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Will Julius Peppers go down as a top 10 defensive player of all time?

Nov 18, 2013
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"This year, and what I haven't seen in the past, is his desire not just to be the best defensive lineman, but to be the best, undisputed defensive player in the league," Wallace says. "When he decides to get a sack, it's impossible to stop him."
Case in point: Before Tampa Bay's last possession in the Nov. 13 MNF game, Peppers turned to his teammates and said without a hint of arrogance, "I'm gonna go steal me a sack." Rucker blinked, and Peppers said: "Watch me."
His 9-yard sack of Buccaneers quarterback Bruce Gradkowski on fourth down sealed the win.
"Afterwards I'm thinking, that was kind of like Babe Ruth, pointing to the outfield and then hitting a home run," Rucker says. "To be able to go out and back your words up is absolutely scary."
Perhaps because they both attended North Carolina, the Peppers-Lawrence Taylor comparisons are inevitable. Of all the players in today's game, Theismann says Peppers is "the one I liken to Lawrence. The thing that separates them from a lot of players is instinct. A lot of coaches have to teach guys to take angles. But he's the kind of guy who can weave through traffic and be at the point of impact before everyone else."
Panthers safety Mike Minter often sits with Peppers in team meetings, and the two are close. Last year Minter told his friend, "Pepp, you have the ability to be like Lawrence Taylor. That guy had the mentality 'I don't stop. No matter where the ball is, I'm going to get to it. No matter how many people they send at me, I'm going to get to it.' "
This year, Minter says, Peppers has taken on that kind of mind-set. He has refused to let the double- and triple-teams frustrate him; he rarely gives up on any play, no matter where the ball is on the field.
"With that kind of attitude, what can you do?" Minter says. "You can't do nothing except hope he don't play that week."
Rucker says: "To be honest with you, if he keeps playing like this, I see the career sack record going down. I see a lot of numbers going down in a lot of categories. Forced fumbles, fumble recoveries. ... The longer he plays, those records are just going to fall."
All of which presents a question: Is it possible to over-hype Peppers?
"You know what? I don't think so, especially when it's coming from his peers," Wallace says. "You'll never hear him over-hype himself; you probably won't even hear him say much at all."
But Wallace thinks his teammate will ultimately validate the Taylor comparisons and carve his own path to Canton: "To be in this locker room with him, to see the things he's capable of ... most of us realize now we're in a very rare moment in time when we get to play with a guy who, one day, is going to own one of those nice yellow (Hall of Fame) jackets."
Nov 18, 2013
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"Julius Peppers is the best defensive player in football today."
That's according to ESPN Monday Night Football analyst Joe Theismann, who witnessed Peppers' three-sack performance in the Carolina Panthers' 24-10 win against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers on Nov. 13.
Peppers' size, speed and strength are evident. Here are some other factors that make Peppers outstanding in the words of the people who see him on a daily basis:
In a 20-12 win against the Cleveland Browns on Oct. 8, Peppers made a play they're still talking about in Charlotte. Browns fullback Lawrence Vickers took a handoff right but pulled up to pass the ball. Peppers, playing left end, read the play before it began to develop, sprinted downfield and tipped the ball away from tight end Kellen Winslow II. And he wasn't in a zone blitz.
"No, no," Carolina coach John Fox says. "We were running a combo stunt where the tackle comes out and (Peppers) goes in. That week I was sitting in my office and (a member of the) defensive staff came in and said, 'Foxy, have you seen this yet?' I went back in and watched the tape, and we just shook our heads."
"It must have been his first or second year," Carolina defensive end Al Wallace says. "Julius was down at the goal line and a running back tried to chop-block him. Julius tried to jump (over) him, but he got caught and the back flips him over, a 360.
"Well, any mere mortal would probably fall down, and that would be the end of that play. But he lands on his feet, keeps his bearings and gets a solid hit on the quarterback. In the film room we rewound that tape, and nobody could say anything. We were thinking, 'Did someone edit that tape?' I mean, how is that possible?"
"His flexibility is his best attribute, no doubt," Carolina safety Mike Minter says. "Thing is, he doesn't stretch! He's got that natural flexibility, and that's what makes him so scary, because it's so natural. This guy could get out of bed, drive over here and go straight to practice."
Work ethic
"He's got unbelievable talent, but the most impressive thing is the way he practices," Carolina quarterback Jake Delhomme says. "I was lucky enough to play with Willie Roaf, one of the best offensive linemen ever. And let me tell you, Willie Roaf practiced hard. In his ninth or 10th year, he could easily miss a day of training camp.
"One day he was sore and I asked him, 'Willie, why don't you take an afternoon off?' " Delhomme remembers. "He said, 'Jake, I can't do that to the other guys. They'd be taking more reps. It's not fair to them.' And that's the way Peppers is."

