Win TWINS!!!
Least Racist Member
You're probably right... I must've been distracted...I thought Sunday's sign off said there were evictions on Wednesday AND Thursday of this week.

You're probably right... I must've been distracted...I thought Sunday's sign off said there were evictions on Wednesday AND Thursday of this week.
DVRIt's this part of the season where I lose track of scheduling...
???JC won HOH and Sam was evicted. Sam leaving was obvious but holy cow I don’t think anyone expected JC to win a comp let alone the most important one of the season for him. Now either Tyler, KC, or Angela will be going home just hours after they were pretty much guaranteeing themselves Final 3.
Tomorrow’s eviction isn’t live??
I wonder if they were worried about fireworks...
so who goes out in 4th?
If Angela and KC are on the block, T evicts someone. Sending A out MIGHT get him jury love, but getting rid of KC would get rid of his biggest competition. On Sunday they showed a DR segment with T saying his isn’t quite as solid with KC as he was because he isn’t seeing that she will be tough to beat. And he exchanged “I love you”s with A. I guess I am about 55% confident he boots A.
If it is T and KC, I think A boots KC. She seems pretty smitten by T.
If it is T n A, KC tosses Angela. I feel very confident in that, but we really haven’t seen any DRs with KC talking about her long plans.
If she's smart she'll cut Tyler since he is the only real threat to beat her left in the house.
but would that be good for her game? She has played a “loyalty” game, so breaking that loyalty kinda breaks her game, no?
KC may have just cost herself 1st place by evicting Angela tonight over Tyler.
I think comes down to KC being more about friendship than playing the game. It was 100% in her best interest to evict Tyler but she chose to put her loyalty to him over potentially winning 500k. She is basically Cody from BB16. Yes taking Derek to the Final 2 was staying loyal to a friend but it also cost you 1st place.
She had 1 won shot to ensure herself 1st place because she was up against JC and Angela both of whom would've taken her 100% and now she may potentially lose if she's sitting next to Tyler.
I'm not sure she cost herself because if she goes up against Tyler she should win. But why JC targeted Angela made no sense, she was the only person he stood a chance winning against. Keeping Angela was the golden ticket for anyone once level 6 took control of the house.
Let’s be clear. I am rooting for Tyler.I think Tyler has the benefit of playing not only a strong physical game but also a great social one. Whereas KC just has the physical game.
The only issue with the jury is if they think KC played better by getting little to no blood on her hands because Tyler and Angela did most of the work for their alliance. If they see Tyler as not only the one who controlled the entire game but they also don’t hate him for evicting them then he’s got this win in the bag.
Let’s be clear. I am rooting for Tyler.
That said, KC may have actually played a BETTER game. I suspect she made the conscious decision to not win HOHs. Being the HOH puts blood on your hands, and it also restricts your options “next week”. Winning the POV makes you safe, gives you some serious say in who the noms are (while staying blood-free) and you still get to vote while not deciding anything. She not only OWNED the POV comps, she also won the over-powered Hacker comp (WAY too powerful - I hope they do not bring that one back). Chica was a comp beast. She also was everyone’s best friend without anyone thinking any of it was game play. Tyler made too many game-alliances. He had at least 4 final-2 deals. That was what killed Paul.
Ultimately, T and KC were the clear best in the house this year. Surprisingly, JC may have actually been the legit third best player. He and Brett, I think, had very similar games, but Brett “breaking the loyalty” was his fatal flaw while JC was never in a position to be able to have that flaw.
He was worse than Rockstar. He is a stain on the fine reputation of this Meatball making it to the end in this season...