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Training Camp Coming


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Just because TS/Sanchez is the starter does not necessary mean they are NFL caliber starting QBs. I was under the impression when Sanchez signed , it was the first of a process. I expected more veteran QBs to complete.

Remember Elway is on Plan C .

Brock Plan A,
Kap/Sanchez Plan B.
??? Plan C,
Lynch Plan A in waiting

Elway said it last week. Right now looking for a guy to run the plays and not put the defense in a bad spot.

After the bye, I would not be surprised to see Lynch even if Denver is in playoff contention. Remember 2006,

at 7-4, Cutler played the last 5 games. Went 2-3, threw a pick 6 in the last game against the lowly 49ers and lost in OT to miss out . I could see the same scenario play out if Denver continues to microwave his progress

Think if Denver could be a playoff team with Lynch. Wishful thinking but that would be the best scenario.


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If you can limit Plynch's mistakes - he brings something the others don't - that is a process. I think he will be able to start this year, but may not depending on how the team is doing.


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Anybody watch the Raiders game last night? I know it is preseason but they definitely showed they have a lot of work ahead of them if they are going to be a championship caliber team. They had some terrible run defense even though they knew the Packers were just going to try and run it all night with Rodgers sitting on the bench. Offensively they had a couple of nice passes but that is about it. Again I know it is preseason but so far all 3 of our divisional opponents have really struggled to stop the run game consistently. Bodes well since that will be a majority of our offense this year.

Draft Crazy

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I heard they looked pretty bad and the Pack looked pretty good. Like you said hard to tell, but id rather them look bad then good even in PS. ;)


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Anybody watch the Raiders game last night? I know it is preseason but they definitely showed they have a lot of work ahead of them if they are going to be a championship caliber team. They had some terrible run defense even though they knew the Packers were just going to try and run it all night with Rodgers sitting on the bench. Offensively they had a couple of nice passes but that is about it. Again I know it is preseason but so far all 3 of our divisional opponents have really struggled to stop the run game consistently. Bodes well since that will be a majority of our offense this year.

I like how OAK has built their team. They have the young QB, stud WR and maybe the best OLine in football then you have playmakers on defense. Getting run on the the worst thing in pro football. It so demoralizing .

Draft Crazy

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I'd put oakland in the top 6-8 in OL. Not the best. Dallas has the best. Very good pass blocking OL, average run blocking unit.

Dallas is hands down the best IMO. I would put Dallas more at 6-8.


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I like how OAK has built their team. They have the young QB, stud WR and maybe the best OLine in football then you have playmakers on defense. Getting run on the the worst thing in pro football. It so demoralizing .

I think they have done a fine job of building their team. The issue for them I think this year will be that they have so many new moving parts that we will see them struggle early on like we are seeing here in the preseason. Talent is great but it can be trumped by a team playing together as one unit. Look back at our OL's in the 90's. There was definitely talent for sure but it was taken up a whole new level because they played so well together.

Have to watch more of them of course but I also think depth will be an issue for the Raiders. This is just part of the rebuilding process of you build up your starting unit then you work on your depth. They have built up the starting unit but need another good year or two to build up the depth. If they get lucky injury wise then maybe they show up better than I think but I think if a few starters go down they could be in trouble.


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Funny. We have these same discussions / observations,etc every year at this time . All the hype about certain players looking great like Dak, RG and the other rooks and young guys and many seem to forget ( including a lot on the media ) that these guys are going against " vanilla " D's right now and watered down offensive schemes. Don't get too excited about preseason performances. We'll see how these guys stack up come wk 1 when it's big boy time. Cracks me up with all this talk,especially with Dak and RG.


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Sieman , IMO, will need to not just be a little better but a lot better than Sanchez or Sanchez needs to really suck. Hard to see Seiman barely beating Sanchez out and starting against Carolina. I would think Rivera would be giddy having his really good D go up against basically a rookie on the road.


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Sieman , IMO, will need to not just be a little better but a lot better than Sanchez or Sanchez needs to really suck. Hard to see Seiman barely beating Sanchez out and starting against Carolina. I would think Rivera would be giddy having his really good D go up against basically a rookie on the road.


Draft Crazy

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I think it comes down to who will protect the ball the best. We don't need Tom Brady at QB, we need a solid run game, a great D and a QB who doesn't turn the ball over and can sling it here and there.


