had every right to win and you are man enough to show up after the game and next day, while others are still in hiding. Now there is a scandal with deflategate and all resurface, and you dont jump all over it. Well done my friend

Dude...I had a little freakin' Ravens' troll as my avatar for 2+ weeks and have done nothing but give the Patriots credit and call them the better team (and easily the best representative the AFC could have sent to this game).

I don't get an ounce of credit for any of that just because the cheating annoys the crap out of me?


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
Out of the desert!
Hoopla Cash
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Dude...I had a little freakin' Ravens' troll as my avatar for 2+ weeks and have done nothing but give the Patriots credit and call them the better team (and easily the best representative the AFC could have sent to this game).

I don't get an ounce of credit for any of that just because the cheating annoys the crap out of me?

You have handled your misery well. There has been no evidence of cheating provided as of yet.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Dude...I had a little freakin' Ravens' troll as my avatar for 2+ weeks and have done nothing but give the Patriots credit and call them the better team (and easily the best representative the AFC could have sent to this game).

I don't get an ounce of credit for any of that just because the cheating annoys the crap out of me?

Money did you lose an AV bet? I have a lot of respect for the Ravens organziation. Love OziIe as GM, used to really like Harbaugh,and Lewis till his last few comments. Suggs is an animal Reed was one of best ever and Ngata is awesome act. Torrey Smith is a class act and shamed me about some tweets after he played a game when his brother died. Classless scum those poster are, and karma is a biatch,and they will get theirs


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Tainted....the Patriots are once again tainted regardless of what comes of this investigation. 11 of 12 bowls underinflated, QB likes underinflated balls, and three press conferences to deny accusations sure smells like a ton of smoke!

Also, funny that the Patriot's fans are confusing issues here. The issue is the INTEGRITY of the game and not what some player may or may not have done on or off the field. Kraft may be a billionaire, but the other owners are as well and the one thing that can kill the game or at least hurt everyone's pockets is the real or perception of an organization challenging the integrity of the game. Destroying evidence after Spygate was not good by the league. Way too many teams said prior to Spygate that it was shocking to them how the Patriots were calling their plays. Now this? See statistics on fumbles by Patriots players when with New England versus outside New England and theories by some that underinflated balls are more difficult to fumble.

You are in the Super Bowl and should enjoy your run Pats fans, but your ERA will ALWAYS be TAINTED!


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2014
Terra Firma
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You have just lost all credibility with me and anyone else with an IQ above a frog with those delusional comments.....
Click your heels twice, you're almost home Dorothy !!


Aside for my IMO portion which part hasn't been reported at this point?

This smells of a botched sting and investigation. Plain and simple.


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2014
Terra Firma
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Tainted....the Patriots are once again tainted regardless of what comes of this investigation. 11 of 12 bowls underinflated, QB likes underinflated balls, and three press conferences to deny accusations sure smells like a ton of smoke!

Also, funny that the Patriot's fans are confusing issues here. The issue is the INTEGRITY of the game and not what some player may or may not have done on or off the field. Kraft may be a billionaire, but the other owners are as well and the one thing that can kill the game or at least hurt everyone's pockets is the real or perception of an organization challenging the integrity of the game. Destroying evidence after Spygate was not good by the league. Way too many teams said prior to Spygate that it was shocking to them how the Patriots were calling their plays. Now this? See statistics on fumbles by Patriots players when with New England versus outside New England and theories by some that underinflated balls are more difficult to fumble.

You are in the Super Bowl and should enjoy your run Pats fans, but your ERA will ALWAYS be TAINTED!

Only in the eyes of haters, not in the eyes of people that actualy understand the game, and understand modern media reporting.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 40,000.79
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Tainted....the Patriots are once again tainted regardless of what comes of this investigation. 11 of 12 bowls underinflated, QB likes underinflated balls, and three press conferences to deny accusations sure smells like a ton of smoke!

Also, funny that the Patriot's fans are confusing issues here. The issue is the INTEGRITY of the game and not what some player may or may not have done on or off the field. Kraft may be a billionaire, but the other owners are as well and the one thing that can kill the game or at least hurt everyone's pockets is the real or perception of an organization challenging the integrity of the game. Destroying evidence after Spygate was not good by the league. Way too many teams said prior to Spygate that it was shocking to them how the Patriots were calling their plays. Now this? See statistics on fumbles by Patriots players when with New England versus outside New England and theories by some that underinflated balls are more difficult to fumble.

You are in the Super Bowl and should enjoy your run Pats fans, but your ERA will ALWAYS be TAINTED!

Dang we will be the Cowboys of the 2000's