Pelissero: Packers popping with Julius Peppers

McCarthy called Peppers' speech "clearly the best one we've ever had," and the Packers responded, racing to a 42-0 halftime lead that had Peppers and other veterans on the bench long before the 55-14 throttling was complete.
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As far as the rumor about Peppers being lazy, not caring, and taking plays off, that is a bunch of crap...

Tisdel's Tirades: In Defense of Julius Peppers and his Supposedly Inconstant Motor In Defense of Julius Peppers and his Supposedly Inconstant Motor

Former Panthers and current Packers DL coach Mike Trgovac told ESPN Wisconsin this, two years ago:
There have been times during Peppers’ career when his effort level has been questioned, but Trgovac insisted that Peppers was never lazy during his time coaching him. “Everybody said that about Julius, and the more we researched it, the more it wasn't true,” Trgovac said. “You've got to be careful sometimes. Sometimes somebody will give a guy a label and it'll get spread around like it did with Julius, and it wasn't true. Julius works his [inappropriate/removed] off and has been a great player. So you have to be careful. Sometimes a bad rumor gets started about a kid and it just keeps going and multiplying. So you have to make the decision for yourself.”
Israel Idonije, Bears teammate, had this to say: "Just watch him; watch the guy practice,” Idonije said. “He gives everything, and works hard from the beginning of practice until the end. And he’s not just doing his own thing. He’s doing what the coaches have asked."

The Packers' Mike Daniels, after going through OTAs with Peppers, had this to say on 6/30:
"Julius is 34 years old, and he outruns everybody in practice. I guess what I learned from him is that you have to bring it every day because he’s a guy who definitely does. At 34, playing defensive end, flying around faster than some defensive backs, linebackers, receivers, running backs --- everybody. I definitely learn from that.”

Trgovac: Peppers just makes it look easy - Chicago Bears Blog - ESPN Chicago

"He had it [the reputation] coming out of college," Trgovac said Tuesday at Super Bowl media day. "I always attribute it to [the fact] he's so smooth and natural. I was his position coach his rookie year, and he was rookie of the year by the way, and he only played 12 games. I did every [college] game on him because we had just been hired there in Carolina and Houston already said they were going to take quarterback David Carr, so we had to choose between Julius and Joey Harrington.

"People always talked about him taking plays off and doing this, but he's just so smooth and natural that he does things so easy that people think he's being lazy. But Julius plays hard. That reputation has always followed him, and maybe will always follow him for his whole career. I don't know, I hope not, because he is a really good guy. He commands a lot of attention. What was really impressive for us [in Carolina] was his work ethic in practice. He busts his butt in practice and I don't think the kid ever got enough credit for that."

Panthers coach Fox: 'Pep's a heck of a player' - Chicago Tribune

In Charlotte, N.C., they still talk about the back-to-back plays Julius Peppers made in a game in Denver in 2004.
On third-and-3, he pushed Broncos quarterback Jake Plummer out of bounds on a bootleg after a 2-yard gain. Then on fourth-and-1, he intercepted Plummer's pass and ran it back 97 yards.

That is how Peppers will be remembered by John Fox, the only NFL head coach Peppers has known.
"Pep's a heck of a player," Fox said Monday. "I knew he'd be a guy who would be one of the first to get signed. He hasn't had any injuries. He's clean as a whistle medically. I know he's 30, but he looks just like he did when he was 22."
Fox dispelled the notion that the Bears' new defensive end takes a lot of plays off. He said effort was not a problem for Peppers.
"He trains and works hard," Fox said. "He's a great kid. He's quiet, but he leads by example."
Nov 18, 2013
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Peppers relishes his fresh start - Chicago Bears Blog - ESPN Chicago

