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AD will not sign extension and has requested a trade.


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To be fair, saying other teams assets have more value, doesn't mean the Lakers assets have no value.

For the sake of argument, let's say that the young players the Lakers offered up were of equal value to what the Celtics offered.

The draft picks the Celtics can offer are likely to be better than the picks the Lakers can offer and they can offer more of them.

So, the Celtics can still make a better offer.

That's why these rumors about AD not wanting to play in Boston are out there. Rich Paul knows that the Celtics (and probably a couple of other teams) can beat whatever the Lakers offer so he's trying to depress the market.

All I said was that the Lakers had the best deadline deal, the Celtics could offer a bit more although their picks aren't exactly lottery picks, but their offer could always change if Kyrie decides he wants to sign elsewhere. You probably want to hang onto Tatum if that's the case. The Knicks could have potentially offered more but what are the chances they get the #1 pick now? If you trade for AD now at least you have someone to attract potential FA's. As it stands the Knicks will have a lot of cap space in an offseason where more than a few teams have a lot of cap space. Last time this happened they ended up striking out and signing Amare to a gigantic contract.

No one could have foreseen the Raptors stabbing DeRozen in the back (players should be loyal btw), but I'm not sure of the chances of something like that happening with AD. In terms of a surprise team coming out of nowhere with a good offer.


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What about NY offer of Kanter, Knox, Ntilikina and their upcoming 1st round pick (likely a top 3 pick) for AD? Also the promise to the Pelicans that they will shut AD down for the rest of the year to ensure a lower tanking pick.

Pelicans get AD which gives them a huge advantage in trying to recruit players to NY. They also allow AD to have say in it, which incentivizes him to potentially stay afterwards.


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What about NY offer of Kanter, Knox, Ntilikina and their upcoming 1st round pick (likely a top 3 pick) for AD? Also the promise to the Pelicans that they will shut AD down for the rest of the year to ensure a lower tanking pick.

Pelicans get AD which gives them a huge advantage in trying to recruit players to NY. They also allow AD to have say in it, which incentivizes him to potentially stay afterwards.

Not sure that could work. You wouldn't make that deal at the deadline if you're New Orleans because you don't know where the pick is. No one knows that until the lottery so they can't make the trade until the summer. But the problem then is Kanter is a free agent. They might be able to do Knox, DSJ, Ntilikina, Pick for Davis in the summer though. You can do unbalanced salary trades if teams are under the cap and the summer is when a bunch of teams would be under it. There's a bunch of little rules involved but that might be possible.


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Yeah the last thing I want to hear is what a guy’s dad thinks about anything. What a soap opera and it’s just starting.


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Been saying maybe wait until we hear what AD says instead of listening to unsubstantiated reports. Here's what he said about only looking into LA.....

“Nah … me or my representation never gave the Pelicans a destination or anything, so I’m not sure where that’s coming from,” Davis said.

“Maybe the connection with my representation [Paul also represents LeBron James]. But we never gave the Pelicans a destination.”


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Lakers are evidently in talks and improving their offer.

Sources: Lakers improve offer for Pelicans' Davis

Doesn't make sense to me. If I am the New Orleans, the Lakers don't have a single thing that would interest me.

For AD I would need:
1) A likely lottery pick
2) A young player who has the chance to be something great.
3) Filler. Extra picks and some decent price controlled role players.

All the Lakers have is #3. No lottery picks and none of their young players look to be anything more than role players in this league. For me to talk to the Lakers, I would need them to do the leg work around the league to go out and find me #1 and #2 before I even talk. And I can't believe they would get either #1 or #2 for their young players.


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AD put out an extended list of teams he'll sign long term with; Lakers, Knicks, Bucks, Clippers.

This is still a power play by AD to make the LA offer seem like the best. The Knicks can't deal for him now. They have nothing of value unless NO wants to take the gamble that the lottery pick will be #1. They'd be better off waiting until the summer to deal with New York. The Bucks could make an offer but they'd be ruining their chance at a Finals this year with what it would take. Plus, its not really all that impressive. Would you really want Middleton and Bledsoe knowing both are leaving in free agency this summer? That leaves the Clippers. Now while they could make a somewhat compelling offer built around SGA, would the Clippers really throw out an offer right now to get AD and hope they can sell a FA (Kawhi) in July? Seems like too big a risk for them when they could just sign two free agents this summer anyway.

