Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
interesting read on Aramco IPO
The Wall Street bankers who burst Saudi Aramco's $2-trillion bubble
our “family and friends” IPO*
*with guns pointed at heads
interesting read on Aramco IPO
The Wall Street bankers who burst Saudi Aramco's $2-trillion bubble
Sums them up perfectly.
It probably was mackay time 3 weeks before the election when they were firstkicking the idea... err ... denying the talk
I find this girl annoying and I find the weird twisting of the “Time Person of the Year” naming into being seen as winning an award (YAY! She won the same “award” Stalin, Hitler and Khomeini all won!) to be pretty funny but I really don’t get why so many people are so triggered and hateful about a 16 year old girl lol.
The problem is any Conservative platform, even if the guy is 100% pro letters, performs abortions personally and doesn’t offer tax breaks to anybody making over $45k, will still have to run on cuts both on principle and because the current government is running the tab up to worrysome levels in a good economy.The conservatives of today in Canada will either screw you in private or in public. Conservatism in Canada doesn't need a new leader, it needs a complete overhaul. They have nothing much in the way of ideas (other than "CUT TAXES, DERP"). They have basically no integrity left (see Kenney, J., and Scheer, A.). There is no accountability. They basically never do anything new (they haven't grown or evolved in 30 years). They're socially tone deaf ( LGBTQ and women's rights).
They're fucked until they can make huge changes to their platforms and their way of conducting business and developing meaningful policy. The problem is that if they do these things, their base of shit heads might revolt.
Reform party 2.0.. INCOMING!!
It’s the body he’s always wanted.What the fuck...
It’s the body he’s always wanted
The problem is any Conservative platform, even if the guy is 100% pro letters, performs abortions personally and doesn’t offer tax breaks to anybody making over $45k, will still have to run on cuts both on principle and because the current government is running the tab up to worrysome levels in a good economy.
And even if what they propose to cut is reasonable the opposition has become so adept at terrifying people about any cuts whatsoever that doing so is a losing proposition no matter how measured.
So I’m not sure what the endgame is here other than permanent Liberalism and, eventually, average earners falling into marginal tax rates of 60%+ while the cost of living in most of the country continues to outpace wage growth. That’s a dangerous mix.