While at Carolina, Peppers didn’t always receive such praise from teammates. Peppers’ critics -- who often spoke of a tendency for the defensive end to take plays off -- caused him to close out people and take a guarded stance toward dealing with the media.
Peppers said “it was definitely time” for his departure from Carolina back in March, “not only from that team, but from the state period. I was there for 30 years. That’s my home state; I love it. I still plan to live there after I retire, but you need a change of scenery sometimes. You need to get away.”
Now that he’s accomplished the change, Peppers wants to finally silence the critics. One NFL coach who worked with Peppers in Carolina, held the same beliefs about a perceived lack of effort from the defensive end.
“When we were evaluating before we got him, I thought that too. Then one of our coaches gave me tape from the [2002] combine,” the coach said. “He said watch this one first; then watch Julius. I watched the first guy, he’s straining through this drill, grunting, making all kinds of faces. Right after that, Peppers comes up and goes through the same drill [the coach imitates an effortless run]. Smooth. You look at your watch, and Peppers just smoked the time [of the player in the first drill]. He just makes it look so easy sometimes it looks like he’s not trying.”
Peppers laughed at the story, before agreeing and adding his spin.
“You know, I think sometimes certain players – and I don’t name names – but certain players have a certain haircut, they have certain sack celebrations. They draw a lot of attention to themselves. That stuff can make it seem like you’re playing hard when really, you’re playing [about the same] as everybody else,” Peppers said. “You’re just bringing that extra attention to yourself. Just because I go about it mild mannered and I don’t do all of that stuff, maybe that’s something to talk about, too. If you hear [the criticism] from a coach that’s a different story. But I have yet to hear that from a coach. People who say it and watch the game don’t really understand my responsibilities on certain plays. If my play is not to run and chase the ball, if my play is to stay backside, then I’ve got to stay backside. I’ve got to be disciplined. I can’t run across the field and chase stuff that’s not mine. I can’t help that stuff comes easy sometimes; easier than somebody else. So I deal with it and hopefully, after this year, people won’t say that anymore.”
Still, critics will justifiably question whether the Bears paid too much for a player who could be entering the crossroads of his career. There’s also the legitimate concern that Peppers -- now that he’s received the big paycheck (he’ll make $40.5 million in the first three years) -- won't be motivated to play hard.
“That’s not my moral fiber, my character,” Peppers said. “I’m not above criticism. I can [take that] constructive[ly]; not saying that I believe it’s true. But if that’s something I have a chance to prove people wrong about, then I welcome that criticism. There’s pressure to perform. Being rewarded by this organization in that way only makes me want to play harder and repay them for what they did for me.”
Aside from the financial aspect of the situation, what the Bears did for Peppers, he said, was breathe new life into a career that had become stale.
Asked if he felt reborn with the Bears, Peppers started laughing almost uncontrollably.
“I guess you could call it that,” he said. “It’s definitely a change of scenery and a fresh start; a breath of fresh air to me. I’m happy, comfortable, and trying to stay that way for a long time.”
That could make for a lot of uncomfortable quarterbacks, for a long time as well.

Don't let Peppers' low sack total fool you - NFL - Yahoo Sports

Chicago Bears coach Lovie Smith and defensive coordinator Rod Marinelli approached the offseason evaluation of defensive end Julius Peppers with caution.
The second overall pick in the 2002 NFL draft, Peppers was a five-time Pro Bowl selection who had racked up 25 sacks in the previous two seasons, yet, during the 2010 offseason, he was an unrestricted free agent.
Nov 18, 2013
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“We did a lot of homework on him,” Smith said, “and everything came back the same.”
Despite his immense NFL success – 81 sacks in his first eight seasons – Peppers was dogged by questions that he wasn’t consistent and that he didn’t fulfill his potential. So Smith wanted to be comfortable that Peppers was going to be a cornerstone defender and not a free-agent disaster.
Smith sought the input of numerous people he trusted, including his friend Ron Meeks, the Carolina Panthers’ defensive coordinator in 2009 and 2010.
“ ‘One of the best guys you will have a chance to coach,’ ” Smith recalled one person telling him. “Everything was positive.”
Peppers was an exception, so the Bears made an exception.

Peppers driven to continually improve

Bears defensive end Julius Peppers is nicknamed "The Freak" because of his extremely rare combination of size and athleticism. But that's not the only key to his success.

In presenting a Brian Piccolo Award to the 6-7, 287-pounder Tuesday at Halas Hall, Bears defensive line coach Mike Phair lauded Peppers' work ethic and attention to detail.

"You see a guy that's one of the better football players that's ever played this game and each and every day in practice he's the first guy in line," Phair said.

"He works extremely hard and he's very coachable. In meetings, he's a guy that takes great notes. That's one of the things that you could take for granted: 'Hey, I'm a pro. I've been here. I know the system.' But he's taking notes like a rookie. That's very impressive."

Peppers' attention to detail stems from his desire to continually improve, something he's done throughout his career. Selected by the Carolina Panthers with the second pick in the 2002 draft, he has been voted to eight Pro Bowls, including three in as many years with the Bears.

"I always like to take notes because you never know it all," Peppers said. "Once you think you know it all, that's when you start falling off. It's always good to try to get a little better every day."


About this time a year ago Carolina Panthers linebacker Jon Beason was calling out teammate Julius Peppers publicly, raising an issue of Peppers perceived intensity.

Now he would be very, very happy if Peppers left any intensity back in Chicago when the Bears go to Charlotte to play Peppers former team.

I think Pep is going to go down as one of the best ever, Beason said. Truly a specimen and he's an addition to any football team, any defense. The difference is, now that I'm playing outside [linebacker], that things are more clear to me how important it is having a big dominant D-end.

