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2017 Texas Rangers offseason thread


Be Patient and Finish Right #TakeBackTX
Jul 31, 2014
Fort Worth
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well at the time you were
It was a crazy idea if the goal is to simply compete for a wildcard or maybe win a division occasionally. It was a good idea if the goal is to build a champion. Some of us have different goals I guess. Nothing wrong with that.
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Jul 19, 2013
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I'm a fan of what they have done, but its what they've incapable of doing that's the problem (Ohtani)
Maybe Darvish re-ups and its less of an issue, especially considering Ohtani's recent medical reports

But he's made moves to solidify the rotation even if they aren't the sexy moves we all love, I'm all for leaving the lineup in the hands of the young guys, they could do well or poorly but now is as good a time as any to find out from your on the cusp talent

We don't have that luxury with the pitching staff yet, solutions need to be external

I was on board with the Fielder move and the Hamels / Darvish move.

Fielder would’ve done really well here if he wasn’t damaged goods. Our front office got tricked by old dombrowski.

Didn’t really like the Choo signing or Garza deal.

JD has definitely had mixed results the last few years. He is definitely not the boy wonder we thought he was, but I’d ask anyone who wants to get rid of him, can we get someone better? I’m skeptical. We’ve seen bad GMs like John hart run this team into the ground. At least we know JD isn’t a bad GM.


Rebuild done....It all starts with pitching
Jun 26, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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It was a crazy idea if the goal is to simply compete for a wildcard or maybe win a division occasionally. It was a good idea if the goal is to build a champion. Some of us have different goals I guess. Nothing wrong with that.

The Cliff Lee trade was not great because it did not win us a championship or the Cliff lee trade was great because it put us on the map as a legitimate team or player in the MLB marketplace. We should have won 2011 but the reason surely was not because we did not have a good enough product put out there

That the way Baseball go....Wash


former loyal Hoopilist
Jul 3, 2013
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I think he put Rangers farm on the map where it did not exist. History of great scouting and developing albeit upper level pitching approach which has been currently tweaked. Great presence in Carribean VeneZuela and Japan. His subordinates have been snatched.

Writer is condescends and is biased. But like I said I did not read whole article

Said nothing about extension but yes we should try to keep him if possible

I agree with you on what JD initially accomplished. Appreciated it too. Although, for whatever reason, our farm system has not produced in accordance with some high rankings.

And I agree we've done a fantastic job in the International market as a whole.

But the fact we've not produced ML level talent, not just on the mound, hasn't evaded me. And if it's coaching/better scouting, etc it doesn't matter b/c the same guy is responsible for improving/producing both and that guy is JD.

After reading the entire article, I think Engel's biggest rub was the team contemplating extended JD. And his comparison to the NFL's handling of Goodell was a very good point. And as he said, "why extend him? He's going nowhere right now anyway."


Vietnam Veteran
Jul 2, 2013
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To be fair, we don't always know what a GM wanted/tried to do that just did not work for one reason or another. We also do not know what may yet be in the mix.


Rebuild done....It all starts with pitching
Jun 26, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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To be fair, we don't always know what a GM wanted/tried to do that just did not work for one reason or another. We also do not know what may yet be in the mix.

There really definite constraints of ownership. Yanks,BoSox and LAD. Distinct market advantage Farm has taken a toll last few years trying to cah in on Yu window. Be very surprised if we trade prospects for anything less than controllable talent. If we can even make playoffs this year under this scenario would be impressive.


Rebuild done....It all starts with pitching
Jun 26, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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The Cliff Lee trade was not great because it did not win us a championship or the Cliff lee trade was great because it put us on the map as a legitimate team or player in the MLB marketplace. We should have won 2011 but the reason surely was not because we did not have a good enough product put out there

That the way Baseball go....Wash
Side note Bennie
Went to church today and the preacher asked this. Think of something you have waited for a long time?

Me being the spiritual guy I am thought of was my wait for the Texas Rangers winning a WS.

The preacher remarked that Moses waited forty years to reach the promised land. Then it clicked I have been waiting longer than Moses.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
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Remember when we would’ve killed for Matt Moore.


Be Patient and Finish Right #TakeBackTX
Jul 31, 2014
Fort Worth
Hoopla Cash
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The Cliff Lee trade was not great because it did not win us a championship or the Cliff lee trade was great because it put us on the map as a legitimate team or player in the MLB marketplace. We should have won 2011 but the reason surely was not because we did not have a good enough product put out there

That the way Baseball go....Wash
The Cliff Lee trade was a great trade. Great might not be a good enough word to use actually.

It had nothing to do with what I was discussing though.


Be Patient and Finish Right #TakeBackTX
Jul 31, 2014
Fort Worth
Hoopla Cash
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I agree with you on what JD initially accomplished. Appreciated it too. Although, for whatever reason, our farm system has not produced in accordance with some high rankings.

And I agree we've done a fantastic job in the International market as a whole.

But the fact we've not produced ML level talent, not just on the mound, hasn't evaded me. And if it's coaching/better scouting, etc it doesn't matter b/c the same guy is responsible for improving/producing both and that guy is JD.

After reading the entire article, I think Engel's biggest rub was the team contemplating extended JD. And his comparison to the NFL's handling of Goodell was a very good point. And as he said, "why extend him? He's going nowhere right now anyway."
JD did a phenominal job when he rebuilt this club. He has not proven that he can put together a championship caliber club without rebuilding though. That in itself is not that bad unless you refuse to rebuild.


Supporting Member Level 3
Aug 9, 2011
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I agree with you on what JD initially accomplished. Appreciated it too. Although, for whatever reason, our farm system has not produced in accordance with some high rankings.

And I agree we've done a fantastic job in the International market as a whole.

But the fact we've not produced ML level talent, not just on the mound, hasn't evaded me. And if it's coaching/better scouting, etc it doesn't matter b/c the same guy is responsible for improving/producing both and that guy is JD.

After reading the entire article, I think Engel's biggest rub was the team contemplating extended JD. And his comparison to the NFL's handling of Goodell was a very good point. And as he said, "why extend him? He's going nowhere right now anyway."

Our biggest issue with not getting MLB talent has been the moves we made. Every MLB talent that is close was shipped our for Lee, Garza, Hamels, Eaton, Dempster, etc. We were contenders for years, and contenders sell their best talent more often than not. We have a lot of prospects that will be good in the next 2-3 years, unless we sell again. JD is at his best when he is selling (except for the Eaton trade).


Rebuild done....It all starts with pitching
Jun 26, 2015
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Remember when we would’ve killed for Matt Moore.

Matt Moore has an intangible of playing big in the big moment. These are the type of players we need. The question mark is his velo has dropped and command is shaky all after TJS. Define worth the risk. Yes we did covet


Rebuild done....It all starts with pitching
Jun 26, 2015
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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JD did a phenominal job when he rebuilt this club. He has not proven that he can put together a championship caliber club without rebuilding though. That in itself is not that bad unless you refuse to rebuild.

The 2011 team was championship caliber. Just did not get it done. Whole point is you can not -00% judge a GM or team based upon results.

We have a tremendous upgrade in product since JF arrived. But of course as in all there are flaws. The cubs won despite Maddons poor bullpen coaching. So I think I am on point if you think about it re your judgement of what defines success for this team. Of course only an opinion