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When people laughed about Romos contract


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Jul 22, 2013
Texas by the Grace of God
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That makes 2 of us ......... That said I'll admit I'm wrong IF PROVEN .... got no hopes of that happening though ..... I think we pissed away a draft .... not just a draft the deepest draft in history

and saw the same optimism .... after the Roy Williams trade when we drafted for special teams ....

fine line between the doom and gloom guys ... and the optimist guys .... the ones in the middle are usually right

3 straight 8-8 seasons prove that

How is this remotely the same as the 09 draft as far as optimism?

I understand you boys have had a field day telling everyone how bad this draft will be. Shouldn't that be PROVEN as well?


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Jul 7, 2013
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How is this remotely the same as the 09 draft as far as optimism?

I understand you boys have had a field day telling everyone how bad this draft will be. Shouldn't that be PROVEN as well?

Wasn't that 2009 draft all about drafting depth and special teams? How many of those guys are on this team now? None

You said yourself we needed 2-3 starters out of this draft before the draft? What made you suddenly change your mind other than just being an optimist?
When the coaches have already come out and stated Lawrence will be used as a situational pass rusher only ..... that's not exactly what you expect from a player taken where he was. Two spots lower than Frederick.

Now goto the linebacker we drafted .... supposedly Lee's back up. Really a guy who's weakness is pass coverage that has NEVER played middle linebacker before. In fact now they are moving Dunbar to middle linebacker.

we lost 2 draft picks..... for two guys that wont start. In what was deemed the deepest draft in history

and you honestly want me to believe you are happy with that?


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Jul 22, 2013
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Wasn't that 2009 draft all about drafting depth and special teams? How many of those guys are on this team now? None

what does that have to do with anything? This draft is already better than 09 by the first pick alone.

You said yourself we needed 2-3 starters out of this draft before the draft? What made you suddenly change your mind other than just being an optimist?

nothing....I'm just not sure fire sold we don't have 2/3 starters or major contributors from this draft. I tend to watch these things develop and come to my own conclusions about a player and his worth after seeing him play in our system

When the coaches have already come out and stated Lawrence will be used as a situational pass rusher only ..... that's not exactly what you expect from a player taken where he was. Two spots lower than Frederick.

coaches say a lot of things in May/June. Means nothing. If the player makes plays he's on the field they will have him on the field.

Now goto the linebacker we drafted .... supposedly Lee's back up. Really a guy who's weakness is pass coverage that has NEVER played middle linebacker before. In fact now they are moving Dunbar to middle linebacker.

I think he was drafted with the thought he'd play a role and develop in to an NFL LB. I don't think they drafted him as Lee's replacement year one. Situational player with a chance to develop. I don't think college coverage weaknesses will define what he will become and be. I think he's actually a pretty good tackle to tackle linebacker....maybe he's still hasn't developed to all he's become.

we lost 2 draft picks..... for two guys that wont start. In what was deemed the deepest draft in history

and you honestly want me to believe you are happy with that?

I don't know. I don't react to other opinions as being set in stone. You have these guys as busts and you've made your position very clear since the night of the draft. You say you will admit being wrong if proven wrong and I'm just not buying into the doom of this draft till THAT'S proven.


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Jul 18, 2013
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I will say I am one that liked the Lawrence pick. It has been said that he will be a situational pass rusher whether thats the truth or not. We as fans always talk about a Dline rotation so whomever we picked in the 2nd or 3rd round would more than likely been a situational player right?? I could be wrong I guess. I posed the question before the draft does a 40 snap a game guy = 60 snap a game guy. In other words, was Donald just as valuable as Martin or Dix. The predominant answer I got was yes. I would tend to guess Lawrence will play more than 30 snaps a game- so to me that is a starter.

Hitchens , on the other hand, seems like the type of guy we would want. Blue Collar. Why we took him in the 4rth if he could have been had later- I dont know. Remember though we didnt have a 6th. Maybe a cap issue. You guys no more about it than me. Does a 4rth round WR make more than 4rth round LB ???


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Jul 7, 2013
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I don't know. I don't react to other opinions as being set in stone. You have these guys as busts and you've made your position very clear since the night of the draft. You say you will admit being wrong if proven wrong and I'm just not buying into the doom of this draft till THAT'S proven.

no I don't consider a PLAYER a bust unless he a 1st round pick .... IE Felix Jones. But to use Jones as an example ..... Cause he is a great example of wasting a high pick on a guy that was never going to be more than a situational player at best ( Remember we had just given Barber a huge contract) So the last time we did it really didnt work out to well.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results..... Albert Einstein.

I think we could have picked alot of players that would have helped us more both short term and long term had we not traded up.