Indeed you sometimes don't appreciate what you had til it's gone. So it is with Peppers and the Panthers from whom he's gone now after eight seasons in Carolina.

Beason, suffering through an 0-3 start then and an 0-4 one now, subsequently explained his comments about Peppers made to a Charlotte radio station. He has gained an even greater appreciation of what Peppers was facing week after week.

I was able to witness it first hand for three years the different schemes Pep had to deal with every Sunday as far as sliding offensive linemen his way and backs chipping in before they went out, Beason said.

It was tough on him but if you"re playing opposite him, you should definitely be excited about it because he will definitely command that attention.
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With Packers, Julius Peppers ready to tackle age, expectations

From the shadow of Lawrence Taylor at North Carolina to the No. 2 overall selection in the 2002 draft to the Chicago Bears signing him at $84 million in 2010 to, now, Green Bay — with its 13 NFL titles — Hall of Fame-level hype has trailed Peppers his entire football life.

His blessing is his curse. There's no one this large, this athletic, this agile in the game.

The Packers needed bite. Needed Peppers.

So here he is, reaching out with a bear-paw handshake. He's easily the most physically imposing player to ever sit in this leather chair near the media auditorium at Lambeau Field. Through an extended conversation, those four- and five-word sound bites you hear in the locker room are replaced with introspective honesty from a pro entering the twilight of his career.

He is 34. He was banished by the Chicago Bears. But the pressure, again, stalks Peppers ... all the way to Seattle on Thursday night.

"Yeah, it's a lot. It's a lot on it," Peppers said. "The thing that has helped me with the expectations is just placing them on myself before anybody else could. Always striving to be better. But even when you don't live up to your own expectations — or somebody else's — it gets tough."

Guard down, Peppers' voice picks up.

"Just people, it's really tough when somebody says, 'Oh, well, he could have been the best of all-time, but he was lazy.' Or 'He could have had 15 sacks when he only had seven or eight.' Sometimes, I'm just like, 'Well, what could you have done? You go do it.'"

Without hearing "34," Peppers brings up "34." That's his age, the red flag that his career is about to reach a screeching halt.

Opponents gashed the Bears for 5.3 yards per carry in 2013, the NFL's worst run defense since 2006. Peppers lacked pop. He didn't have a sack in 12 of the 16 games. Scouts questioned his desire. The freak from Carolina was fading, so the Bears released Peppers and his $13.9 million salary.

Unprompted, Peppers steers this conversation a new direction.

"It wasn't, all of a sudden I turned 34. Or I turned 33, I was 33 last year at the time," Peppers said. "OK, I turned 33, all of a sudden I don't have it anymore? That's what people are going to say. That's what they said. That definitely wasn't it."

He understands that with enormous contract comes enormous responsibility. That's been the backdrop to his career.

"So if people want to blame me for everything that went wrong on defense last year," Peppers continued, "so be it. That's fine. It's somewhat of a responsibility to take the fall when things happen to the part of the team you're supposed to be the leader of."

What went wrong? Peppers points to "injuries, loss of key personnel, loss of key coaches." All of it compounded. Peppers said he never spoke to anyone in the Bears front office prior to the release. They moved quickly, quietly. He's not sure how coordinator Mel Tucker could have used him better. The 2013 was very frustrating, though.

Doubts built for the first time. And those doubts irritate Peppers.

He's no fan of the assumption that, at 6-6, 287, he should rag-doll tackles on demand.

"It's not as easy as people think it should be all the time," Peppers said. "So if I should go out every game and have one or two sacks, then what about the guys I'm playing against? Are they there to serve me and help me get whatever I'm supposed to get?

"I've done a good job of blocking it out. But if I actually listened to everything that everybody said about me, I'd be going crazy right now. It gets tough at times."
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Tracking the Julius Peppers expectations to Green Bay - JSOnline

From Foster’s standpoint it is frustrating because, he says, Peppers has never been fully appreciated.

“He had God-given ability,” he said. “I just feel like no matter what he’s done, it’s never been enough. He could make the Pro Bowl, he could be All-American, he could be all-state, he could do whatever and it’s still ‘he should have done this’ and ‘he should have done that.’ I think he’s done a tremendous job of handling it the right way.”

When you’re this big, this athletic, criticism is natural.

Peppers does want to prove people wrong at 34. On a signed football for Foster’s son, he wrote “Still proving them wrong.”

“One of the best things he’s ever done is listen more than he’s talked,” Foster said. “I think sometimes people assume he doesn’t know what’s going on when he really does. I think he’s very aware of every situation he’s been in and always wants to prove himself. … That’s sort of what it’s been his whole career and I don’t understand that. If you talk to all of his teammates, I think they all appreciate his work ethic and what he does.”

