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5,000 Posts for a Flyers Cup in 2018!


Padded cells optional
Apr 8, 2011
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I don't buy it at all. No way is Hextall that crazy. I think the market will have better options for goaltenders.

I would actually put him above Neuvy.....


Junior Mint
Apr 24, 2010
Staunton, VA
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As scary as it sounds, it's one of the big rumors floating around the Philly area.

Fleury had a terrible year though by all accounts, was overtaken by Murray everywhere, is soon to be 33 and making $5.75 million, which makes him one of the most expensive options that there is.

That's not even bringing up the fact that this is a guy who we've been born and bred to hate over the years while playing for one of our biggest rivals.

Given all of this, I have absolutely no clue why Hexy would even begin to consider trading for him.

Like the article states clearly, the logistics of it make zero sense too. We would be much better off spending that cap space on a 1st/2nd line forward or 1st/2nd pairing defenseman.

I don't care if he's the best regular season option that there is (and he could be), it's too much money and will probably upset a lot of fans in both areas. That and if he put up shitty numbers like 3.02 and .909 with their defense, what will he do with ours? It makes no fucking sense, so Hexy won't touch it.
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Well-Known Member
May 15, 2010
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Well-Known Member
May 15, 2010
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Fleury had a terrible year though by all accounts, was overtaken by Murray everywhere, is soon to be 33 and making $5.75 million, which makes him one of the most expensive options that there is.

That's not even bringing up the fact that this is a guy who we've been born and bred to hate over the years while playing for one of our biggest rivals.

Given all of this, I have absolutely no clue why Hexy would even begin to consider trading for him.

Like the article states clearly, the logistics of it make zero sense too. We would be much better off spending that cap space on a 1st/2nd line forward or 1st/2nd pairing defenseman.

I don't care if he's the best regular season option that there is (and he could be), it's too much money and will probably upset a lot of fans in both areas. That and if he put up shitty numbers like 3.02 and .909 with their defense, what will he do with ours? It makes no fucking sense, so Hexy won't touch it.

The Pens D sucks too? Playing behind the Flyers D might actually be an improvement. They won the cup on goaltending and offense, not defense.

I don't care one bit about upsetting fans. If he's the best goalie available, which after Mase IMO, he is, they shouldn't just brush it off.


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May 15, 2010
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I'm great with that. Shit, I would rather have Mike Smith than MAF though. Same money, but probably even a better option.

That or Elliott at $3 million.

If you move Neuvirth (as mentioned in my other post)..

I'd rather have Fleury/Stolarz than Elliot/Neuvirth or Smith/Neuvirth or Smith/Stolarz. Or god forbid Neuvirth/Stolarz.


Junior Mint
Apr 24, 2010
Staunton, VA
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The Pens D sucks too? Playing behind the Flyers D might actually be an improvement. They won the cup on goaltending and offense, not defense.

I don't care one bit about upsetting fans. If he's the best goalie available, which after Mase IMO, he is, they shouldn't just brush it off.

The Pens at least had an offense to keep the puck at the other end of the ice and score a ton of goals for him. We don't...Lol

I think their defense is not great, but also probably underrated.


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2010
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I could be convinced to go with Smith. If he's available. But the UFA goalie market does not impress me one bit. Mase is the best goalie on it by a lot IMO. It's upsetting the Flyers aren't even looking at him.


Junior Mint
Apr 24, 2010
Staunton, VA
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If you move Neuvirth (as mentioned in my other post)..

I'd rather have Fleury/Stolarz than Elliot/Neuvirth or Smith/Neuvirth or Smith/Stolarz. Or god forbid Neuvirth/Stolarz.

I'd take anything over Fleury and happily utilize the extra cap space too. You're probably in the minority on this one, but we all want to win.


Junior Mint
Apr 24, 2010
Staunton, VA
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I could be convinced to go with Smith. If he's available. But the UFA goalie market does not impress me one bit. Mase is the best goalie on it by a lot IMO. It's upsetting the Flyers aren't even looking at him.

Maybe so, but I can also understand being sour on Mase. What has he really done for us when given the chance? He's had one really good year and that's about it, right? Nothing in the playoffs too. Neuvy has at least stepped up in the postseason and costs far less.


Junior Mint
Apr 24, 2010
Staunton, VA
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Another angle of this is that whoever ends up with Fleury will want to be in absolute "win now" mode. We're just not there yet. Yes, we want to make the playoffs asap, but we're not yet a Cup contender and he doesn't bring us there either.

