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2017 NBA Offseason Thread


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Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
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pfft... yeah cause TT making 17 mil and JR making 14 mill is such awful value.

Look around the league at players' salaries. There isn't a single Cavs player on a horrible contract. The Cavs have the 2nd best collection of talent in the league.

Gottlieb is a complete idiot

That's not why people are looking at the Cavs at having a bad off-season. It has everything to do with this off-season: losing David Griffin, not making a bold move, etc. No one is criticizing the Cavs for any of the moves prior to this off-season, so what the fuck is Gotlieb talking about?

They're not bad contracts now. But at the time they were signed, they were considered god awful. JR (outside of game 5) was non-existent against the Dubs.

I also degree on the Cavs having the 2nd best collection of talent in the league if looked in a microscope. I think it goes to show how good Lebron is. The minute Lebron doesn't play, the Cavs become one of the worst teams in the league.

No one criticized the Cavs the past offseason because they were champs. They stayed idle (resigning JR) while the competition improved. Same thing happened to the Heat in 2013 (the year they won), where the Heat only added Greg Oden for development purposes and taking a low gamble move. The Cavs after getting their doors blown off stood pat. That qualifies as a bad offseason when you have the highest payroll that's clearly not going to beat the Warriors. You could trade off players to get others that are more defensive oriented and that Butler for Love trade would've been ideal.


Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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They're not bad contracts now. But at the time they were signed, they were considered god awful. JR (outside of game 5) was non-existent against the Dubs.
And that was proven to be wrong. Some of us were saying from the beginning that with the rising cap, the deals were actually good. And they were.

I also degree on the Cavs having the 2nd best collection of talent in the league if looked in a microscope. I think it goes to show how good Lebron is. The minute Lebron doesn't play, the Cavs become one of the worst teams in the league.
I can agree with that, but LeBron is on the roster for now and healthy, so I'll stand by it.

No one criticized the Cavs the past offseason because they were champs. They stayed idle (resigning JR) while the competition improved. Same thing happened to the Heat in 2013 (the year they won), where the Heat only added Greg Oden for development purposes and taking a low gamble move. The Cavs after getting their doors blown off stood pat. That qualifies as a bad offseason when you have the highest payroll that's clearly not going to beat the Warriors. You could trade off players to get others that are more defensive oriented and that Butler for Love trade would've been ideal.

Yeah, that's a fair point. Maybe they could've done more last off-season, once they knew Durant was on the Warriors. Hindsight, I'd probably agree. At the time though, I thought they were smart to wait and see how the Warriors do. Even with the Warriors being immediately great, the Cavs were one wide open Korver 3 from game 6 at home in the Finals.

If they continue to stand pat all year long, then LeBron should be frustrated with them, regardless of what deals he has or hasn't pushed for in the past.


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Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
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Whether or not those contracts are horrible, merely bad, or passable, they have the Cavs currently buried in luxury tax. They should've sought upgrades at those positions instead of re-signing their role players to upgraded contracts IMO.


Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Whether or not those contracts are horrible, merely bad, or passable, they have the Cavs currently buried in luxury tax. They should've sought upgrades at those positions instead of re-signing their role players to upgraded contracts IMO.

Why should anyone besides Gilbert give a damn about the luxury tax?

I'd love to hear what upgrades at C and SG the Cavs could get while spending less than the 17 and 14 mill they are paying now.


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Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
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Why should anyone besides Gilbert give a damn about the luxury tax?

I'd love to hear what upgrades at C and SG the Cavs could get while spending less than the 17 and 14 mill they are paying now.

The luxury tax is just an example of how far over the cap those contracts have put them. The team has no flexibility to make moves as a result.

What does Smith do that Meeks can't do for a heck of a lot cheaper? What center do the Cavs have again? Besides, it's not what they could get now, but what moves they should've made then, before the money blew up. Regardless, the main reason the Cavs can't spend efficiently with the Warriors is that the majority of the Warriors' key pieces are home grown. The timing of the big cap jump allowed them to add an MVP candidate level player in Durant to a team that was more or less even with the Cavs.

