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2017 NBA Offseason Thread

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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It's disgusting. Have a look what he said in his latest Fouled Out thread.

There's being a bit of a troll, and then there's being a vile piece of shit.
And yet you're going to join his fantasy league?


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
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Well, for every Kevin Durant....

There are 5 Thabeet, Derrick Williams, Evan Turner's, Darko's and Stromile Swifts.

Turner has more cash because of the Blazers stupidty.

But, Beasley is probably a better player than all of those guys.....on offense.

Better than Darko and Thabeet. Not better than the others.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Todd is now saying that him hoping PG13 breaks his leg was really funny.

What a scumbag.
I am going to go out on a limb here and say that HurricaneDj39 is a confused person and immature for some one his age. I have interfaced with him on Facebook and learned the hard way that he gets a lot of things wrong and that has caused me a lot of problems when he goes to some one and says what I said when I didn't say it:L I'm not making excuses, but I do think he could use some professional counselling because he simply doesn't understand his errors


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
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As unbeatable the Warriors look, we know that they will get beat eventually and no one hardly ever believes it until it's going to happen. I can't help but wonder if LeBron was up front with Gilbert and could have told him that he was willing to come back and get him a title, but would not retire in Cleveland. If Dan Gilbert knows that LeBron will eventually move on - He might be trying to prepare for the lottery again. I Know that's a huge stretch, but people like him do not always think rationally

I seriously doubt that Rose is the only one. LeBron James and Chris Bosch violated the tampering rule by giving Riley a heads up they were coming to South Beach, but it will never be proven. Chris Webber took bribes against the NCAA rules and I would bet that's not even tip of the ice berg. I will always be convinced that some one tampered with Kobe Bryant's food when they played the Sacramento Kings and he got food poisoning - those kind of things are common when it comes to big money

I doubt Lebron went in with the mindset that he wasn't going to retire in Cleveland (he still hasn't left). If Lebron leaves, due to Gilbert not willing to spend anymore, it's more due to the fact that Gilbert didn't live up to his promise to Lebron to put a winning roster (spending deep into the luxury) that will force Lebron to leave.

Rose was proven to have cheated which is why Memphis had to vacate victories. I have no problem with Webber though taking money on the side while playing in college given the amount of money basketball and football generate. It's something that happens all the time in college. Anyone thinking that money isn't being passed around in college basketball or football is naive. Hell, these guys make cash just for taking OVs and advertising for certain schools via their social media (sporting edits, jersey pics, etc...).


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
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I am going to go out on a limb here and say that HurricaneDj39 is a confused person and immature for some one his age. I have interfaced with him on Facebook and learned the hard way that he gets a lot of things wrong and that has caused me a lot of problems when he goes to some one and says what I said when I didn't say it:L I'm not making excuses, but I do think he could use some professional counselling because he simply doesn't understand his errors

He's a douche bag. Don't make excuses for him.

Didn't he try to get my identity from you so he could try to report me to my employment and get me fired? That's not someone that's confused. That's someone that's malicious.


I am the Lizard King
Jul 27, 2013
Los Angeles, CA
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I am going to go out on a limb here and say that HurricaneDj39 is a confused person and immature for some one his age. I have interfaced with him on Facebook and learned the hard way that he gets a lot of things wrong and that has caused me a lot of problems when he goes to some one and says what I said when I didn't say it:L I'm not making excuses, but I do think he could use some professional counselling because he simply doesn't understand his errors

I think I have on Facebook too, but I don't pay attention to him.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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He's a douche bag. Don't make excuses for him.

Didn't he try to get my identity from you so he could try to report me to my employment and get me fired? That's not someone that's confused. That's someone that's malicious.
I know he asked for your name - which I refused. I have learned since then, however that you can put any name you want for people see - so no one has to know your real name if you desire it that way - Like I said - He needs professional counselling


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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He's a douche bag. Don't make excuses for him.

Didn't he try to get my identity from you so he could try to report me to my employment and get me fired? That's not someone that's confused. That's someone that's malicious.

And he wonders why people don't like him.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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Regardless of how bad he cheated, Rose would have still been #1. His SAT score means nothing to NBA franchises. It silly to say otherwise. Beasley was/is a pretty huge bust and Rose was MVP before he got injured.

One way to look at it, but it can be seen another way.
Beasley is what he is. He was exposed while under his rookie contract, so other then being a bad draft choice at 2, for years now he's been a decent cheap asset.
Rose had his moment, but it got him where?
Big money, always injured. For years he hasn't been an asset at all.
He's been the opposite.


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 11,700.00
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One way to look at it, but it can be seen another way.
Beasley is what he is. He was exposed while under his rookie contract, so other then being a bad draft choice at 2, for years now he's been a decent cheap asset.
Rose had his moment, but it got him where?
Big money, always injured. For years he hasn't been an asset at all.
He's been the opposite.

Sure. I agree with all that.

Still though, if the Bulls were to go back in time and have a choice between only Rose and Beasley at 1, they pick Rose every time. Just maybe they trade him before he starts getting hurt. LOL.

Let's look at Bam Adebayo for example. He was picked much later than Beas, but I would still bet Heat fans would be disappointed if he turns out to not be worth close to a max extension in 4 years.

People expect a lot from lottery picks. Sometimes those expectations are too high, but I think we can all agree that it is fair to expect more than that out of #2 overall. Part of why Beasley is affordable is because he busted.


Generic line for rent here
Supporting Member Level 3
Jun 26, 2014
Soon to be the west coast
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Watching The Outsiders......Pony and Johnny just went in the burning building.......

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
Hoopla Cash
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on a side note, didn't know Game of Thrones was THAT ridiculously popular. hell, the even talk about it on BSpn...