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When you have 3 all-stars on 1 team


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
Chesterton, IN
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Let's not forget also, for those talking about bench depth, the Warriors still have Iggy and Livingston. While neither will be winning any regular season accolades, they are each among the 10 best bench players in the NBA. Iguodala might just be the best.

Well he is 32 and started to break down late last season. It's not suddenly going to get easier for him. Anyone who thinks Zaza is going to get more minutes in this rotation than Iggy is only fooling themselves.


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
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Well he is 32 and started to break down late last season. It's not suddenly going to get easier for him. Anyone who thinks Zaza is going to get more minutes in this rotation than Iggy is only fooling themselves.

Not in games that matter. Why do you keep talking about Zaza? He might be their 8th best player. 20 minutes is just fine from him.

Regular season though? Iggy might not play more than 20 minutes a game. The big 4 will play regularly the first half of the season, but they will get plenty of rest in advance of the playoffs also.


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
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It doesn't concern you that Zaza fell out the Mavs rotation late last Year? I've always liked Pachulia for his sneaky all-around skills as a big man, but not as a starter on a title contender. He's a solid place-holding starter for a .500-ish ball-club like the Mavs, but you could tell he started to tire in that role late last year.

You don't want Iggy and Draymond starting either? My point exactly about depth. They're both going to play starters' minutes regardless of whether their names are introduced together pregame.


I don't want them starting together during the regular season, possibly even the playoffs if they can work around it. The Warriors will realistically go 8 deep in a playoff scenario, barring any additional vet adds or standout bench performers that were unexpected. If you start Iguodala, that means you have Pachulia, West and Livingston off the bench. That doesn't leave you with a lot of flexibility.

Pachulia is fine for what he does. Last year for the Mavs, he exceeded expectations offensively but that was because their team wasn't great and he was needed to do more. In this type of situation he's really only going to touch the ball on offense if it's a wide open layup or a putback. Defensively is where they need him the most and at worst he'll do a servicable job. He's not expected, or needed, to give more than 20 quality minutes during a game. The Warriors will go small with Iguodala at the 3 and Durant at the 4 and Draymond at the 5 at some points. But using that type of lineup for large stretches during the regular season will just be exacerbating the depth issue. Why potentially create you own health concerns when it's not necessary?

During the regular season, the Warriors will go 10 deep, regardless of who the additional 2 out there will be. Why? Because it doesn't really affect their performance on a nightly basis. In the post season it's different and you'll be seeing a shorter rotation, but again that comes with added days off inbetween games with more rest.

I understand your logic in just putting the best 5 players out on the court(which they definitely will at times), but it doesn't make any sense from a self-preservation aspect during the regular season.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
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LOL what is it with you and avi bets? Why do you always think you have something to prove to me...First a past-prime Wade and now Zaza frekin Pachulia???

Because I'm willing to backup what I know. You're not. It's that simple.

You could've just said no to the avi bet. Would've made you look like less of a bitch.


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Apr 17, 2013
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Well he is 32 and started to break down late last season. It's not suddenly going to get easier for him. Anyone who thinks Zaza is going to get more minutes in this rotation than Iggy is only fooling themselves.

Not one person on here said he'd get more minutes than Iggy. Hell, they don't even have the same role on this team. Zaza out of all the big men sans Draymond will get the most minutes though - unless McGee pulls his head out of his ass.


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
Chesterton, IN
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Because I'm willing to backup what I know. You're not. It's that simple.

You could've just said no to the avi bet. Would've made you look like less of a bitch.

But I got nothing to prove to you though...I know for a fact that I'm the better human being and that's all that matters to me...Whereas you are nothing more than a spoiled, piece of shit hack on this website.


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
Chesterton, IN
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Not in games that matter. Why do you keep talking about Zaza? He might be their 8th best player. 20 minutes is just fine from him.

Regular season though? Iggy might not play more than 20 minutes a game. The big 4 will play regularly the first half of the season, but they will get plenty of rest in advance of the playoffs also.

Something's gotta give though if BOTH Iggy and Zaza only average 20 minutes...Someone would have to come out of the woodwork and give Durant and others a rest...Which is my whole point about depth.


I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
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Something's gotta give though if BOTH Iggy and Zaza only average 20 minutes...Someone would have to come out of the woodwork and give Durant and others a rest...Which is my whole point about depth.

As I've said before, with 4 allstars to rotate they can get rest by staggering them the whole game, their second unit should always have 2 stars on it vs the other team's one or none. So in a way that's depth by the back door. You have so much star depth you don't need bench depth.

Obviously it will vary with game situations but over the whole season they should be able to limit the big 4 to 30-35 minutes a game easily.


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
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Something's gotta give though if BOTH Iggy and Zaza only average 20 minutes...Someone would have to come out of the woodwork and give Durant and others a rest...Which is my whole point about depth.

they do have other players you know. The point is that keeping minutes under control will be goal number 1 in the regular season. In the playoffs Iggy will get his 30-35 minutes. It really does not matter who absorbs that time in the regular season.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
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But I got nothing to prove to you though...I know for a fact that I'm the better human being and that's all that matters to me...Whereas you are nothing more than a spoiled, piece of shit hack on this website.