Everyone in Green Bay from Mike Trgovac to Winston Moss to teammates has reiterated that Julius Peppers is not a talker. He’s not a vocal leader.

Hurney noticed this himself when he held the No. 2 overall pick in the 2002 NFL draft. Peppers was one very soft-spoken prospect.

The athletic ability on the field was unquestioned. Back then, the question was if Peppers gave a consistent effort. He carried a very “quiet demeanor,” Hurney said. And that, he added, “can be misunderstood.”

To get to the bottom of it, the Panthers studied Peppers’ on-field…and on-court intensity.

Their evaluation process included a long look at Peppers’ college basketball footage at North Carolina.
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“It showed the intensity there, as well,” Hurney said. “It wasn’t a lack of an intensity. Sometimes, it was an ability to just finish plays, which you see in a lot of college players. But you don’t find football players with that height, the measurables and the athletic ability to go with it. He’s such a fluid and smooth athlete that sometimes people watch and say, ‘Well, is he going hard?’ He’s just so fluid and so athletic and so big that he might not look like he’s going as fast as you think he is but he is.”

Hurney knew far in advance that the expansion Houston Texans would be taking David Carr. His choice included the likes of Joey Harringon, guard Mike Williams, Quentin Jammer and Peppers.

In his draft room, Hurney asked the question: “Can Peppers give us 10-12 sacks a year?” He wanted to build a team on defense with new coach John Fox. The answer was yes. He'd start with the pass rusher.

He was too big, too athletic, too potentially special to pass up. And Hurney came to the conclusion that Peppers was "as competitive as anybody."

They saw that much in his basketball tape. His slam dunks had pop.

Since Hurney is from Maryland, the Panthers' brass watched some of Peppers' basketball plays against the Terps.

“There was one slam dunk that he left his feet and it was just a ferocious slam dunk," Hurney said. "But there were several. Any time you watched him, he was an intense athlete, whether it was on the football field, the basketball court, wherever. You could see the competitiveness in him.”

And the more Hurney talked to Peppers — from the Combine to a visit to several discussions — the more that competitiveness came out, he said.

A knack for big plays

Green Bay won’t need Julius Peppers to be an every-down player. On Sunday, he played 30 snaps as a defensive end, 17 as an outside linebacker and led the Packers with 3 ½ pressures. Above all, Green Bay is counting on Peppers making the key play at the key moment, a trademark of that 2010 Super Bowl team.

“When you talk to him,” Hurney said, “he’s so soft spoken and he doesn’t say a ton. But what he says, means a lot. The easiest way to see it is to watch the tape — the big plays, the impact plays he makes. Go through his career, there are so many games he makes the impact play that decides the game or turns the momentum. He’s an impact player, he’s a playmaker that makes big plays at critical times.”

Many of Peppers' blocked kicks (13), sacks (118.5), interceptions (nine) and forced fumbles (39) came at the right time.

Hurney brings up one sack that actually knocked Arizona’s Kurt Warner out of the game in 2007. Peppers sacked Warner, forced the fumble and recovered the fumble.

This Packers defense has been missing timely turnovers since winning the title. One reason is the lack of a legitimate pass rusher opposite Clay Matthews.

Hurney remembers first imagining Peppers' playmaking potential during Peppers' 40-yard dash and three-cone drill at the NFL scouting combine.

“You looked at the clock and it was like, ‘Wow. That’s incredible for a guy that size,’" he said. "He’s just an incredible athlete. And again, he’s got incredible instincts to be in the right place at the right time. When you combine those two, it makes a terrific football player.

“He’s just a special athlete, who’s got that ‘it’ quality about him. He just has that special instinct that great athletes have.”

So now, he's chasing a ring in Green Bay. The defense as a whole is off to a rocky start. In time, Capers will be counting on Peppers delivering at critical moments --- much like Mike Daniels on Sunday.

Hurney, who’s now a sports radio host for ESPN-Charlotte, believes Peppers will excel at 34 years old because it’s a new challenge, a new team.

“He embraces that challenge,” Hurney said. “And that’s what I’ll say about him this year. I think that changing teams—going to the Packers—he challenges himself more than anybody. He has higher expectations for himself than anybody else does. So it doesn’t bother him what people say or what people expect from him because nobody can expect more from him than he does.”

ESPN Wisconsin - 11/07/14 'I'm having the time of my life'

“I told some of our younger players this: ‘Do you see how serious Julius takes his job?’ And they were all in agreement with that. And I said, ‘Let me just tell you something: From the day he walked into our facility in Carolina, he was very serious about his job,’” said Packers defensive line coach Mike Trgovac, who was Peppers’ position coach in 2002, Peppers’ rookie season with the Carolina Panthers, and his defensive coordinator from 2003 through 2008. “Not that he doesn’t have fun, but when it’s time to work, it’s time to work with him.