Actually almst everyone on here AGREED before the draft ...... This would be a dumb draft to trade UP in
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Jul 7, 2013
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I will say I am one that liked the Lawrence pick. It has been said that he will be a situational pass rusher whether thats the truth or not. We as fans always talk about a Dline rotation so whomever we picked in the 2nd or 3rd round would more than likely been a situational player right?? I could be wrong I guess. I posed the question before the draft does a 40 snap a game guy = 60 snap a game guy. In other words, was Donald just as valuable as Martin or Dix. The predominant answer I got was yes. I would tend to guess Lawrence will play more than 30 snaps a game- so to me that is a starter.

Hitchens , on the other hand, seems like the type of guy we would want. Blue Collar. Why we took him in the 4rth if he could have been had later- I dont know. Remember though we didnt have a 6th. Maybe a cap issue. You guys no more about it than me. Does a 4rth round WR make more than 4rth round LB ???

when it gets to the 4th round it doesnt matter position ... everyone in that range makes in the 400,000 a year range


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Jul 22, 2013
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"Actually almst everyone on here AGREED before the draft ...... This would be a dumb draft to trade UP in "

agreed....which was pretty much talking about from #16. Dallas was all in on Lawrence and bypassed a whole lotta traditional DE's and 4-3 tackles. I will not label this guy before he plays, I actually like his attitude coming in. Matters to me if he runs through the goal post during player introductions. I'm pullin hard for him to have an impact. Romotowens said it earlier, it's a 4 man rotation....that much Rod seems committed to.


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Aug 14, 2013
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Dallas was all in on Lawrence and bypassed a whole lotta traditional DE's and 4-3 tackles.

I'm still pretty curious why this was the case. The guy has less than ideal size, and is not what I would consider an explosive pass rusher. Looking at a lot of his highlight reels, he doesn't look to have that "quick twitch" Jerry seems to like. I don't see Lawrence becoming more explosive with added weight. Not only that, but Lawrence primarily played the strong side in the film that I have watched. Why was Dallas so convinced Lawrence was the only true RDE when that wasn't even his primary position on his own team?

I'm not unhappy with the pick, but I have to wonder why they chose this guy over a guy like Kony Ealy? Or Kareem Martin, or Scott Crichton? I think these are good questions considering the cost paid to draft Lawrence.
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Jul 7, 2013
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I'm still pretty curious why this was the case. The guy has less than ideal size, and is not what I would consider an explosive pass rusher. Looking at a lot of his highlight reels, he doesn't look to have that "quick twitch" Jerry seems to like. I don't see Lawrence becoming more explosive with added weight. Not only that, but Lawrence primarily played the strong side in the film that I have watched. Why was Dallas so convinced Lawrence was the only true RDE when that wasn't even his primary position on his own team?

I'm not unhappy with the pick, but I have to wonder why they chose this guy over a guy like Kony Ealy? Or Kareem Martin, or Scott Crichton? I think these are good questions considering the cost paid to draft Lawrence.

Because they weren't All in on him Steelers took our guy 1 pick before us .... we took the best guy left on the board in the first which was offense

and Jerry threw in the towel on the worst defense in Cowboys History

Is what it is .... People can sugar coat that shit anyway they want to

Crichton was there


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no coaching staff under Jerry will ever admit they took a guy they didn't want

and everyone knows Jerry .... so why they think different this time of year every year .... is either optimism .... false hope ... or faith

The one thing it's not ... is a true opinion


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Jul 22, 2013
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what about the deep draft and pissing the 3rd rounder? Now, factor the DE's and DT's there at the pick and that's all in if there ever was an all in. Call it whatever you like but all in becomes my terminology. I can see jerry looking to steal the camera time, but I'm of believe somebody on that defensive coaching staff along with his new prize scout promotion were in his ear. That's a group pick, that's a football guy seeing and selling something. That's a career maker or killer.

any who how....I'll reserve judgment once the guy snaps a star helmet and plays some with the big boys.


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Jul 22, 2013
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no coaching staff under Jerry will ever admit they took a guy they didn't want

and everyone knows Jerry .
... so why they think different this time of year every year .... is either optimism .... false hope ... or faith

The one thing it's not ... is a true opinion

you work on a coaching staff just about anywhere USA and throw out your opinions against the grain and you are history. That I know more than once first hand. Coaches sell team and it starts within the coaching staff.


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you work on a coaching staff just about anywhere USA and throw out your opinions against the grain and you are history. That I know more than once first hand. Coaches sell team and it starts within the coaching staff.

a lame duck coaching staff .... That sported the worst defense in football last year ... Lost it's best player over the past decade in Ware ... It's best D-Tackle in Ratliff and it's sack leader from a year ago ..... Hatcher

and replace those players ... with a situational guy and another coming off an ACL?

