grim rpr
I also believe it will be a second dui... for sure in nfl policies it will be.. but suspension will not be tomorrow
That baboon should be responsible for fixing the dude's yard.
Although I'm sure TT would claim that comment was simply to say how stupid and beast-like Aldon is, I have little doubt he intentionally said it in order to stir the shit (as usual) with people who might infer a different connotation. Why? Because he's a troll.
And he's still here because he has pictures of Ray & Clyde partying with Richard Sherman.
Well, as long as he doesn't say anything about the Jews he can still work in hollywood.
Before long the word Jew will be considered anti Semitic if said by non Jews.
stop ruining my mel gibson joke... you snarling albino!
Before long the word Jew will be considered anti Semitic if said by non Jews.
All jokes aside. The motherfucker just called Aldon Smith a baboon. That is racist as fuck. Do as you seem fit.
All jokes aside. The motherfucker just called Aldon Smith a baboon. That is racist as fuck. Do as you seem fit.
Honestly, I don't post often but I come on and read a lot and he says a lot of racist stuff on here and I have just come to the conclusion of ignoring his post and keep it moving. I am black and when I read that I was like seriously, some people are just ignorant and unwilling to change or see how their actions affect other people so it is just to keep it pushing and ignore them.
Honestly, I don't post often but I come on and read a lot and he says a lot of racist stuff on here and I have just come to the conclusion of ignoring his post and keep it moving. I am black and when I read that I was like seriously, some people are just ignorant and unwilling to change or see how their actions affect other people so it is just to keep it pushing and ignore them.
There are limits, right? Eventually we reach that point where it needs to be addressed. There should be no place for that here.
I completely agree with you; we are all 49er fans and even if we don't agree with the actions of a particular player or person their has to be a level of respect for any particular human being. I don't agree with Aldon actions but to throw racial epithets at him because of it is completely uncalled for. Say he is stupid, say he is reckless, a moron, irresponsible but when you start insulting a man's race you have crossed the line.
Yep. Call him stupid, reckless, irresponsible, an idiot or a moron... but there is no acceptable reason to call him a baboon. I'm offended by that and I'm not even a black guy. So, props to you for being so cool about this, all things considered.
Since we're talking about it, I added TT to my ignore list last year (everyone knows you can do this, right?). I would highly recommend it. It's pretty clear he just tries to get a rise out of people, and it works. Like when a thread about Aldon turns into a thread about racism...