“He doesn’t say a whole lot, he’s the type of guy that’s focused, thinking. He can joke around with the best of them, but he’s one of those guys that when he speaks, people really listen because he doesn’t speak that much.

“Guys understand the seriousness of [his] position, I mean, he was the second player picked in the draft. So he came in with such high expectations on him – and he delivered for us.”

Peppers’ critics would argue he didn’t deliver enough, however – in Carolina or in Chicago – and that he would be challenging the NFL record for career sacks if he put forth more effort over the past 12 years.

“’Doesn’t play hard, not emotional, not a leader.’ All that crap,” Peppers said, his smile evaporating. “But that’s not true. None of those things are true. That’s just how people perceive me – and that’s fine. I really couldn’t care less – really – how people view me.

“It used to bother me a little bit, when I was younger, when I was in Carolina. It used to bother me then. But now … sometimes, you can’t change people’s opinions or you can’t change thoughts. The people that know me, the people that I really want to respect me, they know. And those are the guys that are in here [in the locker room], and the coaches, and the front office, those type of people. As long as I have those people on my side, I’m content.”

Trgovac heard those same criticisms – dating back to Peppers’ college career at North Carolina. Before the Panthers took Peppers with the No. 2 overall pick in the 2002 NFL Draft, Trgovac watched every one of Peppers’ snaps with the Tar Heels. And he had an up-close look at Peppers throughout his time with the Panthers. While there may have been times when Peppers didn’t max out his effort level, it didn’t happen nearly as often as the perception.

“I think it’s two things. One, he is a very even-keeled guy, but he has a great desire,” Trgovac said with a measure of annoyance in his voice. “He’s not one of those guys that is a rah-rah guy. Some people just have that personality where, they make a play, they call attention to themselves, and he’s never been like that.

“Even in college, we heard about him not playing hard all the time, and I didn’t see that. And that’s the second thing. What I saw a guy that sometimes he’s just so damn smooth and runs so damn easy that he doesn’t look like he’s going full speed. But he’s moving.

“I think that gets a little bit of a knock on him at times. But we never had a problem. He was always a good leader for us there, he’s been a good leader for us here, and he’s a very positive person. He just doesn’t get too high and he doesn’t get too low – but believe me, it means a lot to him. Deep down in his heart, it does mean a lot to him.”

Certainly this season has – even if it’s hard for outsiders to see it.

“It’s not that I’m not emotional, because on the field, I’m into the game. I’m there. I just don’t … it’s just not overt. I’m not out there flamboyantly celebrating and doing all this extra stuff,” Peppers said. “But I’m into it. Not very much can get me riled up, though. The only thing, pretty much, is lack of respect. That’s pretty much it.

“That’s my thing. I can’t play the game angry. There’s different personality types, and I’ve found when I get too up, too emotional, too riled up, it’s not a good thing. It’s energy wasted, and it’s not [productive]. I don’t play well in that mindset.”
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After being jettisoned by Bears, rejuvenated Peppers takes Lambeau Leap of Faith | FOX Sports

Peppers and the rest of the NFL now see him in a different jersey befitting his new position. The fact Peppers chose No. 56 after wearing No. 90 since entering the NFL in 2002 isn’t an accident. Nor was the switch made solely because Packers nose tackle B.J. Raji already has claimed the latter digits.
“This is a fresh start so everything I wanted to start new,” Peppers said. “I wanted a new jersey so I looked at the list and saw the ones that were available. I saw (No.) 56. If you’re going to play outside linebacker and you’re going to try to mimic somebody, why not get 56 like Lawrence Taylor? He’s really the greatest defensive player ever or in the top three.
“The first time I put it on it felt a little weird but after that it felt good. I like it. I think I actually look better than a 90.”

Peppers has stepped up to fill defensive leader role for Packers

During the precious, adrenaline-filled moments before another prime-time game, there were zero doubts in his mind.

Micah Hyde listened to Julius Peppers' pregame speech. He looked around the room.

"It wasn't whether we were going to win or not," the Green Bay Packers safety said, "it was by how much are we going to win."

What followed was a 55-14 smackdown of the division rival Chicago Bears, Peppers' former team.

At this point last season, such a presence was missing. When quarterback Aaron Rodgers fractured his collarbone, a defense that needed to step up crumbled. Mass youth has its benefits. Drafting and developing, the Packers have proved, sustains a contender. Yet a voice of reason — a Canton-worthy voice — sustains an edge.

The Packers were once armed with such a presence in Charles Woodson, then his skills eroded.

In Peppers, it appears they've finally found a worthy replacement. Even if it's only for a season or two. When he speaks (which isn't often), players listen.

