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Whats the reasoning for NBA regular season ratings being in the tank?


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All kinds of factors. Streaming for 1 thing but also why watch a Philadelphia/sacramento game in January? Things really don't get interesting in the NBA until March.

I'd watch that game. :L I need more hobbies


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
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Had some white kid who is 22 years old tell me how the Warriors don't play the game right because all they do is shoot threes and he doesn't like the NBA anymore because of that and how he loves college basketball and the demographic of it OK I added the last part


Let's just say all white people hate the NBA because of something 1 cool said?

In my experience, the average casual fan does not a clue what they are talking about. Clearly the case with the guy you were talking to. Has nothing to do with his skin color though.


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
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Some version or even all of it is the reason I hear the most. I still love and watch the NBA, but I preferred the way the game was played in the 80's. It was the right mix of fluid basketball while still playing physical "no layups allowed" defense.

Plus, the players seem a lot more "me first" than in the past.

To be fair though, the NBA is a more star driven league than any of the other top sports. There are fewer players, their faces aren't covered by hats, helmets, facemasks, etc. and fans sit a lot closer to the playing surface.

Add to that the million tv sports stations, commercials, social media...and you get oversaturation.

I agree with some of this.

One issue I have though is the fact that so many people equate less physicality with bad defense. It is total BS. It is much easier to clothesline somebody as they drive the lane than it is to establish legal guarding position and attempt to take a charge or make a basketball play on the ball.

Also, the me first mentality is definitely there, but does not translate to every team. I think that is why so many people are drawn to the Spurs and Warriors (among others) because they play completely selfless basketball.

Lance Armstrong

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1) the NBA has the most pointless regular season in sports, 16 teams are going to make the playoffs regardless.

2) only 2, maybe 4 teams have a legit shot at winning the title. Stacking teams means less markets care about the game

3) even the nba playoffs are too long, should be 3-5-7-7 game series


Sports Hooplah Local Reporter
May 10, 2013
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Let's just say all white people hate the NBA because of something 1 cool said?

In my experience, the average casual fan does not a clue what they are talking about. Clearly the case with the guy you were talking to. Has nothing to do with his skin color though.
All i was saying, was that im my experience, the whiter the person is, the less they seem to like the NBA. You can also put a 57 year old white guy in that category. This was all recent.


Nov 11, 2013
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All i was saying, was that im my experience, the whiter the person is, the less they seem to like the NBA. You can also put a 57 year old white guy in that category. This was all recent.

Well, I'm a major outlier in your theory then. I'm whatever 1 step whiter than white is and I love the NBA.


Sports Hooplah Local Reporter
May 10, 2013
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Well, I'm a major outlier in your theory then. I'm whatever 1 step whiter than white is and I love the NBA.

Thread destroyed.

Beengay fudgepackers

Packin since 1919
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I stopped watching when I realized that the referees have more effect on who wins the close games than the players do. It's probably not a conspiracy or anything, it's just the way that it is.


Not Mebert's Alt
Apr 20, 2013
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All i was saying, was that im my experience, the whiter the person is, the less they seem to like the NBA. You can also put a 57 year old white guy in that category. This was all recent.

I don't speak for all the white people out there, but I love today's game. That 22 year old kid does not hate basketball, he hates math. Warriors are the 2nd closest thing to offense analytics perfection that you can see out there(Rockets 1). Even better they did it without sacrificing defense.

I personally did not watch a lot of games because you don't see a lot of Timberwolves games in Utah. I did go to both games that they visited though.

My bet on why numbers dropped is most people viewed the regular season as unimportant, There is not a lot of parity at the moment. I imagine that people that love the game of basketball watch more than ever, people that love cheering for their teams disengaged a bit(except GS and CLE).


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
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All i was saying, was that im my experience, the whiter the person is, the less they seem to like the NBA. You can also put a 57 year old white guy in that category. This was all recent.


I am friends with a 40 year old black guy who hates the NBA too. What is your point? A lot of people don't like the NBA. I also know plenty of people of all races who love it. Why make it about skin color?

What i have definitely found to be true is that the NBA appeals more to younger generations of fans. The average kid loves the NBA. Adults tend to become less interested as they get older and the game evolves away from the one they grew up watching.


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1) the NBA has the most pointless regular season in sports, 16 teams are going to make the playoffs regardless.

2) only 2, maybe 4 teams have a legit shot at winning the title. Stacking teams means less markets care about the game

3) even the nba playoffs are too long, should be 3-5-7-7 game series
has it ever been different though----- watered down regular seson- only 2-4 teams have a legit shot at winning it? i mean- thats probably the vast majority of the history of the NBA. When over half the teams make the playoffs- the regular season just doesnt mean as much.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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One issue I have though is the fact that so many people equate less physicality with bad defense. It is total BS. It is much easier to clothesline somebody as they drive the lane than it is to establish legal guarding position and attempt to take a charge or make a basketball play on the ball.

It is bad defense. That's not necessarily on the players though. Much like we have seen in the NFL, the league has changed the rules to favor the offense and create more scoring because they want to make sure they get the casual fan watching. Casual fans love offense.

While basketball was never intended to be as physical as it got in the 90's. It was also never intended to be an almost entirely finesse game like it is now.

Also, the me first mentality is definitely there, but does not translate to every team. I think that is why so many people are drawn to the Spurs and Warriors (among others) because they play completely selfless basketball.

True, but that's 2 teams out of how many? Also, players can be part of a selfless team and still be seen as "me first" or "look at me" type players.