Who the fuck are you trying to kid? ..... It's optimism and faith ...

Simple tell us what you see in Lawrence that makes you think he is a difference maker .... better yet ... tell us what you see in him that makes you think he is a difference maker good enough to forget giving up a 3rd rounder?

So far all I have seen you say is you trust the coaches and staff ..... the same head coach and OC that has landed us 6-10 8-8 8-8 and 8-8

That's faith .. and optimism .... without criticism .... sprinkled with a bit of homerism


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Aug 14, 2013
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I just want to hear the organization explain their choice -- not that they owe it to me. I would like to understand the team's rationale behind the pick. I don't care if it is Garrett, Marinelli, Kiffen, or even Jerry Jones himself, just give me an explanation. Something better than he was the only "true RDE" left. That argument doesn't hold a lot of water, as far as I am concerned.

Lawrence was not the most impressive on tape, nor are his measureables very impressive. They really must have liked his attitude -- that or, Jerry got caught up in having another Demarcus at DE...
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Jul 22, 2013
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a lame duck coaching staff .... That sported the worst defense in football last year ... Lost it's best player over the past decade in Ware ... It's best D-Tackle in Ratliff and it's sack leader from a year ago ..... Hatcher

and replace those players ... with a situational guy and another coming off an ACL?

Who the fuck are you trying to kid? ..... It's optimism and faith ...

Simple tell us what you see in Lawrence that makes you think he is a difference maker .... better yet ... tell us what you see in him that makes you think he is a difference maker good enough to forget giving up a 3rd rounder?

So far all I have seen you say is you trust the coaches and staff ..... the same head coach and OC that has landed us 6-10 8-8 8-8 and 8-8

That's faith .. and optimism .... without criticism .... sprinkled with a bit of homerism

I'm going to slow this down for you cause you got lost somewhere. I never said anything about what I thought Lawrence would or would not be. That has been you. I remain unsure what this guy brings and all the years I've posted here, never valued the opinions of others as mine before they were mine.

I'll say it again and you call it what you want. Dallas is in a weak ass division....with better than average health, a top 5 offense and a defense ranking anywhere between 18 and 23 will win the East. Nobody plays defense and the other teams are a house of cards as we are with multiple player injuries. This team has been lost for years and IF they win a playoff game, or dare I say two anytime in the near future...IT WILL BE INSPITE OF JERRY AND THE STARS WERE ALLIGNED JUST RIGHT. Great thing about sports, it's possible and if it does happen, Garrett is going no where and that does not say I'm a garrett fan. It says I've come to know jerry differently than you.

The supreme goal IS playoff advancement. Nothing about your opinions of the draft picks, coaching staff or the players changes my mind. call it what you want, I just prefer to make my football judgments by what I see, not read.
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Jul 7, 2013
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I'm going to slow this down for you cause you got lost somewhere. I never said anything about what I thought Lawrence would or would not be. That has been you. I remain unsure what this guy brings and all the years I've posted here, never valued the opinions of others as mine before they were mine.

I'll say it again and you call it what you want. Dallas is in a weak ass division....with better than average health, a top 5 offense and a defense ranking anywhere between 18 and 23 will win the East. Nobody plays defense and the other teams are a house of cards as we are with multiple player injuries. This team has been lost for years and IF they win a playoff game, or dare I say two anytime in the near future...IT WILL BE INSPITE OF JERRY AND THE STARS WERE ALLIGNED JUST RIGHT. Great thing about sports, it's possible and if it does happen, Garrett is going no where and that does not say I'm a garrett fan. It says I've come to know jerry differently than you.

The supreme goal IS playoff advancement. Nothing about your opinions of the draft picks, coaching staff or the players changes my mind. call it what you want, I just prefer to make my football judgments by what I see, not read.

and now with the trolls gone ......... me and you finally get to debate

you say you say and you say .... and then you change it what you said what you said what you said

2 to 3 starters were both out comments before the draft ....... correct?
Dont bite your tongue yet I aint done

Hmmm a top 5 offense? Possible yes.... But more so optimistic ... for as good as we look some games .... other games blahhhhhhh once again .... blah

Win the East ... Really I hope we do ... but only an idiot wouldnt think Philly in the #1 team to do that currently

Playoff ADVANCEMENT ...... whoah ... didnt you just state earlier today that wasnt needed to keep the current coaching staff ?????? Check your own post