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P.S. Dak Prescott looking great again.
:) looking " great ". Go figure. Odds are when he breaks on to the scene, he will have a great rookie debut, then crash and burn like Kap,RG and company. Once a D gets a season to study film, they blow after that. Athleticism can buy these Qbs a season. The ability to actually play the position and develop into quality legitimate professional NFL Qbs is extremely unlikely. Kind of like some that think because Tebow is such a " athlete " that he'll be able to succeed in MLB. Fuuuuuunnnyyyy!

Orange Crush77

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I see Dak making NFL throws, from the pocket. Now I'm not saying he'll be the next Steve Young, but I'd be pretty excited if he was doing that for my team. Our Qb's and offense are facing the same vanilla defenses


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Remember Jerrah wanted lynch
May have found the next Russell Wilson


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I think it comes down to who will protect the ball the best. We don't need Tom Brady at QB, we need a solid run game, a great D and a QB who doesn't turn the ball over and can sling it here and there.

That last part is why I think Siemian stands such a good chance of winning this competition. They talk about the fact that he checks the ball down a lot but that also means we are not reading about him throwing a pick-6 in practice every day like that of Sanchez. Going to be interesting to see what happens tonight with these two.


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I am glad Siemian is getting a chance to start. I love how Kubiak runs this team. Last year he said when Manning was healthy he would be the starter and guess what? That's exactly what happened! And just in time for a super bowl run! (I love the Chiefs fans who are making fun of the Broncos for "winning the Supwr Bowl at the expense of their future QB" referring to Kubiak's "chasing off" Osweiler. Any team would take the Super Bowl win over the opportunity to resign a mostly unproven player to a future contract.) This year he said this was an open competition and I love that he meant it. An open competition means Siemian gets to run the 1s through the gears despite draft status or veteran status.

I personally think Sanchez wins the job, but I'm glad to see this is a true competition where a challenger for the job is being given a legit opportunity to show what he can do. And if Siemian wins the job then more power to the Broncos! I'd love to see him post a solid season and create qb management nightmares between him and the 1st round pick the team is invested in. That's a good problem to have. It's also part of why I hope Suemian gives the team the best chance to win in 2016. If Sanchez does that's great but he won't be on the roster in 2017. Siemian getting the nod this year gives the team some stability at a key position from this year to next.

I'm not emotionally invested in either, necessarily, just looking at the silver lining if Siemian shows more stuff than Sanchez.

On another note, I've been on vacation this week and unplugged for the most part. It's been beautiful. Work this fall is going to be busy, but I'll be one of the regualrs again once the season starts. Looking forward to a great year for the Broncos!


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Sep 2, 2014
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I am glad Siemian is getting a chance to start. I love how Kubiak runs this team. Last year he said when Manning was healthy he would be the starter and guess what? That's exactly what happened! And just in time for a super bowl run! (I love the Chiefs fans who are making fun of the Broncos for "winning the Supwr Bowl at the expense of their future QB" referring to Kubiak's "chasing off" Osweiler. Any team would take the Super Bowl win over the opportunity to resign a mostly unproven player to a future contract.) This year he said this was an open competition and I love that he meant it. An open competition means Siemian gets to run the 1s through the gears despite draft status or veteran status.

I personally think Sanchez wins the job, but I'm glad to see this is a true competition where a challenger for the job is being given a legit opportunity to show what he can do. And if Siemian wins the job then more power to the Broncos! I'd love to see him post a solid season and create qb management nightmares between him and the 1st round pick the team is invested in. That's a good problem to have. It's also part of why I hope Suemian gives the team the best chance to win in 2016. If Sanchez does that's great but he won't be on the roster in 2017. Siemian getting the nod this year gives the team some stability at a key position from this year to next.

I'm not emotionally invested in either, necessarily, just looking at the silver lining if Siemian shows more stuff than Sanchez.

On another note, I've been on vacation this week and unplugged for the most part. It's been beautiful. Work this fall is going to be busy, but I'll be one of the regualrs again once the season starts. Looking forward to a great year for the Broncos!

Nicely put - Ikno - Kubiak runs a meritocracy and does it well.

Dr Cyanide 28

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Tonight's projected starting offensive line:

LT: Russell Okung
LG: Max Garcia
C: Matt Paradis
RG: Donnie Weems
RT: Donald Stephenson