I'd like to hear more about how I'm spoiled. If you knew my upbringing (and I'm so eager to hear your Saved by the Bell comebacks on that one), you would probably shut your mouth by now. As far as you go, you seem to be greatly offended and effected personally by anyone little thing that I say. You have to be the most sensitive little piece of shit that I've ever come across - internet forum or in person. If you don't like what I have to say then go ahead and block me.
Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I'd like to hear more about how I'm spoiled. If you knew my upbringing (and I'm so eager to hear your Saved by the Bell comebacks on that one), you would probably shut your mouth by now. As far as you go, you seem to be greatly offended and effected personally by anyone little thing that I say. You have to be the most sensitive little piece of shit that I've ever come across - internet forum or in person. If you don't like what I have to say then go ahead and block me.

He won't block you. Todd thrives on trying to argue his bullshit - then gets most upset when people call him out for it.


Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The 3rd go to guy will always appear to be worse than he really is....On the heat bosh's numbers took a major hit, because he was the 3rd wheel playing with wade and Lebron.

On the cavs Love's numbers took a big hit because he is playing with kyrie and lebron....The reason

If that 3rd guy doesn't accept his role that will create major problems....

People who know the game will recognize each All-Star's (and the other players on the teams) contributions,

The game ain't about numbers, except for the final score.


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
Chesterton, IN
Hoopla Cash
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I'd like to hear more about how I'm spoiled. If you knew my upbringing (and I'm so eager to hear your Saved by the Bell comebacks on that one), you would probably shut your mouth by now. As far as you go, you seem to be greatly offended and effected personally by anyone little thing that I say. You have to be the most sensitive little piece of shit that I've ever come across - internet forum or in person. If you don't like what I have to say then go ahead and block me.

You're a Heat fan, and this site is infested with Heat and Lakers fans...So, it ain't rocket science. *spoiled*
And most importantly, I don't resort to cowardly personal attacks like this post above^ when I don't get my way with someone.

Surprised you're not a Trump supporter with your continued antics...


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
Chesterton, IN
Hoopla Cash
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they do have other players you know. The point is that keeping minutes under control will be goal number 1 in the regular season. In the playoffs Iggy will get his 30-35 minutes. It really does not matter who absorbs that time in the regular season.

So if Zaza gets only 20 minutes as everyone claims to agree, then that means Iggy, Draymond, and Durant get the bulk of the time together in the frontcourt, right?

So who would be the top option to give Klay or KD a rest on the perimeter?
Is it Elliot Williams or James McAdoo? :doh: You decide. Otherwise you're just assuming Klay, KD, and Draymond are all going to average 40 minutes a night through the duration of an 82-game season.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
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You're a Heat fan, and this site is infested with Heat and Lakers fans...So, it ain't rocket science. *spoiled*
And most importantly, I don't resort to cowardly personal attacks like this post above^ when I don't get my way with someone.

Surprised you're not a Trump supporter with your continued antics...

You just called me a piece of shit of a human being. There's that tin-foil hat thinking. And I'm not even going to go into politics with you. Fucking pussy.


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
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So if Zaza gets only 20 minutes as everyone claims to agree, then that means Iggy, Draymond, and Durant get the bulk of the time together in the frontcourt, right?

So who would be the top option to give Klay or KD a rest on the perimeter?
Is it Elliot Williams or James McAdoo? :doh: You decide. Otherwise you're just assuming Klay, KD, and Draymond are all going to average 40 minutes a night through the duration of an 82-game season.

Why are you so hung up on who plays during the regular season? Is there any chance the Warriors don't make the playoffs, even as worst case an 8th seed?

You continually fixate on the regular season, as if it's important to this team. It's not. The goal of the regular season is to secure home court advantage and stay healthy. The Warriors 9th and 10th guys are going to eat up 12-15 minutes a game, but who it is, doesn't matter. You're viewing this team as if they're going to be just simply subbing 5 in and 5 out, without staggering their stars. If you have two of Steph, Klay, KD and Draymond on the court at any one time, you won't have to worry about who fills additional time for insignificant roles. And yes, they are insignificant during the regular season.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
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they do have other players you know. The point is that keeping minutes under control will be goal number 1 in the regular season. In the playoffs Iggy will get his 30-35 minutes. It really does not matter who absorbs that time in the regular season.
Iggy isnt quite cooked - but hes getting there.

ehh- maybei shouldnt say that so harshly- he can still be effective at times- but his days of challenging elite offensive players and being a stopper type defender are LONG gone. He was effective against an exhausted, LeBron who had very little offensive help in the Finals a couple years ago- but you could see last year that--- while LeBron was healthy and had a lot more options (which certainly helped) Iggy was getting batted away like a fly.


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Iggy isnt quite cooked - but hes getting there.

ehh- maybei shouldnt say that so harshly- he can still be effective at times- but his days of challenging elite offensive players and being a stopper type defender are LONG gone. He was effective against an exhausted, LeBron who had very little offensive help in the Finals a couple years ago- but you could see last year that--- while LeBron was healthy and had a lot more options (which certainly helped) Iggy was getting batted away like a fly.

Iggy is still elite, it's just that Lebron is an all-time great. That's like saying really anyone guarding Prime Jordan was terrible. No that's not the case, just Jordan was the far superior offensive player.

Iguodala didn't do as great of a job this past finals against Lebron, that was evident. But you could also see his importance to this team after he got injured in game 5. He was then an extra step slow.