So this "list" isn't really a real thing. It's still AD's camp trying to make New Orleans deal him before the deadline because that's the time where the Lakers could conceivably have the "best" offer. Its negotiating thru the media. I'd look to see counter moves by New York saying they are open to trading their pick even if its #1 if they get it. And then a counter moves by Boston putting it out there in the media that Tatum might be available in trades this Summer.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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Lakers are evidently in talks and improving their offer.

Sources: Lakers improve offer for Pelicans' Davis

Doesn't make sense to me. If I am the New Orleans, the Lakers don't have a single thing that would interest me.

For AD I would need:
1) A likely lottery pick
2) A young player who has the chance to be something great.
3) Filler. Extra picks and some decent price controlled role players.

All the Lakers have is #3. No lottery picks and none of their young players look to be anything more than role players in this league. For me to talk to the Lakers, I would need them to do the leg work around the league to go out and find me #1 and #2 before I even talk. And I can't believe they would get either #1 or #2 for their young players.

Lonzo - as of right now he is a bench player, starter on N.O. possibly---move Holiday to SG. 40% fg, 33% 3 pt, 41% ft.
Ingram - Improving. Starter on young team like N.O.
Kuzma - Also would be a starter and has most potential so far.

Like you said, none have shown they can be great.
They would get 0 lottery picks. This is pretty much guaranteed honestly.

Only plus is the Hill contract which is 12-13 mil a year and a bunch of one year deal players that dont add a ton of value to the team but enough where N.O. probably will have a borderline top 10 pick in 2019. Right now they are at #10.

So unless they see Ingram or Kuzma being a star or at least an all-star caliber player this is probably a bad deal overall. Individually if you try and trade these young guys in the future and they don't blossom into very good players you don't get much value from this trade except maybe some picks---not great picks.


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The list that Anthony Davis said he would extend with increased I believe it said the Knicks, Bucks, and Clippers were on there. I think the Knicks have the most to offer if the Pelicans Wait until the offseason my biggest concern with the Lakers deal is that that entire combination of players they are offering couldn't amount to anything in terms of wins so I think if they were to be traded to NO they would a 9-11th seed team for the next few years and those guys will leave anyway when their contract is up unless NO over pays for them and gives them the max.

But the Knicks have the best offer if the Knicks land high enough to get Zion I would do a deal where they get AD and the Pelicans get the zion pick with some young players and the mavericks pick. If


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Lonzo - as of right now he is a bench player, starter on N.O. possibly---move Holiday to SG. 40% fg, 33% 3 pt, 41% ft.
Ingram - Improving. Starter on young team like N.O.
Kuzma - Also would be a starter and has most potential so far.

Like you said, none have shown they can be great.
They would get 0 lottery picks. This is pretty much guaranteed honestly.

Only plus is the Hill contract which is 12-13 mil a year and a bunch of one year deal players that dont add a ton of value to the team but enough where N.O. probably will have a borderline top 10 pick in 2019. Right now they are at #10.

So unless they see Ingram or Kuzma being a star or at least an all-star caliber player this is probably a bad deal overall. Individually if you try and trade these young guys in the future and they don't blossom into very good players you don't get much value from this trade except maybe some picks---not great picks.

I agree with this breakdown I would add that Kuzma and Ingram would not stay unless NO would give them a super max and over pay for them, They probably wont win with that tandem


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I agree with this breakdown I would add that Kuzma and Ingram would not stay unless NO would give them a super max and over pay for them, They probably wont win with that tandem

Do you really need to add the probably? They are both solid young players. But I cant see anyone thinking they are going to be top 8 guys at their position at any point in their careers.

Same is true of Ball....hell because of the talent at the PG position, he isn't even likely to be a top 15 guy at his position.

It is why the Lakers and the Pelicans even talking has me a little confused.

Those 3 are the EXACT type of not young but not vet players you want to avoid in a rebuild: Low ceiling players who are just good enough to keep you from really tanking properly and getting a top 3 pick.

New Orleans takes a Lakers package and they are damn near guaranteed not to make the playoffs in the next 3 years....and damn near guaranteed not to finish with a bottom 5 overall record.

It makes me wonder if they are planning a bigger move along with Holiday and Mirotec along with these guys thrown in the mix to get what they need to make this type of deal.


