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Waving the white flag on the Heat season


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yep agree with everything you said. This thread however is not the place to say it because Wiggy will continue to talk his nonsense.

Next year if all of the above happen, I think the East will be better and look different. If Miami & Indy can stay healthy, I think they will replace Toronto and Washington in the top 5 of the east
Funny how he turns a thread about the Heat's season and potentially bright future into something about the LeBrons.:crazy::gaah::scratch::noidea::nono:


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Jul 17, 2014
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wait wait?

THE Dwyane Wade?

An elite point guard in Dragic?

A "dominant" center in Whiteside?

the one and only Chris Bosh?

5 seed in the East?

cmon- that team is a #1 seed in the intergalactic basketball association. Michael Jordan from Space Jam, with Bugs Bunny couldnt touch that team the way Heat fans describe their playoff-less collection of amazing talent.

oh wait i forgot

its all LeBron's fault.

for once in his life Pat Riley got caught without a chair when the music stopped and he turned into a cry baby about it.- I mean did anyone actually see those comments Riley made? talk about hypocrite...positively unbelievable


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Apr 16, 2013
New York, NY
Hoopla Cash
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wait wait?

THE Dwyane Wade?

An elite point guard in Dragic?

A "dominant" center in Whiteside?

the one and only Chris Bosh?

5 seed in the East?

cmon- that team is a #1 seed in the intergalactic basketball association. Michael Jordan from Space Jam, with Bugs Bunny couldnt touch that team the way Heat fans describe their playoff-less collection of amazing talent.

oh wait i forgot

its all LeBron's fault.

for once in his life Pat Riley got caught without a chair when the music stopped and he turned into a cry baby about it.- I mean did anyone actually see those comments Riley made? talk about hypocrite...positively unbelievable

I said top 5 seed. I don't see anyone on here making Miami out to be some title contender but if things break out way this offseason they should be playing in mid May next year.

You're a dick. None of us on here are hyping up the heat to the extent that you're making it seem.

Common sense which you clearly lack would tell any reasonable person with a solid basketball IQ that chances are if your likely starting lineup for next season never played a game or even practice with each other get a full training camp and start out the season together that this team would make tremendous strides next year in addition to the other little moves that will be made in the draft and through FA.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 42,000.00
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wait wait?

THE Dwyane Wade?

An elite point guard in Dragic?

A "dominant" center in Whiteside?

the one and only Chris Bosh?

5 seed in the East?

cmon- that team is a #1 seed in the intergalactic basketball association. Michael Jordan from Space Jam, with Bugs Bunny couldnt touch that team the way Heat fans describe their playoff-less collection of amazing talent.

oh wait i forgot

its all LeBron's fault.

for once in his life Pat Riley got caught without a chair when the music stopped and he turned into a cry baby about it.- I mean did anyone actually see those comments Riley made? talk about hypocrite...positively unbelievable

Riley made one comment, while at least being truthful. Not sure how that makes him any type of hypocrite.

Now, quite the opposite should be said about Gilbert. He wrote his rant like a 7 year old, and then gives total control of his franchise to the same person he accused of quitting on him.
BTW, where is Gilbert?
Does James even allow him into the arena to watch the games?

Anyway, I really can't wait till this Cavs offseason.
Cavs will have lost.
James will opt out and not be heard from during FA week.
All the power again without having to say a word.

Gilbert won't know what to do.
Blatt will be fired? Probably.
Rich Paul will be negotiating a contract for Thompson for double his true value.
Love will be listening to other teams offers.

Should be very entertaining.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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Our projected starters for the season played a total of 37 minutes.
Learn the game.

Mixing in a PG and C for the last couple months into an injury riddled roster is very hard to do.

Yes, we should have prob made the playoffs, but we are probably better off that we didn't.

Several of us have been trying to teach him. I don't think he's learning though. He might need a "special class."


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
Fav. Team #1
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I said top 5 seed. I don't see anyone on here making Miami out to be some title contender but if things break out way this offseason they should be playing in mid May next year.

You're a dick. None of us on here are hyping up the heat to the extent that you're making it seem.

Common sense which you clearly lack would tell any reasonable person with a solid basketball IQ that chances are if your likely starting lineup for next season never played a game or even practice with each other get a full training camp and start out the season together that this team would make tremendous strides next year in addition to the other little moves that will be made in the draft and through FA.

Well, that eliminates the Cavs fans.