Sarcastic F-wad
The veto was used on her because no one thought she had a chance in hell to win and they wanted to earn her jury vote and replace her with a bigger target.I know this is going to be unpopular but I owe Angela an apology.
I know she won the first HOH but during that whole first week I thought she was going to be another Victoria where people would just take her along because she was a floater and worthless.
But I was wrong, she played such a great social game that everyone loved her and she was winning comps to prove that she belonged in this house.
I’ve never seen a season where one person had the veto used on them by so many different people in the house because their social game was that strong
The house viewed and treated her like a Victoria, but she did actually TRY to play the game while Victoria just took a vacation and just waterskied in Derrick’s wake