Niner Empire
Yeah Rice would knock her out quick, but I would put my money on Nick Mangold's sister. She'd pick him up and throw him 10 yards
That girl is not the type to fight in a elevator
Yeah Rice would knock her out quick, but I would put my money on Nick Mangold's sister. She'd pick him up and throw him 10 yards
That girl is not the type to fight in a elevator
Well my judgement maybe biased, because I think Rice is a piece of shit for what he did. Same with Hardy and Peterson.
Now let's take someone more his weight, Jon Jones would probably kill him.
To a degree....In MMA and Boxing, they don't schedule fights for 170's against 185, or 185's against Heavyweights for a reason. Now spin that to Ronda. What does she walk around at, 150? Ray Rice is not only an over 200 pound man, but is a pro football player as well. Then you have to take into account the biggest factor, which is while the UFC is tough, it's not ''real'' fighting. First, she would be KO'd if he hit her(she's been rocked by other women, Rice with no gloves KO's her just like he did his girl). Second, he would overpower her even with her great Judo skills. But let's say for shit's and giggles that she did manage to get him to the ground and landed her best submission, which is the armbar. Lets assume Rice didn't know the counter to the armbar, which is reasonable. THERE IS STIL NO REF.... meaning he can bite the shit out of her leg. But let's say he doesn't, and Ronda breaks his arm? Then what? He would still get up and kick the shit out of her. Anyone who thinks she would have any chance at all against Rice in a real fight knows nothing about fighting. Sorry
I've trained for 20 years and my Son is an MMA fighter. You and I will have to agree to disagree. When girls train with guys, if they are simply rolling, give and take, then yeah, the girls moves will work. But if the girl is outweighed by 60-70 Lbs and the guy is in shape, let alone a pro athlete who competes against the best athletes in the world, he would squash Ronda and her Judo like a grape. Go watch some of the video's were Ronda supposedly ''beats'' her coach. She is going all out, and the guy is just playing with her. He would let her take him down on occasion, but he easily manhandles her. Rice would wipe her out.Truth of the matter is that Rousey can easily put a 200 pound man on the football player or not. If you don't believe this, go find the closest legitimate judo school in your area and see if the smallest experienced person can't flip your untrained ass in a heartbeat.
Here's the other thing, not only can Rousey put him on the ground in a few seconds, she can put him on the ground head first if she feels like it. A world class judoka like herself could potentially end it in one throw.
You have never seriously trained Judo or Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (or fought someone who has seriously trained) if you really think a guy who's biggest fight in recent memory was knocking out his fiance can take a woman who is a world class athlete, Judo Olympian, and oh yeah, she fights almost daily. DAILY. There is a science to judo and jiu jitsu that you simply wouldn't understand if you haven't done it. Unless Rice has at least two years to train , she'd break his arm or ankle in a few seconds.
A Ronda Rousey or Hannette Stack would decimate an untrained 200 pound male, pro athlete or not.
Of course there are weight classes in combat sports...we're talking trained people vs. trained people here.
What have you trained and what's your lineage? If you don't have clear, concise answers to either then you're a keyboard warrior.
I've trained for 20 years and my Son is an MMA fighter. You and I will have to agree to disagree. When girls train with guys, if they are simply rolling, give and take, then yeah, the girls moves will work. But if the girl is outweighed by 60-70 Lbs and the guy is in shape, let alone a pro athlete who competes against the best athletes in the world, he would squash Ronda and her Judo like a grape. Go watch some of the video's were Ronda supposedly ''beats'' her coach. She is going all out, and the guy is just playing with her. He would let her take him down on occasion, but he easily manhandles her. Rice would wipe her out.
Trained what and under who?
When Rousey is fighting her coach, her coach is usually a well trained fighter as well, not a guy whose top knockout is his 130 pound, never really fought a day in her life fiance.
Yeah Leroy, Ronda could whip his fiance as well. BJJ and Judo are great, but they are sport fighting, not real life. Not gonna measure dicks with you to talk about whose Black Belt is darker, we will have to agree to disagree, because IMO Ronda vs any in shape 200 LB man, training or not, is a total joke. For the record, I LOL'd watching Enough as well
which is while the UFC is tough, it's not ''real'' fighting
THERE IS STIL NO REF.... meaning he can bite the shit out of her leg.
Fighting or not, Ray Rice is exponentially stronger than her. He's not some 200 lbs man, he's a 200 lbs professional football player, an unbelievably punishing sport. He has superhuman reflexes and handeye, his legs are far stronger than anybody Ronda has ever fought, he's a running back so his balance is pretty much second to none. He's shrugging off 245 lbs linebackers and 300 lbs lineman, we're going to act like Ronda can just toss him around and take him down like he's a rag doll? I don't need training when I have common sense. Ronda would get mauled.
Fighting or not, Ray Rice is exponentially stronger than her. He's not some 200 lbs man, he's a 200 lbs professional football player, an unbelievably punishing sport. He has superhuman reflexes and handeye, his legs are far stronger than anybody Ronda has ever fought, he's a running back so his balance is pretty much second to none. He's shrugging off 245 lbs linebackers and 300 lbs lineman, we're going to act like Ronda can just toss him around and take him down like he's a rag doll? I don't need training when I have common sense. Ronda would get mauled.
Of course you don't need fighting training to talk knowledgeably about fighting...what the hell was I thinking?![]()
I'm sure you believe everything you are saying, because it's probably what the instructors you've paid your hard earned money to told you. Training does help, no question, but everyone who trains knows that technique works best on a plus or minus 10-15 lb person of similar physique. Past 15+, and it's hit or miss, 60+ Lbs is simply a mismatch, and then throw in it's man vs woman? Seriously? The proof is in the pudding Buddy, Ronda herslf knows she's talking out her ass, because a fight with Ray Rice(or Money Mayweather LMFAO) is never gonna happen. that COULD happen is a fight against Cyborg, which she has been ducking for 2 years. Hell, why would Cyborg have to drop 10 LB's or have Ronda come up? Ronda can beat up 200+ football players, surely she's not afraid of a WOMAN who has 10 little old pounds on her......Yeah, Right
I'm sure you believe everything you are saying, because it's probably what the instructors you've paid your hard earned money to told you. Training does help, no question, but everyone who trains knows that technique works best on a plus or minus 10-15 lb person of similar physique. Past 15+, and it's hit or miss, 60+ Lbs is simply a mismatch, and then throw in it's man vs woman? Seriously? The proof is in the pudding Buddy, Ronda herslf knows she's talking out her ass, because a fight with Ray Rice(or Money Mayweather LMFAO) is never gonna happen. that COULD happen is a fight against Cyborg, which she has been ducking for 2 years. Hell, why would Cyborg have to drop 10 LB's or have Ronda come up? Ronda can beat up 200+ football players, surely she's not afraid of a WOMAN who has 10 little old pounds on her......Yeah, Right
She wouldnt stand a chance vs Rice only a moron would think otherwise or someone who watches to many karate movies, and believes they can jump backwards to 3 story rooftops. She kicks him, he grabs her, its all over
No one had to tell me...I've seen it or experienced it. Now you, on the other hand, won't even say what you trained, who you trained it under, or lay out the lineage of your instructor.
Sure guy, I'd take your advice about fighting. Let me get back to asking my mechanic about my mutual funds.![]()