Do they still have that stupid "Like" feature? All those little avatars cluttered everything up.
You can upload images from you computer, if that's what you mean.
Test ...
Edit: So it inserts it as a thumbnail looks like if you upload it directly.
Yep. If you click on the thumbnail, it obviously shows the pic in normal size. I have an account on photobucket that I upload pics to. I then link to the pics from there. Looks a lot better.
I've been checking in a few times, after being there 7 yrs I cant just go cold turkey. Still looks like crap and ton of good posters are gone. Basically its a shit hole now. Hopefully all the good posters made the jump and no one got left behind.
Seriously. It's tough to get used to a new board after nearly a decade on ESPN....
Ray - since this isn't a serious topic thread I might ask you here ... is there any basic tutorial to posting videos/images on this forum? I think I got the YouTube thing down but wasn't sure if there was a way to post images without uploading them to third party sites first.
If you want to attach an image, go to the manage attachment section and just upload it there, you don't have to include it into the img tag. It will be at the bottom of the post as a thumbnail...
or you could upload your picture to a site like then put it in the image code.
like so....
i'll just paste this here...
i'll just paste this here...
Yep. If you click on the thumbnail, it obviously shows the pic in normal size. I have an account on photobucket that I upload pics to. I then link to the pics from there. Looks a lot better.