Sarcastic F-wad
And yes, Haliegh was hot af tonight and made Angela look almost pedestrian.
Baylee and Rock were pure butthurt votes. “Game recognizes game” my ass. That thing was clueless.
That said, I am 100% OK with the outcome. I was rooting for Tyler, but I think my vote might have gone for KC as well. Although Tyler’s closing speech was amazing (but his answer to Baylee’s question was nonsensical).
The legit top 2 made it to top 2. That NEVER happens in these shows.
and yes... Swaggy is a fucking idiot. Those 2 won't last.
Apparently, during the backyard interviews, he did say he was going to take KC if he won. And Scottie apparently based his vote on the fact that KC won the final HOH. So if T won the last comp, he might have beaten KC.I would have definitely voted for kc. I didn’t trust Tyler. Thought he played the ME game disguised as team play. He backstabbed Brett, when he could have just talked to him. And I am convinced if he won that last HOH he would have taken JC.
Apparently, during the backyard interviews, he did say he was going to take KC if he won. And Scottie apparently based his vote on the fact that KC won the final HOH. So if T won the last comp, he might have beaten KC.
She won damn near every veto, which is really the most important, bloodless comp. she was in an alliance that wanted the same people out that she wanted, so might as well let them get the blood on their hands (and limit their comp possibilities) while still keeping yourself safe and keeping the veto out of hands that will wreck your plans.I've said earlier I haven't seen the earlier years but last year's vote was based off emotion, is that how it normally goes? I think Tyler deserved to win. How does being nice to people but doing what everyone else wants a winner of a show?
She won damn near every veto, which is really the most important, bloodless comp. she was in an alliance that wanted the same people out that she wanted, so might as well let them get the blood on their hands (and limit their comp possibilities) while still keeping yourself safe and keeping the veto out of hands that will wreck your plans.
Jc was huge in destroying Fess’ HOH. But outside of that, he was a useful tool of L6. He ALMOST turned Brett, though. But L6 sniffed it out and stopped it.She did win alot vetoes but that kind of was their strategy. Level 6 win HOH and Veto. I just don't get voting for someone who just did what was told. At least JC did something in the game.
She did win alot vetoes but that kind of was their strategy. Level 6 win HOH and Veto. I just don't get voting for someone who just did what was told. At least JC did something in the game.
She did win alot vetoes but that kind of was their strategy. Level 6 win HOH and Veto. I just don't get voting for someone who just did what was told. At least JC did something in the game.
I think last year was the first time I saw a truly butt hurt jury and it was sickening. This year wasn't as bad, but definitely some hurt feels (Bayleigh, Rockfart). The whole "no blood on my hands" is so annoying. I wish someone would go in there totally fearless, but this game is built for sheep. People are scared of independent thought. I would definitely want to toss a rogue vote at all the first half nominationsI've said earlier I haven't seen the earlier years but last year's vote was based off emotion, is that how it normally goes? I think Tyler deserved to win. How does being nice to people but doing what everyone else wants a winner of a show?
As far as Bayleigh and CHRIS go, that is such staged bs! They knew each other for 3 weeks'tarded.
Stawp swangin' on his nuts! He's annoying as hell! He asks a chick to marry him and then stands behind the Chenbot, mugging the camera while his "fianceé" is talking to someone off camera. They don't even look like they are aware that they are standing next to each other! Dorks!
Stawp swangin' on his nuts! He's annoying as hell! He asks a chick to marry him and then stands behind the Chenbot, mugging the camera while his "fianceé" is talking to someone off camera. They don't even look like they are aware that they are standing next to each other! Dorks!
Thank goodness for natural selection?he knocked up Bayleigh... had to propose... even though apparently she lost it in the jury house.