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2013 CFB top Offenses and Defenses


John: 8:36
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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How exactly are they that much better? They won by 12 last year at Fresno.

I also never once said Cal would be above USC. My words were that USC won't be any better than Cal.

I was just responding to when you jokingly said USC will be looking up at Cal in that one thread. After we had our lil spat....


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Mar 20, 2013
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I was just responding to when you jokingly said USC will be looking up at Cal in that one thread. After we had our lil spat....

Actually I don't recall saying USC would be looking up at them, those were your words. Mine were, literally, "USC won't be any better than Cal".


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Mar 20, 2013
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And the only conference loss Stanford had was to Washington, does that mean Washington is Stanford's toughest PAC opponent this season? If so it strengthens BFL argument.

Could be. My point is, however, still that Boise's schedule is still considerably weaker. We're arguing over 4 teams that will likely not be ranked and 1 that might be. OSU has at least 3 teams on their schedule that will be ranked, while Boise has 1.


John: 8:36
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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How exactly are they that much better? They won by 12 last year at Fresno.

Actually Fresno won... I believe it was a shootout. But I dont know by how many points.

Fresno returns 8 on both side of the ball highlighted by a potential 1st round QB maybe 2nd in Carr. They also have a beast WR in Adams.

While SD State returns 9 on an avg defense they only return 6 on offense.Plus I think the QB at SD State is really bad. Probably 6th or 7th in the MWC.


John: 8:36
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Could be. My point is, however, still that Boise's schedule is still considerably weaker. We're arguing over 4 teams that will likely not be ranked and 1 that might be. OSU has at least 3 teams on their schedule that will be ranked, while Boise has 1.

Generally a B1G schedule will obviously tougher than a MWC schedule. This year I dont feel differnt about it. I will say that we can both agree MWC has some good teams this season highlighted by very good QBs at the top of the conference in Keaton, Fales, Carr, and Southwick.

I think what will give tOSU the edge over Boise in a SOS would be the B1G CCG


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well, I am a fan of Steele, so in reading your post you are implying I am 1) uneducated (fan) which is far from true and 2) we are all homers to an extent, including yourself.

And I find it silly that you would call the rest of us uneducated because we value the research that Phil puts into his magazine as I believe that past results of his research are good indicators of the future.

Also, you being a fan of a succesful modern CFB programs I dont see why you would take time to point out to us dolts whom take Phil's literature seriously that we are uneducated.

thats all.

After putting in the research into FSU yes. I have reviewed their schedule and who they play at home and I believe that PPG and yardage they have a real shot at being #1 in both categories... PPG and yardage. Johnny and Mariota didnt do bas as Freshman... Even though this guy is a true freshman. He could certainly succeed

Since you read Steele and I never have, how often has he been in the ballpark with his predictions? I genuinely don't know; anybody that predicts a perennially overrated team to do well with a freshman quarterback is suspect IMO, but if you pick the same team year in and year out, you're bound to be somewhat right eventually. Like JJM said, FSU has to travel to Death Valley (where they haven't won since 2001) and The Swamp this season, plus play against a probably improved Miami team. Similar to my team, they have at least three tough games this season and haven't proven (even with veteran and talented QBs) that they can contend on a yearly basis. Sounds to me like he's throwing crap and hoping something sticks.


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Mar 20, 2013
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Actually Fresno won... I believe it was a shootout. But I dont know by how many points.

Fresno returns 8 on both side of the ball highlighted by a potential 1st round QB maybe 2nd in Carr. They also have a beast WR in Adams.

While SD State returns 9 on an avg defense they only return 6 on offense.Plus I think the QB at SD State is really bad. Probably 6th or 7th in the MWC.

SDSU also has the best RB in the MWC. Their QB was basically thrust into the starting role after Katz got hurt and overall didn't do bad. His only bad game was their bowl game. SDSU's defense was pretty much on par with Fresno, as well.
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Mar 20, 2013
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Generally a B1G schedule will obviously tougher than a MWC schedule. This year I dont feel differnt about it. I will say that we can both agree MWC has some good teams this season highlighted by very good QBs at the top of the conference in Keaton, Fales, Carr, and Southwick.