For example, Steph Curry's shoulder shake or shimmy or whatever that is. He plays for a selfless team and is a selfless player, but that celebration basically says..."look at me." Same with Lebron. Lebron is one of the most selfless players we have seen (especially for a superstar). He does a great job of making the right play and enjoys making his teammates look good (sometimes to his detriment). But his Herman Munster walks, primal screams and beating his chest are all about..."look at me."

Compare those 2 to Kawhi who I'm not even sure has ever smiled after making a great play. lol


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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All i was saying, was that im my experience, the whiter the person is, the less they seem to like the NBA. You can also put a 57 year old white guy in that category. This was all recent.

You need to find different white people to hang out with then.

I'm a nearly 55 year old white guy and I love the NBA. So do the other nearly 55 year old white guys that I know.

We all have our criticisms of it, but we know the game changes over time and have enjoyed each "era" for what it was.


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
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It is bad defense. That's not necessarily on the players though. Much like we have seen in the NFL, the league has changed the rules to favor the offense and create more scoring because they want to make sure they get the casual fan watching. Casual fans love offense.

While basketball was never intended to be as physical as it got in the 90's. It was also never intended to be an almost entirely finesse game like it is now.

True, but that's 2 teams out of how many? Also, players can be part of a selfless team and still be seen as "me first" or "look at me" type players.

For example, Steph Curry's shoulder shake or shimmy or whatever that is. He plays for a selfless team and is a selfless player, but that celebration basically says..."look at me." Same with Lebron. Lebron is one of the most selfless players we have seen (especially for a superstar). He does a great job of making the right play and enjoys making his teammates look good (sometimes to his detriment). But his Herman Munster walks, primal screams and beating his chest are all about..."look at me."

Compare those 2 to Kawhi who I'm not even sure has ever smiled after making a great play. lol

Are you saying it is bad defense to make a basketball play?

None of the bad boy Pistons could protect the rim as well as Draymond Green if they were limited to basketball plays.

I honestly don't understand the appeal there. If I want to see somebody get knocked out, I am watching UFC.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Are you saying it is bad defense to make a basketball play?

No, I'm saying the rules have, for the most part, removed physical play from the defense which leads to bad defense. We are seeing average players put up numbers they could never touch if the rules weren't so offense friendly.

None of the bad boy Pistons could protect the rim as well as Draymond Green if they were limited to basketball plays.

I honestly don't understand the appeal there. If I want to see somebody get knocked out, I am watching UFC.

I don't think you're understanding what I'm saying. The Bad Boy Pistons were the team that ushered in the violence of the 90's. I've said that while I enjoyed the 90's for what it was, it was too physical. Basketball is supposed to be a contact sport, not a collision sport (which is what just about became in the 90's).

As for no one on the Bad Boy Pistons being able to protect the rim as well as Draymond. John Salley and Dennis Rodman respectfully disagree. People forget how athletic Rodman was in his Pistons days.

Imo, the 80's had about as close to perfect a mix of finesse and physicality as the sport has achieved.


I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
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It is bad defense. That's not necessarily on the players though. Much like we have seen in the NFL, the league has changed the rules to favor the offense and create more scoring because they want to make sure they get the casual fan watching. Casual fans love offense.

While basketball was never intended to be as physical as it got in the 90's. It was also never intended to be an almost entirely finesse game like it is now.

True, but that's 2 teams out of how many? Also, players can be part of a selfless team and still be seen as "me first" or "look at me" type players.

For example, Steph Curry's shoulder shake or shimmy or whatever that is. He plays for a selfless team and is a selfless player, but that celebration basically says..."look at me." Same with Lebron. Lebron is one of the most selfless players we have seen (especially for a superstar). He does a great job of making the right play and enjoys making his teammates look good (sometimes to his detriment). But his Herman Munster walks, primal screams and beating his chest are all about..."look at me."

Compare those 2 to Kawhi who I'm not even sure has ever smiled after making a great play. lol

It's called personality and it's definitely part of the fun of watching sports, similar to the NFL. I wish they could have as much fun in baseball too but when you hit a home run better not celebrate or you get drilled.

A league full of Kawhis would be very boring.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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It's called personality and it's definitely part of the fun of watching sports, similar to the NFL. I wish they could have as much fun in baseball too but when you hit a home run better not celebrate or you get drilled.

A league full of Kawhis would be very boring.

Personality is fine, but a lot of the stuff is over the top, unnecessary and is about drawing attention to themselves. I don't mind the occasional fist pump, high 5 with teammates, etc., but the screaming, stomping, chest beating, shimmying, etc. is unnecessary.

I find it more impressive when a guy makes a play and acts like he's done it before and expects to keep right on doing it. Celebrating is for when you win.

If you think Kawhi is boring you should try watching him play basketball instead of waiting to see hum celebrate. He's pretty good and plenty exciting to watch. :dhd:


I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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Personality is fine, but a lot of the stuff is over the top, unnecessary and is about drawing attention to themselves. I don't mind the occasional fist pump, high 5 with teammates, etc., but the screaming, stomping, chest beating, shimmying, etc. is unnecessary.

I find it more impressive when a guy makes a play and acts like he's done it before and expects to keep right on doing it. Celebrating is for when you win.

If you think Kawhi is boring you should try watching him play basketball instead of waiting to see hum celebrate. He's pretty good and plenty exciting to watch. :dhd:

Of course it's not necessary. None of this is. But it's FUN.