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Newly appointed fentanyl czar
Where's Mike Commodore when you really need him?!?
I mean, if we're going by party history comparing the only real debt-reduction effort on that chart, which was by the Chretien Liberals, to the current Liberal party is like comparing the US GOP of today to the Teddy Roosevelt-era party lol. I don't think anybody in the modern iteration of the LPC really gets to ride those coattails.This is kind of a conservative dog whistle though. History shows that Canadian debt is managed (or reduced) far more effectively by Liberal governments. Trudeau is running a deficit for sure and I'm not a fan for reasons above and beyond that. But his party has some recent history of taking care of our finances, all while being in the same ball park as decent people.
The conservatives offer none of that in recent years.
Canadian Federal Debt by Ruling Party
Obviously outside economic drivers play a role in this and correlation doesn't always equal causation but the fact remains that our money HAS been in better hands under Liberal watch than it has under Conservative.
I wish either one could step up and just be generally better but I think most Canadians see which one is more harmful.
pack her shit up in boxes over the weekend and leave it in the hallway. change the lock.Where's Mike Commodore when you really need him?!?
I mean, if we're going by party history comparing the only real debt-reduction effort on that chart, which was by the Chretien Liberals, to the current Liberal party is like comparing the US GOP of today to the Teddy Roosevelt-era party lol. I don't think anybody in the modern iteration of the LPC really gets to ride those coattails.
And though you hinted at it I think it bears more explanation noting that Mulroney took over during both a recession and an oil glut in the 80s, a double whammy that could've led to depression conditions in Canada, and while he definitely earned a lot of responsibility for the late 80s-early 90s recession he did take measures like instituting the GST which sure as shit helped Chretien & Martin balance the books by 2000.
While hardly Harper's biggest fan it does need to be said that a lot of his spending was a direct result of needing opposition support for his budgets to win confidence motions and that was also happening just as the global economy started to spiral downward. While not doing anything particularly helpful for the economy I don't think anybody can say with a straight face he did anything to harm it. Trudeau took office in a steady economy despite declining oil prices and with at worst a nearly-balanced budget. The economy has grown steadily but so has spending. If things go sour we could be looking at stimulus spending of $30-50 billion tacked on to the deficit and a party in charge who won't make cuts. What's the alternative here other than tax hikes like I described?
Everybody is looking to circle the wagonsLooks like Anglo-Trump is on his way to a landslide win.
U.K. General Election 2019: Conservatives Headed for a Majority, Exit Poll Shows
Oh I would never deny that. 9/11 happened under a Liberal govt. They had to deal with a dead loonie and a very serious brain drain epidemic. Even Junior gets some sympathy from me for having to coincide with that unpredictable time bomb down south, even if he sometimes makes it harder than it has to be (ie: the NATO comments).There is a lot of excuse-making here but OK. Bad things have happened during liberal tenures as well.
I can agree with Mulroney. He was alright. Basically the last Con candidate that that can be said for, IMO. He tried something new and it was great for the country. Do you honestly see the current CPC behaving anything like that though? They continue to go back to failed policies on a purely ideological basis. It's maddening.
I'd say Junior's liberals have WAY more in common with the Chretien era Libs than anybody paraded out in blue these days has with Mulroney.
But all this highlights why it's ridiculous to blindly follow one party. Right now the CPC is the worst (IMO) when it comes to the sheep mentality, just based on their disregard for progress and critical thinking. That could change. Hopefully it does. The country needs more good candidates and I couldn't care less which party they come from.
Labour could’ve ran anyone, anyone more moderate and won. They stuck with an anti-Semitic nut job who kept screaming that the Americans were coming to steal their hospitals.Looks like Anglo-Trump is on his way to a landslide win.
U.K. General Election 2019: Conservatives Headed for a Majority, Exit Poll Shows
Oh that's definitely good, a juror taking his cues in a trial from the defense counsel.
Kind of like the old person that pulls out in front of you, cuts you off because they didn't see you. As long as they are looking the other way they didn't do anything wrong.Kind of a brilliant strategy. Get a mistrial declared.
It's not about truth. It's about winning.
On the flip, we just witnessed a year where on at least two occasions Trudeau should’ve been turfed and he survived. I think that kinda shows where his party is with regards to him - there’s a loyalty there, a he-can-do-no-wrong attitude.
Labour could’ve ran anyone, anyone more moderate and won. They stuck with an anti-Semitic nut job who kept screaming that the Americans were coming to steal their hospitals.
Reap what you sow. Get Brexit the hell over with and let’s never think of our colonial overlords again.
My dad passed away a little over three years ago (born and raised in Southampton, England and emigrated to Canada along with my mom and two oldest sisters in 1961) and although I miss him, part of me is relieved that he has been spared all of this political nonsense that has occurred since his passing in the US, Canada, and Great Britain.