If Murray is constantly outdueling Fleury, then why on earth do we want to have Fleury in our net each time we play Pitt? Lol

We're pretty damn competitive with them as is, no need to give them an edge.
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Junior Mint
Apr 24, 2010
Staunton, VA
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Our goal scorers may have extra confidence in actual games after seeing the puck go into the net so often during practice.

That's all I've got on acquiring MAF that could potentially benefit us.

For real though. Look at his splits against us. Only three years at best in the last decade has he even performed close to well against us statistically. We usually light him up, in fact.
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Lets do this!
Jun 28, 2010
Staten Island NY
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If we could sign Mase for like 2.75 to 3 million i say we go one more year with him until we are ready to win a cup the following year than we could look at other options.


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2010
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Maybe so, but I can also understand being sour on Mase. What has he really done for us when given the chance? He's had one really good year and that's about it, right? Nothing in the playoffs too. Neuvy has at least stepped up in the postseason and costs far less.

Mase has been an NHL starting goalie when they treat him as such. A .918 sv% and a 2.47 gaa in philly is pretty solid. He had a rough 3 games in one playoff season (.852, 4.09). But it was 3 games. We should be just as much stock in his 5 games the year before (.939, 1.97).

He's a headcase and sucks when you treat him as a 1A or 1B. But is good, or even great, when you treat him as a 1 that he deserves to be. He carried the team to the playoffs last season starting like 24 games in a row some shit and was great in just about all of them. Same thing happened for a stretch this year.

It's a moot point, because the Flyers aren't bringing him back. But that's a mistake. IMO, there isn't even any arguing it. They handled Mason poorly and now they have to look for a goalie again.

And Neuvirth sucks. I don't even want him as the backup. Everyone loves him because he had a fantastic playoff run that lasted a whole 3 games (.981, 0.67). He was also DEAD LAST in save percentage this year. DEAD LAST! As in the worst. In the league. I'll take a bad 3 games from Mase and decent overall numbers over a brilliant 3 games. You want to talk about dumb deals, the Neuvirth one is one of the worst on the team IMO. Signing him to an extension guaranteed you'd lose your real starting goalie and be stuck paying 2.5 mil to the worst goalie in the league last season. Maybe he rebounds, but why would you reward the guy with a raise!? The question should be, do you sign him on a discount? Not how much of a raise you should give.

I love Hextall. But he's botched the goaltender position.


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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Another angle of this is that whoever ends up with Fleury will want to be in absolute "win now" mode. We're just not there yet. Yes, we want to make the playoffs asap, but we're not yet a Cup contender and he doesn't bring us there either.

If Murray is constantly outdueling Fleury, then why on earth do we want to have Fleury in our net each time we play Pitt? Lol

We're pretty damn competitive with them as is, no need to give them an edge.

Murray is probably a top 5 goalie in the league. By that logic the Flyers shouldn't bother signing anyone unless they're top 4 in the league?


Junior Mint
Apr 24, 2010
Staunton, VA
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Murray is probably a top 5 goalie in the league. By that logic the Flyers shouldn't bother signing anyone unless they're top 4 in the league?

Uh, no. Dollars factor into this heavily. Fleury costs you $5.75 million per season for two more seasons, plus whatever picks or prospects you give up to trade for him.

You can certainly argue that there's more bang for your buck out there without having to make a trade and/or without having to live with it being fucking MAF guarding our net...Lol


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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Uh, no. Dollars factor into this heavily. Fleury costs you $5.75 million per season for two more seasons, plus whatever picks or prospects you give up to trade for him.

You can certainly argue that there's more bang for your buck out there without having to make a trade and/or without having to live with it being fucking MAF guarding our net...Lol

It's 2 seasons, and the Flyers aren't in cap hell right now. And they won't be this year or next year. If you move the wasted money that is Michal Neuvirth, 5.75 for a legitimate starting goalie (whether you care to agree with that or not), is not a bad use of your money. It buys you time for the young guys to progress and make the NHL in two seasons.

Wouldn't it be great to have a real starting goalie next year and the year after? Instead of some career journeymen that you're hoping will put in a solid split time starter performance? I would MUCH rather spend 7 mil on a Fleury/Stolarz tandem than spend 5-6 mil on an Elliot/Neuvirth tandem. What are you going to get with that 1-2 mil savings that the Flyers don't already have in abundance? They have what, 10 forwards vying for the bottom 4 spots on the team. And 4 dmen vying for the bottom 2 spots on defense? You're not going to get TJ Oshie instead of MAF, you're going to get a 4th liner or 3rd dpair guy and Brian Elliot.

They might not be in win now mode, but as a fan I wouldn't hate having a real goalie back there to support a playoff drive.