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Waving the white flag on the Heat season


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Apr 16, 2013
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Missing the playoffs may very well be a blessing in disguise as we know get to keep our top 10 pick which will be 10th or higher.

The injuries were just too much.


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I'm certainly looking forward to next season. That starting 5 is going to be amazing and fun to watch.


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sucks, but at least you have a better idea of who to build around...

Yeah off-season will be much better as we will actually be able to target guys we want instead of settling for crumbs on the floor thanks to some dick leaving us in the dry


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Apr 19, 2013
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Missing the playoffs may very well be a blessing in disguise as we know get to keep our top 10 pick which will be 10th or higher.

The injuries were just too much.
Was a rough season with injuries. I'm surprised they came so close. And you managed to find Whiteside out of the mess. Looks like they won't have to go in the tank to rebuild like so many do.


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Was a rough season with injuries. I'm surprised they came so close. And you managed to find Whiteside out of the mess. Looks like they won't have to go in the tank to rebuild like so many do.

Nope we should have a solid 8 if we get our top 10 pick and resign dragic.

Our 8 should look something like this:
1st round pick


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Jul 12, 2013
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Really thought they would win last night when they got up big in the first half. WTF?

Having Whiteside is certainly reason for hope in the future. Beasly ... maybe.


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Apr 17, 2013
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Last night goes way beyond any injury problem.
Wade looks totally gassed.
Another total team meltdown.
We're not very good.
The Hawks or Cavs beat us in 4 or 5.

I look at this as a good team who was just up against the odds this year.

Remember when a good Spurs team had a similar type year and ended up getting Duncan?
How about the Colts having Manning go down and end up with Luck?

We added Dragic, Whiteside.
The thought of those 2 with Bosh should be awesome
We add a top 10 pick.
I love the idea of trading McRoberts for Lance.

You keep Beasley and Ennis. No brainers for their cost.

Under any normal circumstance we should be very good next year.


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Apr 16, 2013
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Yeah no sense in making the playoffs. I rather take a top 10 pick instead of losing in 4 or 5 games & only having a 2nd round pick


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The Heat certainly made it interesting though but yeah I think they miss the playoffs. That pick should help their future a lot.


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I'm actually impressed they've stayed afloat this long considering guys like Henry Walker and Michael Beasley were playing significant minutes.


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Jul 17, 2014
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Here is a small olive branch to Heat fans. Something I thought was interesting from Simmons over at Grantland.- he did a column featuring the thoughts on all the non-playoff teams in the league- and , lol, had a Fast and Furious quote from Dom Toretto oneach....dont know if i totally agree on everything but there is some stuff here

Miami Heat (35-44)

Tao of Dom: “Ride or die — remember?”

Assets: Dwyane Wade, Goran Dragic (probably), Chris Bosh, Hassan Whiteside on a minimum contract next season, South Beach, Riley and Spo, Stugotz and Mike Ryan, no Florida state income tax, South Beach a second time, Micky Arison’s yacht, the summer of 2016 (hold this thought).

Negatives/Concerns: No first-rounders in 2015, 2017 (top-seven protected for two years, unprotected by 2019) or 2021; Bosh’s health; Wade’s age (34 next season); the possibility of Dragic double-crossing them and signing somewhere else (doubtful); the Le Batards; Hassan Whiteside unraveling (always in play); Hassan Whiteside turning into a pumpkin; Hassan Whiteside remembering that he’s Hassan Whiteside.

You know how Knicks fans think their team will be fine because everyone always wants to play for a big market? Actually, Miami is the Eastern Conference team with a 20-year track record of landing marquee players — Alonzo Mourning and Tim Hardaway (mid-1990s), then Juwan Howard (1996 for about 10 seconds before the NBA voided that deal), then Eddie Jones and Brian Grant (2000), then Shaquille O’Neal (2004), then LeBron and Bosh (2010), then Dragic (2015). Again, it’s the franchise that convinced LeBron to leave Ohio in his prime. Dudes will always want to play in Miami. For that and many other reasons, here’s your stealth Durant/2016 destination. Not Washington, not New York, not Los Angeles. Here. South Beach. They’ve done it before; they’ll do it again. Miami will ALWAYS be fine. That’s why Riley doesn’t care about giving up those future first-rounders. Ride or die — remember?


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Jul 17, 2014
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Yeah off-season will be much better as we will actually be able to target guys we want instead of settling for crumbs on the floor thanks to some dick leaving us in the dry

please cmon now- you guys got Luol Deng- as far as small forwards go that was BY FAR the best option- and you got him on your terms since Deng looked cooked at the end of last season....

the market, for the most part, was also locked up until LeBron made his decision as well- Melo was out there as were other guys-

LeBron actually left Cleveland in a MUCH worse way after he actually SAID he was staying, ...the Decision was only a couple days earlier than the Homecoming was done......

I can listen to logical excuses but functionally- with how the cap was- the Heat could not have done much - and McRoberts was already signed for their mid level, and Granger was already brought in - and they on their own decided to bring back Chalmers well after LeBrons decision- when i think they could have spent that money on better PG options like Mo Williams.....whenever you ask Heat fans what they "could have done" they absolutely NEVER have concrete answer for you and just speech vaguely about these grand moves that simply were not out there.---they DID go after Carmelo since he signed AFTER LeBron- but he was not going there and taking less money- if he was leaving to go anywhere it would have been Chicago to win.- as far as other impact moves? they just were not out there......if anything waiting HELPED since they got Deng at a discount- and was by far the best SF option to replace LeBron that was even a smidgeon realistic..

maybe they could have gotten Trevor Ariza- but honestly- i think they dodged a major bullet there as Deng has actually probably played better and required a lot shorter contract...the Heat dont want- and i dont blame them- Trevor Ariza for 5 years....thats assinine.--Dj Augustin signed on the 15th...him and mo williams both would have been better than Chalmers...and both were avalible well after lebron said he was leaving. Bledsoe was always going to get matched by the Suns.
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Jul 17, 2014
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Heat fans are actually so delusional they think LeBron was trying to deliberately sabotage their team by waiting. This is totally insane. LeBron was going to try and sabotage Wade? PUH LEEZE!!! LeBron could give 2 shits at that point.