And ofc Garrett is your chosen savior of the Cowboys ... We all know it .. I wanted Fisher ... Garrett was your version of the next coming of Christ .... thats nothing new to anyone either

Inspite of Jerry we both agree

It's possiblle ... we both agree

make judgement but what you see not read .... I also agree .... problem is you declared hope without seeing

and the greatest thing is .... no trolls ... no threats ... no reason to start fights ..... both of our football IQs come into play now .............. Good Luck .... and please dont have a melt down


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Jul 22, 2013
Texas by the Grace of God
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and now with the trolls gone ......... me and you finally get to debate

you say you say and you say .... and then you change it what you said what you said what you said

2 to 3 starters were both out comments before the draft ....... correct?
Dont bite your tongue yet I aint done

did I not respond to that already

Hmmm a top 5 offense? Possible yes.... But more so optimistic ... for as good as we look some games .... other games blahhhhhhh once again .... blah

fine....what do YOU think is expectable? I didn't call this team top 5, I said with health, top 5 offense and an 18-23 defensive ranking will win the east.

Win the East ... Really I hope we do ... but only an idiot wouldnt think Philly in the #1 team to do that currently

sure philly can be the fav. going in

Playoff ADVANCEMENT ...... whoah ... didnt you just state earlier today that wasnt needed to keep the current coaching staff ?????? Check your own post

don't think I said that. maybe you should read it again

And ofc Garrett is your chosen savior of the Cowboys ... We all know it .. I wanted Fisher ... Garrett was your version of the next coming of Christ .... thats nothing new to anyone either

now you're just making shit up

Inspite of Jerry we both agree

It's possiblle ... we both agree

make judgement but what you see not read .... I also agree .... problem is you declared hope without seeing

and the greatest thing is .... no trolls ... no threats ... no reason to start fights ..... both of our football IQs come into play now .............. Good Luck .... and please dont have a melt down

no problem here

gotta run to the airport


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Jul 7, 2013
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and now with the trolls gone ......... me and you finally get to debate

you say you say and you say .... and then you change it what you said what you said what you said

2 to 3 starters were both out comments before the draft ....... correct?
Dont bite your tongue yet I aint done

did I not respond to that already

Hmmm a top 5 offense? Possible yes.... But more so optimistic ... for as good as we look some games .... other games blahhhhhhh once again .... blah

fine....what do YOU think is expectable? I didn't call this team top 5, I said with health, top 5 offense and an 18-23 defensive ranking will win the east.

Win the East ... Really I hope we do ... but only an idiot wouldnt think Philly in the #1 team to do that currently

sure philly can be the fav. going in

Playoff ADVANCEMENT ...... whoah ... didnt you just state earlier today that wasnt needed to keep the current coaching staff ?????? Check your own post

don't think I said that. maybe you should read it again

And ofc Garrett is your chosen savior of the Cowboys ... We all know it .. I wanted Fisher ... Garrett was your version of the next coming of Christ .... thats nothing new to anyone either

now you're just making shit up

Inspite of Jerry we both agree

It's possiblle ... we both agree

make judgement but what you see not read .... I also agree .... problem is you declared hope without seeing

and the greatest thing is .... no trolls ... no threats ... no reason to start fights ..... both of our football IQs come into play now .............. Good Luck .... and please dont have a melt down

no problem here

gotta run to the airport

LOL Pday .... This is about to be the most fun year every for us both on here :suds: Well that's if you still debate football


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Aug 19, 2013
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I'm not unhappy with the pick, but I have to wonder why they chose this guy over a guy like Kony Ealy? Or Kareem Martin, or Scott Crichton? I think these are good questions considering the cost paid to draft Lawrence.

Obviously because unlike most here they love this kid's potential, think he is much better than those other guys you named and don't see him as a situational player. I hope they are right and personally, my opinion hasn't changed since draft day on him (and won't until I see him in pads). I like the player a lot and think he was a very good 2nd round pick that can be great for us if he becomes the pass rusher our defense so sorely needs. I am very excited to see what he becomes over the next couple of years and don't get why people look at his weight and think that means he can't be a player. But, I also argue every year that just because a guy is fast doesn't mean he will be good, so it's the same thing to me.

That being said I think I agree with what your main point probably is and I'll say this for the 100th time...I just don't see why we didn't wait it out a little and preserve that 3rd rounder. I think that we would have been better off taking what falls in the 2nd and 3rd or moving up once the cost to do so didn't include a 3rd rounder. I think that had the inpatience of the Jones boys written all over it. I get that they felt this kid was a first round pick, but I think the problem was going into the draft with blinders on thinking "RDE or bust". Now because of what we gave up to get him, we need to be right. I think we may be, but time will tell.