Where the Cavs lost ground to the Warriors IMO goes back to the 2013 draft. They should've selected Noel with their pick instead of Bennett, as he was the expected #1 pick prior to his injury. Noel combined with Wiggins instead of trading for Love would have the Cavs roster in a much better place. Of course, this is all ridiculous hindsight maneuvering, but that would've been ideal IMO. They would still have Wiggins on the cheap until next year, and would just be paying Noel now, keeping cap space available for other improvements instead of overpaying backup SGs and dealing with Love's contract.


Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Regardless, the main reason the Cavs can't spend efficiently with the Warriors is that the majority of the Warriors' key pieces are home grown.


The Warriors had an amazing combination of things come together for them. The fact that other teams haven't been able to pull off equal talent isn't really a valid criticism, imo.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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The Warriors had an amazing combination of things come together for them. The fact that other teams haven't been able to pull off equal talent isn't really a valid criticism, imo.


Imo, Lebron has the right to be frustrated with the Cavs off-season and the Cavs deserve some criticism because they apparently were very close to a deal for Jimmy Butler when Gilbert got rid of Griffin.

Bad enough to part ways with your GM right in the middle of FA, but it's even worse to do it when close to a deal that would have improved the team. It's why I'm thinking that Gilbert got his title, got a run at a back to back and now wants to be rid of Lebron.

That deal wouldn't have caught them up to the Warriors, but it would have given them a better shot than standing pat does.

However, to criticize them (or any organization) for not being able to keep up with what the Warriors have done is pretty silly. As I've said before, it was literally a perfect storm of circumstances that we will likely never see again (certainly not any time soon) that allowed the Warriors the cap space to bring in KD.


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Derrick Rose Lied To The World, But Will Never Pay The Price

“It’s kind of like they were searching for something that wasn’t there. Cal and I talked numerous times about it, and he was telling me, just focus on your career, and I’ll take care of the rest and that was that.”

Derrick Rose failed the SATs three times in Chicago, while attempting to validate a score for himself that would have made him eligible to play basketball at Memphis. For his 4th try, he went to Detroit to take the test, but was seen at a Pistons playoff game with William Wesely, right after the test was over. Wesley, who is one of the biggest powerbrokers in the NBA, is based out of Detroit and he led Derrick Rose into John Calipari’s arms at Memphis.

But Derrick Rose never took his SAT, but had a friend write the exam under his name. When the results came back, they had the qualifying score Rose needed to being admitted to Memphis. He then led the Tigers to a 38 win season, all the way to the Finals, where they would end up losing to Kansas in the championship game. If you’ll take a look in the NCAA record books today though, you wouldn’t be able to find the 38 wins they had in their legendary 2007-2008 season, but find the number 0 in the collum next to wins, instead. The Tigers had to forfeit every single of their 38 wins because Derrick Rose cheated.

Rose kept quiet throughout the whole ordeal, and ended up leaving Memphis after his freshman year, to head to the NBA. He did not face any consequences, but his school paid the price.

He went on to become the first pick of the 2008 NBA Draft, quickly became an All-Star and the youngest MVP in NBA history, before losing his knees.

Derrick Rose is a cheater and liar who betrayed his school and fans, with zero regard for the consequences. Today, Rose is a role-model to millions around the globe, but has just gotten into this position because of his cheating.


Regardless of how bad he cheated, Rose would have still been #1. His SAT score means nothing to NBA franchises. It silly to say otherwise. Beasley was/is a pretty huge bust and Rose was MVP before he got injured.


Generic line for rent here
Supporting Member Level 3
Jun 26, 2014
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@Heatles84 , @TurnUpTheHeat , @bksballer89 .....am I going to be happy with Willie Reed?

If he can mitigate some of the defensive lapses by guys in the 2nd unit like Lou Williams, Dekker, Wesley Johnson....and by lapses I mean flat out refusal to stay in front of their men.....I will be happy.

We are really gonna need another defensive big because Teodosic is gonna cause Deandre Jordan to get in foul trouble every game.