I think what will give tOSU the edge over Boise in a SOS would be the B1G CCG

I have no idea who Keaton or Southwick are.

We have a better SOS without the CCG and that's obvious to anyone with eyeballs. Wisconsin, Northwestern, and Michigan would all be favored to win the MWC this season.


John: 8:36
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I have no idea who Keaton or Southwick are.

We have a better SOS without the CCG and that's obvious to anyone with eyeballs. Wisconsin, Northwestern, and Michigan would all be favored to win the MWC this season.

Chuckie Keaton USU and Joe Southwick Boise


John: 8:36
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I have no idea who Keaton or Southwick are.

We have a better SOS without the CCG and that's obvious to anyone with eyeballs. Wisconsin, Northwestern, and Michigan would all be favored to win the MWC this season.

time will tell, MWC has 3 teams playing in the conference this year that finished in the top 25 as well. Even though one is Boise...

if I had to lay money down I would say tOSU has a tad better SOS. Oregon's SOS wont be too much better than either one of em either.


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Mar 20, 2013
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time will tell, MWC has 3 teams playing in the conference this year that finished in the top 25 as well. Even though one is Boise...

if I had to lay money down I would say tOSU has a tad better SOS. Oregon's SOS wont be too much better than either one of em either.

Oregon's SOS will finish behind Ohio State's but ahead of Boise's.


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Apr 23, 2013
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time will tell, MWC has 3 teams playing in the conference this year that finished in the top 25 as well. Even though one is Boise...

if I had to lay money down I would say tOSU has a tad better SOS. Oregon's SOS wont be too much better than either one of em either.



Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
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Alabama's schedule is still much tougher than OSU's or Boise State's with Boise probably being behind OSU this coming season (albeit not by much). Let's face it. It's the SEC. It's just tough, such a grind.

Then you have the pleasure of the SEC CG with a more than likely top 5 if not possibly even top 2 type opponent waiting for you. Like I said, a grind.

I have OSU @ 45, considerable better than both Alabama and Boise St.

Alabama has a much tougher top half of the schedule in LSU and A&M, that part isn't really debatable. However, when looking at overall SoS the bottom half is extremely bad with 1 FCS team, a transfer in Georgia St and then Colorado St, Kentucky etc.

The good news for me and other Alabama fans is that it has alot of potential in terms of rising. A 10% overall increase will move Alabama up to the 30's. Hard ranking numbers tend to exaggerate the gap. And pretty much all the teams on Alabama's schedule have a high chance at improving. So by the end of the year I am expecting the schedule to be more competitive. But at the current moment, it's not there. The SECCG will help if Alabama makes it that far as well.

So really, it's kind of hard to say with certain how they are going to rank out right now. Last year Alabama started in the 50's and ended up like 11 or something. But this year it's starting way down there and has a good ways to go.

The reason I say no chance with a loss this year is due to who the loss will come from. With LSU and A&M being the strong points of the schedule, a loss to either of those removes a quality win and leaves Alabama with only 1 quality win to hang the season on. And a chance at not making the SEC championship means by default no pretty much, unless it's another SEC vs SEC matchup, which I think is unlikely. While losses to other teams will be such a low quality loss, that it will sting quite a bit.

We'll see. I think the schedule rank is going to improve over the season, but as of right now I'm worried.


John: 8:36
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 61.19
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Don't know why that's an LOL. In fact, the one thread in this same forum that has the projected 2013 SOS agrees with me.

that relies on teams winning pct only.

time will tell. We will just have to wait.


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Mar 20, 2013
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that relies on teams winning pct only.

time will tell. We will just have to wait.

Fine. It isn't like you said "I disagree with what you said", you flat out laughed. So, what was so absurd about that notion that it caused you to laugh?


John: 8:36
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 61.19
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Fine. It isn't like you said "I disagree with what you said", you flat out laughed. So, what was so absurd about that notion that it caused you to laugh?

yah. I laughed. That you said as if it were fact.


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Mar 20, 2013
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yah. I laughed. That you said as if it were fact.

I never said it was a fact, this entire thread is nothing but predictions based on an article of predictions. I have no problem if you disagree with me; in fact, I welcome it because banter is funner when people aren't always going along with each other. But come on man, at least say why.