"It's a fine line," the 13-year veteran Peppers said. "You want your words to mean something, so you don't want to overdo it. You just feel it. It's not anything that's planned out. It's just a feeling of, all right, 'Now I need to say something.' Or 'I want to say something.' It's not anything that's preplanned. I don't say before the game this week or three days ahead.

"It's just whenever it happens, it happens."
Nov 18, 2013
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What makes the Green Bay Packers extra dangerous at home? - NFL Videos Steve Wyche of NFL Network says from the people he's talked to about the Packers defense say that Julius Peppers is the center of attention and opens up things for Clay Matthews and others.

Peppers is the Packers defensive leader and is this Packers team's version of Reggie White or Charles Woodson. He's a play making freak of nature who can probably play well until he's 40 if he so chooses, and will one day be a future first ballot Hall of Famer. Lets hope he helps the Packers get a Super Bowl trophy this season much like Reggie White and Charles Woodson did before him.

Nickel defense evolves to maximize playmakers Nickel defense evolves to maximize playmakers

Julius Peppers exactly what Packers' defense needs

And Peppers is now the only player in NFL history with 100-plus sacks and four interceptions returned for touchdowns.

"These are the kinds of plays that I always envisioned myself making," Peppers said, "and these are the kinds of plays I always told myself — if I was able to play in a defense like this — I could make those plays. So I'm finally doing it and I'm having a lot of fun with it."

"God's gift (from) heaven, man," Neal said. "I promise you. ... Smart, talented, great player. His interceptions speak for themselves. He gets to the ball and he makes plays."

Added defensive end Mike Daniels, "He's one of the great ones. I can't explain it. He's one of the great ones — and he's demonstrating why he is. At his age, to still be this dynamic player, is just amazing."

Peppers has stepped up to fill defensive leader role for Packers

Green Bay — During the precious, adrenaline-filled moments before another prime-time game, there were zero doubts in his mind.

Micah Hyde listened to Julius Peppers' pregame speech. He looked around the room.

"It wasn't whether we were going to win or not," the Green Bay Packers safety said, "it was by how much are we going to win."

What followed was an unapologetic 55-14 smackdown of the division rival Chicago Bears, Peppers' former team.


McCarthy called Peppers' speech "clearly the best one we've ever had,"


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Cool stories bro
Nov 18, 2013
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Julius Peppers exactly what Packers' defense needs

"For other people it was," Peppers said. "Not necessarily myself. I knew I could still do it. It was just about going out and doing it — backing up your thoughts and your words. It's a good feeling to go out there and do what you know you can do."

"These are the kinds of plays that I always envisioned myself making," Peppers said, "and these are the kinds of plays I always told myself — if I was able to play in a defense like this — I could make those plays. So I'm finally doing it and I'm having a lot of fun with it."

"God's gift (from) heaven, man," Neal said. "I promise you. ... Smart, talented, great player. His interceptions speak for themselves. He gets to the ball and he makes plays."

“I didn’t need to prove it to myself,” Peppers said. “I knew I could do it. It was just the question of would I have the opportunity to do it?”

ESPN Wisconsin - 01/04/15 'I hope it's here'

Peppers, who turns 35 on Jan. 18 – the day of the NFC Championship Game – and played in all 16 regular-season games, has played 825 snaps this season, registering 45 tackles, seven sacks, 11 pass breakups.

He also had two interceptions – both of which he returned for touchdowns, against Minnesota and Philadelphia – and forced a team-best four fumbles. He recovered three fumbles, also most on the team.

While the Packers’ official team stats had Peppers for 17 quarterback hits, the advanced statistics site Pro Football Focus credited him with 11 quarterback hits and 31 quarterback hurries – most on the team – and he and Clay Matthews tied for the team lead in combined sacks-hits-hurries.

In 865 snaps last year in his final season in Chicago, Peppers finished with seven sacks, six QB hits and 27 QB hurries. PFF had him with a minus-7.6 overall grade; this year with the Packers, his PFF overall grade was plus-16.9.

“I thought that he would have a lot left in the tank,” quarterback Aaron Rodgers said late in the week. “But he’s exceeded my expectations in the leadership category. He’s been a great leader for us and he’s a guy who really is respected in this locker room. His voice carries a lot of weight. I think the production has been great, as well. He’s doing a great job making big plays for us with forced fumbles and interceptions and returned a couple for touchdowns. He’s a presence out there.

“And, I think he’s really pushed those other guys, like Clay and Nick Perry and Mike Neal, to get more out of them. And you’ve seen the production that they’ve had.”

Neal, who was 15 years old when Peppers was the No. 2 overall pick in the 2002 NFL Draft, said Rodgers is exactly right about Peppers’ influence on his younger teammates.