Ps. What is the status of my multi-fandom application?

I'm ready to change my Team choices.

Reed will be a solid backup big for 13-15mpg. Seen him plat and like him.
Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Todd is now saying that him hoping PG13 breaks his leg was really funny.

What a scumbag.
Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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geeze, whatta fat piece of shit...:L

hope his parents are proud...

It's disgusting. Have a look what he said in his latest Fouled Out thread.

There's being a bit of a troll, and then there's being a vile piece of shit.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Imo, Lebron has the right to be frustrated with the Cavs off-season and the Cavs deserve some criticism because they apparently were very close to a deal for Jimmy Butler when Gilbert got rid of Griffin.

Bad enough to part ways with your GM right in the middle of FA, but it's even worse to do it when close to a deal that would have improved the team. It's why I'm thinking that Gilbert got his title, got a run at a back to back and now wants to be rid of Lebron.

That deal wouldn't have caught them up to the Warriors, but it would have given them a better shot than standing pat does.

However, to criticize them (or any organization) for not being able to keep up with what the Warriors have done is pretty silly. As I've said before, it was literally a perfect storm of circumstances that we will likely never see again (certainly not any time soon) that allowed the Warriors the cap space to bring in KD.
As unbeatable the Warriors look, we know that they will get beat eventually and no one hardly ever believes it until it's going to happen. I can't help but wonder if LeBron was up front with Gilbert and could have told him that he was willing to come back and get him a title, but would not retire in Cleveland. If Dan Gilbert knows that LeBron will eventually move on - He might be trying to prepare for the lottery again. I Know that's a huge stretch, but people like him do not always think rationally
Derrick Rose Lied To The World, But Will Never Pay The Price

“It’s kind of like they were searching for something that wasn’t there. Cal and I talked numerous times about it, and he was telling me, just focus on your career, and I’ll take care of the rest and that was that.”

Derrick Rose failed the SATs three times in Chicago, while attempting to validate a score for himself that would have made him eligible to play basketball at Memphis. For his 4th try, he went to Detroit to take the test, but was seen at a Pistons playoff game with William Wesely, right after the test was over. Wesley, who is one of the biggest powerbrokers in the NBA, is based out of Detroit and he led Derrick Rose into John Calipari’s arms at Memphis.

But Derrick Rose never took his SAT, but had a friend write the exam under his name. When the results came back, they had the qualifying score Rose needed to being admitted to Memphis. He then led the Tigers to a 38 win season, all the way to the Finals, where they would end up losing to Kansas in the championship game. If you’ll take a look in the NCAA record books today though, you wouldn’t be able to find the 38 wins they had in their legendary 2007-2008 season, but find the number 0 in the collum next to wins, instead. The Tigers had to forfeit every single of their 38 wins because Derrick Rose cheated.

Rose kept quiet throughout the whole ordeal, and ended up leaving Memphis after his freshman year, to head to the NBA. He did not face any consequences, but his school paid the price.

He went on to become the first pick of the 2008 NBA Draft, quickly became an All-Star and the youngest MVP in NBA history, before losing his knees.

Derrick Rose is a cheater and liar who betrayed his school and fans, with zero regard for the consequences. Today, Rose is a role-model to millions around the globe, but has just gotten into this position because of his cheating.

I seriously doubt that Rose is the only one. LeBron James and Chris Bosch violated the tampering rule by giving Riley a heads up they were coming to South Beach, but it will never be proven. Chris Webber took bribes against the NCAA rules and I would bet that's not even tip of the ice berg. I will always be convinced that some one tampered with Kobe Bryant's food when they played the Sacramento Kings and he got food poisoning - those kind of things are common when it comes to big money


Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I know it is his favorite player, but #2 picks are supposed to be all stars.
Well, for every Kevin Durant....

There are 5 Thabeet, Derrick Williams, Evan Turner's, Darko's and Stromile Swifts.

Turner has more cash because of the Blazers stupidty.

But, Beasley is probably a better player than all of those guys.....on offense.