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@ducky Not to mention if I am LA I would be doing whatever it takes to get AD I would even be taking on expiring contract I think it stupid when people say they shouldn't add both Kuzma or Ingram it has to be one or the other. If the Lakers get AD they will be relevant FOR THE NEXT 10 YEARS. Even after Lebron is done (which is I think sooner than what people think) AD is still around and you can pair super stars with him down the line. Nobody is running to LA to go play with Kuzma and Ingram EVER


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maybe i’m in the minority here but i say most of these offers are way too much. yeah i get how good AD is. i think just to get one of the 3 young stars is plenty along with fillers and possibly 2 first round picks.

i think you have to look at other trades that have happened recently or in the past. the lakers got odom and fillers for shaq years ago. pacers basically swapped paul george for oladipo. spurs gave a swap of leonard for demar derozan.

with lonzo and ingram that’s 2 former #2 overall picks. that’s more than enough. and IFFF they add kuzma shouldn’t be any other players. like i said find a deal where someone gave up the farm for a top player recently.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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maybe i’m in the minority here but i say most of these offers are way too much. yeah i get how good AD is. i think just to get one of the 3 young stars is plenty along with fillers and possibly 2 first round picks.

i think you have to look at other trades that have happened recently or in the past. the lakers got odom and fillers for shaq years ago. pacers basically swapped paul george for oladipo. spurs gave a swap of leonard for demar derozan.

with lonzo and ingram that’s 2 former #2 overall picks. that’s more than enough. and IFFF they add kuzma shouldn’t be any other players. like i said find a deal where someone gave up the farm for a top player recently.

It MIGHT look like too much bc the Lakers are giving up basically their entire roster minus Lebron, Hart and basically all their big men but the fact is this is bc the Lakers struck out so many times in the draff. Some might not be their fault (Ball or Fultz screwed). Kuzma was the best player and they actually got in in a trade, but they traded away DLo who is hands down easily better than any of these 3 young guys (Jngram, Kuzma, Ball).

They are giving away bench players and 3 young guys with mid ceiling along with 2 late 1st round picks. I wouldnt say that is giving away too much lol


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maybe i’m in the minority here but i say most of these offers are way too much. yeah i get how good AD is. i think just to get one of the 3 young stars is plenty along with fillers and possibly 2 first round picks.

i think you have to look at other trades that have happened recently or in the past. the lakers got odom and fillers for shaq years ago. pacers basically swapped paul george for oladipo. spurs gave a swap of leonard for demar derozan.

with lonzo and ingram that’s 2 former #2 overall picks. that’s more than enough. and IFFF they add kuzma shouldn’t be any other players. like i said find a deal where someone gave up the farm for a top player recently.

It's difficult to say really, I wouldn't mind giving picks and young players but then asking to take a bad contract on top of it and taking a 3rd max away really seems like too much when you look at what teams have gotten in return for superstars in recent years. The other side of it is that AD is still really young, and would keep the Lakers in contention long after LeBron hangs them up.

If the Pels think they can get something even better than that in the offseason then more power to them. With any luck the Boston and Knicks offer won't be what they assumed and they'll have to accept a lesser deal from the Lakers, if the Lakers even still have the cap space.

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It MIGHT look like too much bc the Lakers are giving up basically their entire roster minus Lebron, Hart and basically all their big men but the fact is this is bc the Lakers struck out so many times in the draff. Some might not be their fault (Ball or Fultz screwed). Kuzma was the best player and they actually got in in a trade, but they traded away DLo who is hands down easily better than any of these 3 young guys (Jngram, Kuzma, Ball).

They are giving away bench players and 3 young guys with mid ceiling along with 2 late 1st round picks. I wouldnt say that is giving away too much lol
Ingram and Kuzma have the potential to be better, but quite frankly - I think the Lakers let the wrong one go - Julius Randle is the one they should have signed and kept, but either way If they make that trade they end up with LeBron and Davis in the line up - perhaps Rondo and KCP and it's quite possible that the Lakers will trade KCP or some one to the Bulls for Jabari Pick up - that would be a good trade for the Lakers. They can pick up the team option this summer or let him go - nothing to lose

I digressed, however - I say the trade is good one and the young core can be replaced -


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No one is giving up a boatload to get AD unless they know they can extend him and while the Lakers young guys aren't elite they're far better than anything any of the other 3 teams can offer . The Warriors being so far ahead of everyone else really hurts NO. If there were a team who thought they could win the title this year or next by adding Davis then they may be willing to risk losing him but what team is that ? What team could add Davis now and you'd think "oh they can beat GS now "?? .... Exactly .

Pels can't really afford to wait imo , offers will just get worse if it pushes into next year and as AD gets closer to FA