Heat fans refuse to give any kind of concrete examples of moves that could have made a significant impact- and there is a good reason why-

because they simply were not out there. Luol Deng was the best they were ever doing whether LeBron told them on July 1 or July 11th- and to be honest- i hated the Chalmers signing because better optiosn like Mo Williams and DJ Augistin- were avaliable well after LeBrons decision.

id love to see just 1 or 2 examples of moves that would have made a difference. If someone says Trevor Ariza - im gonna puke-


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Apr 16, 2013
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Deliberate or not, his waiting game garbage killed the heat offfseason. Heck not even deng was one of the heat top 2 options at small forward.

All the actual good players the heat would've targeted had they known LeBron was definitely gone a week earlier had either signed with a team already or had cut down their list to 2 teams already which means there was no room for some new team to enter negotiations with the player.

Kyle Lowry, Gortat, Melo, & Gasol were all guys the heat wanted and would've went really hard for if they knew about the LeBron situation. I still remember one reason Lowry could not consider Miami is because they could not give him a definitive money amount because they did not know if LeBron would resign or not.

I'm not going to waste time arguing with you though. I believe what I believe.

But you're really an idiot if you don't think Miami would have targeted Melo very hard had they known on July 1st that LeBron was leaving. Deng at best was their 3rd SF option

If you really think the heat would've settled for guys like Williams & Brown if LeBron left on July 2nd or 3rd you're a fucking idiot


Jul 7, 2013
Scottsdale, Arizona
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If Stanley Johnson falls to the Heat (probably goes in the 6-9 range so very likely) then that would be a huge gain for them. He's going to be a stud and just because he had one not so great game against Wisky his stock dropped him from a lock to go 5th or 6th down to the 8-9 range.


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Jul 3, 2013
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Deliberate or not, his waiting game garbage killed the heat offfseason. Heck not even deng was one of the heat top 2 options at small forward.

All the actual good players the heat would've targeted had they known LeBron was definitely gone a week earlier had either signed with a team already or had cut down their list to 2 teams already which means there was no room for some new team to enter negotiations with the player.

Kyle Lowry, Gortat, Melo, & Gasol were all guys the heat wanted and would've went really hard for if they knew about the LeBron situation. I still remember one reason Lowry could not consider Miami is because they could not give him a definitive money amount because they did not know if LeBron would resign or not.

I'm not going to waste time arguing with you though. I believe what I believe.

But you're really an idiot if you don't think Miami would have targeted Melo very hard had they known on July 1st that LeBron was leaving. Deng at best was their 3rd SF option

If you really think the heat would've settled for guys like Williams & Brown if LeBron left on July 2nd or 3rd you're a fucking idiot

Boo fucking hoo. You got to watch your team play in 4 straight finals, give me a break


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Heat fans are actually so delusional they think LeBron was trying to deliberately sabotage their team by waiting. This is totally insane. LeBron was going to try and sabotage Wade? PUH LEEZE!!! LeBron could give 2 shits at that point.

Heat fans refuse to give any kind of concrete examples of moves that could have made a significant impact- and there is a good reason why-

because they simply were not out there. Luol Deng was the best they were ever doing whether LeBron told them on July 1 or July 11th- and to be honest- i hated the Chalmers signing because better optiosn like Mo Williams and DJ Augistin- were avaliable well after LeBrons decision.

id love to see just 1 or 2 examples of moves that would have made a difference. If someone says Trevor Ariza - im gonna puke-

James deliberately tried to sabotage Riley/Arison.
There is no doubt about it. So in essence it trickled down to sabotaging Wade.

The Vegas meeting was his 'revenge' power play over them.

Even a blind homer like you would have to admit that James knew he was long gone and there was nothing that could have been said that day to change his mind.

James wants what he believes is the easiest path in every season.
That's why he switches teams.
That's why he wants the annual opt outs.

There is no way to know what Riley would have tried to done had he have known since day 1 of FA.
Guessing examples is just that.

Your opinion though, doesn't change the fact that he has always been able to pull off the big time moves.

We added 2 major, major additions this year and gave up nothing.

We clearly need a couple perimter shooters. That should be a piece of cake to find this summer.

For once we don't head into a summer needing a PG/C.
Who would have thought that?

You don't think the McBob for Lance trade makes sense for both teams ( and it was floating around this season)?

As far as Deng. Whatever. Who really cares is he's here or not next year?


Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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James deliberately tried to sabotage Riley/Arison.
There is no doubt about it. So in essence it trickled down to sabotaging Wade.

The Vegas meeting was his 'revenge' power play over them.

Even a blind homer like you would have to admit that James knew he was long gone and there was nothing that could have been said that day to change his mind.

Oh, the irony... those first two statements followed by calling someone a blind homer.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Oh, the irony... those first two statements followed by calling someone a blind homer.


Please tell me your opinion as to when you feel James decided on the Cavs.