“When you have a guy of Julius’ stature, you want to prove yourself to him,” Neal said. “Not only that, with him doing what he’s doing, you don’t want to be the guy who’s slacking off. Pep is what he is: He’s a leader, he’s a great football player. I think he’s definitely elevated everybody’s game. He’s 34 years old, and he still works like he’s 25. It’s absolutely amazing to see him go about his business. He’s still got a lot more in the tank.”

“I don’t know how much football I have left. In reality, none of us know,” Peppers said, looking around the Packers locker room. “Everybody in here could be one snap away from not playing again. So all of us, you never know when your last play is going to be.

“If I can play until I’m 40, then I’ll play until I’m 40. Who knows? But whatever happens, I hope it’s here.”
Nov 18, 2013
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Linebacker Julius Peppers, the oldest player Sunday in the NFC Divisional playoff game at Lambeau Field, also might have been the best.

Peppers added another striking chapter to his first-year success story in Green Bay, filling the defensive stat sheet in the Packers' 26-21 victory over the Dallas Cowboys.

The Packers' lone takeaway came when Peppers jarred the ball loose from running back DeMarco Murray as he set sail into the secondary and Datone Jones recovered.

He also forced another fumble with a sack on the third play of the game, drew a holding penalty, made six tackles and was millimeters one way or another from tipping one of Tony Romo's passes.

Now Peppers can celebrate his 35th birthday Sunday in style by playing in the NFC Championship Game against the Seattle Seahawks.

"He continues to get better and better and better," defensive end Mike Daniels said. "He's still doing awesome things, and he's the oldest guy on the field."

The Packers were going nowhere fast when right guard Zack Martin pulled right and engaged Peppers on the outside. Romo stretched the ball to Murray, who saw a substantial hole inside Peppers.

The tall, talented running back looked to be in the clear when out of nowhere Peppers came off Martin's block and knocked the ball out.

"It was a great play by Peppers," said Murray. "He was washed out but he came back in and reached around. I thought that I was through the hole and he made a hell of a play. Yes, I felt the play was about to break wide open."

The momentum-shifting turnover came early in the third quarter at a critical juncture with Dallas up, 14-10, and threatening to assume control.

"He got off the ball and took advantage of that guard as he set the edge," said linebacker Nick Perry. "Julius makes great plays in big games. That set the tone, really."

Peppers' sack came on the Cowboys' first possession when he lined up over left guard Ronald Leary on third and 5 and beat him one-on-one with an up-field charge. Fortunately for the Cowboys, Romo managed to recover.

"I saw it coming," Daniels said. "I just said, 'Here it comes, here it comes. There it goes. Oh, wow.'"

The two forced fumbles increased Peppers' total to six. In 17 games, all the other players on defense combined have six. Clay Matthews is second with two.

"We don't really look at one player as the most valuable player on our team but he's a very key part of our defense," rookie linebacker Jayrone Elliott said. "Whenever he talks, everybody responds, even the offensive coaches."

Peppers elected not to make himself available for interviews afterward.

It was the first playoff game for Peppers since the 2010 season, his first of four with the Chicago Bears. As a member of the Carolina Panthers from 2002-'09, Peppers played in one Super Bowl and won five of eight games in the post-season.

"He lives for these kind of moments," said defensive end Josh Boyd. "I just think he wanted it more than anybody.

"You hear it and see it in his preparation and the way he talks to us in practice. He's such a leader in how he handles things and how he rallies us up to get prepared.

"When you've got a guy who wants it like that it's kind of hard to stop."

Martin was penalized for holding in the first quarter when he took Peppers down after he penetrated deep in the backfield on a carry in which Murray was downed for minus-2.

In the third quarter, Matthews and others argued that Peppers tipped a pass that would have negated a pass-interference penalty against Tramon Williams.

Boyd, however, went back to the strip of Murray that came two plays after the argued deflection.

"They were up on us a little bit and we were licking our wounds a little bit," said Boyd. "That play was something that helped turn it around. It was a huge play in the game."

The sack was Peppers' eighth. He also has returned two interceptions for touchdowns, recovered three fumbles and defensed 11 passes.

"He's a mentor, a leader, a big brother, he's been it all," Jones said. "Definitely getting us right day in and day out.

"He calls us up before practice making sure we understand the game plan and we're focused. Day in and day out.

"You wouldn't expect it because he's so quiet. But when he brings the team up it's, like, 'OK, it's time to go.'"

Linebacker Sam Barrington summed up the team's general opinion of Peppers: "I'm just glad he's on our team."
Nov 18, 2013
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Julius Frazier Peppers is the GREATEST player of all time. :nod:
Nov 18, 2013
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I question whether Peppers even sniffs the HOF.

JJ Watt in his relatively short time in the league has a much better chance.

You must not know much about football. Try not questioning things you don't understand.