Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
Contract can't be voided. They can try all they want but the strongest union on the planet won't allow it.
What does the UAW have to do with it??
Contract can't be voided. They can try all they want but the strongest union on the planet won't allow it.
I think they'd love to void it but they can't.
serves them right for being so stupid in the first place
Dis is truth.
Seems like that whole list is all Latinos except Braun.
Ryan Braun!
He better mail that MVP to Matt Kemp.
But the Yankees will void his contract. If they don't, the old man will come back from the grave.
If the Yankees can find a loophole they will.
Even as arrogant and egotistical as A-Rod is, he wouldn't possibly have the balls to come back from something like this...would he?