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2012 College Football / 2013 NFL Draft


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Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Fav. Team #1
The 4th round pick gets me excited.

Bell would work well on our offense. I wish we could have gone after the Honey Badger in the 3rd round though. Overall, pretty good mock IMO.


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Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Tony Pauline:

Have been told Dion Jordan/Oregon likely to workout at combine and wait on surgery. Expect more in few days.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
So I'm starting to think that drafting Barrett Jones would be a mistake because I'm not sure he's THAT much better of a prospect than Khaled Holmes from USC. Neither one is an elite C prospect IMO, but Holmes will probably go an entire round lower than Jones. And Jones was playing with all-world talent next to him. At this point, here are my favourite realistic scenarios at this point (1/23/'13):

1. If Warmack is there at 12-15, jump in front of the Rams and take him. That's who I'd take if I were the Rams, and I do NOT want any part of facing him twice a year.
2. Trade back to the middle / end of the 2nd round for a 2014 pick. Take a guy like Jesse Williams, Amerson, Rhodes, Reid, Hunter, Eifert, Okafor, Holmes, Bray... BPA of course.
3. Draft Cooper from the Tar Heels; make him the starting C.


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Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Daniel Jeremiah:

One junior player generating a ton of buzz is Florida DT Sharrif Floyd. Had one high ranking exec guarantee he'd go top 10


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Aug 9, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Daniel Jeremiah:

One junior player generating a ton of buzz is Florida DT Sharrif Floyd. Had one high ranking exec guarantee he'd go top 10

That seems very high. He is one I though might be a good fit for the 49ers if available.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00

I have to admit, Hunt would be a very tempting pick to make. The Niners have done great with high-potential, athletic types lately. Maybe the coaching staff is just so good that they know how to get the most out of those kinds of players...

However, he is 25 years old and about as raw as a floppin' fish. The advantage of him going to a team like the 49ers is that (1) he wouldn't have to play very much right away and (2) The Niners run a 3-4, which is exactly the system where he needs to play and (3) He'd learn behind Justin Smith.

From what I've read about him, Hunt strikes me as a really disciplined person, which is why I'm becoming more and more intrigued with him. Lack of discipline is probably the #1 reason players bust in the NFL.


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Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Fav. Team #1
I have to admit, Hunt would be a very tempting pick to make. The Niners have done great with high-potential, athletic types lately. Maybe the coaching staff is just so good that they know how to get the most out of those kinds of players...

However, he is 25 years old and about as raw as a floppin' fish. The advantage of him going to a team like the 49ers is that (1) he wouldn't have to play very much right away and (2) The Niners run a 3-4, which is exactly the system where he needs to play and (3) He'd learn behind Justin Smith.

From what I've read about him, Hunt strikes me as a really disciplined person, which is why I'm becoming more and more intrigued with him. Lack of discipline is probably the #1 reason players bust in the NFL.

I'm one of the biggest advocate of Hunt here on this board, and I wouldn't feel comfortable drafting him in the first round. I wouldn't be upset at the pick, but it would leave me with an uneasy feeling...again, this is coming from a guy who likes Hunt a whole lot.


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Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
So another guy who's creeping his way onto my list of favourite prospects, (bang for yer buck) based on where he's projected, is Tony Jefferson. Most people seem to have him in the early to late second round. If you need a SS, I don't see how you can go wring with the guy. Very high floor, and we'll see about his ceiling at the combine.

I think there's a chance Whitner gets cut this offseason due to his really high salary & his lackluster coverage skills. Probably not, but maybe. I'm hoping the Niners can get rid of some salary (Goodwin, Haralson, Alex, maybe even Rogers, etc) and go after a big FA like Wallace, Bowe, Seymour, Osi, etc.
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New Member
Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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So another guy who's creeping his way onto my list of favourite prospects, (bang for yer buck) based on where he's projected, is Tony Jefferson. Most people seem to have him in the early to late second round. If you need a SS, I don't see how you can go wring with the guy. Very high floor, and we'll see about his ceiling at the combine.[/B], etc.

I like what I've seen of Jefferson. What do you think of the 2 Georgia safeties Sick- Rambo and Williams? Cyprien is another intriguing guy, but all I've seen of him are some youtube cut-ups.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
I like what I've seen of Jefferson. What do you think of the 2 Georgia safeties Sick- Rambo and Williams? Cyprien is another intriguing guy, but all I've seen of him are some youtube cut-ups.

Y'know, Georgia's front 7 is so amazing that I kind of ignored Rambo & Williams. They looked good, of course, but I wouldn't even know where to begin trying to evaluate how they'd look if the rest of the defense wasn't practically all NFL caliber players.

Is TJ McDonald not a good looking prospect? I thought his senior week was/is solid.

I was never as impressed by him as most people. However, most people had him as at or near a first round pick at the beginning of the season (at least what I read about him), so I've kind of ignored him since then because I thought he'd be a disappointment.. Now I'd guess he's being looked at as more of a late 2nd or 3rd roudner.


New Member
Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Skip Bayless continues to make me laugh. He doesn't have Te'o as HIS #1 player in the draft anymore because he's "too gullible, too naive", and has "no street smarts." Really? THAT'S why? Ha!