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Training Camp Coming


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Aug 13, 2015
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That recommendation of Jones to the HOF over Bowlen is outrageous. Bowlen's teams in his 32 years of ownership the Broncos have the most wins in the NFL during that time, 7 SB appearances, 3 Lombardi's, and only 5 losing seasons. Plus while he chaired the television rights committee, the NFL signed the largest contracts ever that changed the face of the NFL.

His fault has been that he's been quietly effective. Jones, meanwhile has been loudly ineffective.

I thought H mean't Hall. After Jones selection I guess H means Hot air which Jones has plenty of.


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Aug 16, 2015
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Wolfe down with a knee injury


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Could be an ankle. I don't trust Kubiak with injury status. Kubiak said Taylor was OK and the next thing you know he's on IR and cut.

Stupid MRI machines. Hate them with a passion.


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Aug 15, 2015
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Sounds like he twisted it now just being carful ... He first limped off then carted

Draft Crazy

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The good news is Wolfe put weight on both ankles. The bad news is he rolled his ankle and we know what that can mean. It can take awhile. The good news is it is early in PS still.

I just hope this isn't a sign of things to come.

Seems like a team either gets hit by the injury bug in the worst way (like we did 3 seasons ago) or you stay rather healthy of major injuries (like last year) Obviously we had a few big ones like Clady.


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Sounds like Ronnie Hillman is really hanging by a string right now. Bibbs might beat him out.
You guys know I went to bat for Hilman last year as I really believe he gave his all last two years to bulk up, get tougher running between the tackles,etc and he did. But watching Chicago game I couldn't help but think on some of the runs that Bibbs and Booker made that although the yds were minimal they were still positive yards and had it been Hilman, odds were it would of been negative yds instead. I can definitely see Ronnie being released not just because of his lack of ST skill, but because he doesn't have the body strength like Bibbs and Booker to turn a negative into at least a small gain. That's really going to be critical this season with the play calls with these Qbs/Kubiak.

Draft Crazy

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You guys know I went to bat for Hilman last year as I really believe he gave his all last two years to bulk up, get tougher running between the tackles,etc and he did. But watching Chicago game I couldn't help but think on some of the runs that Bibbs and Booker made that although the yds were minimal they were still positive yards and had it been Hilman, odds were it would of been negative yds instead. I can definitely see Ronnie being released not just because of his lack of ST skill, but because he doesn't have the body strength like Bibbs and Booker to turn a negative into at least a small gain. That's really going to be critical this season with the play calls with these Qbs/Kubiak.

If Hillman is cut I hope he lands elsewhere and goes on to have a good NFL career. Sometimes a change is what a guy needs. I liked the pick, but growing tired of having to depend on him. I always said if Hillman is a top two RB for us this year it means we didn't stay healthy again or we did a bad job at upgrading. I could live with him as #3, but I just don't see him being a RB you can depend on. Been there done that.


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If Hillman is cut I hope he lands elsewhere and goes on to have a good NFL career. Sometimes a change is what a guy needs. I liked the pick, but growing tired of having to depend on him. I always said if Hillman is a top two RB for us this year it means we didn't stay healthy again or we did a bad job at upgrading. I could live with him as #3, but I just don't see him being a RB you can depend on. Been there done that.
Yeah SS. I think we've now seen the best Hilman that he can be and he's basically just a decent #2 that can give you help to spell the number #1 and you don't really have much choice kind of back behind that guy. Take KC for instance, they loose Charles and the next man up is a Ware. Hillman just isn't going to put any fear into a D . He's serviceable at a good NFL level but nothing beyond that.Behind a very good O- line, I really don't think his contributions would be much different than they have been.

Draft Crazy

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Yeah SS. I think we've now seen the best Hilman that he can be and he's basically just a decent #2 that can give you help to spell the number #1 and you don't really have much choice kind of back behind that guy. Take KC for instance, they loose Charles and the next man up is a Ware. Hillman just isn't going to put any fear into a D . He's serviceable at a good NFL level but nothing beyond that.Behind a very good O- line, I really don't think his contributions would be much different than they have been.

SS? You calling me a shortstop? It was a my baseball position.

P.S.- West was actually the next man up, not Ware. Ware was before Knile Davis however.

Draft Crazy

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BJ Lowery sent me a snapchat of his haircut today. I think he should support it going forward. It was patches of hair throughout his head. I asked who gave him the haircut in which he replied "Talib"


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So definitely a fun day for me as I was in the car all day so plenty of time to listen to Bronco radio. Sounds like I picked a great day as both the offense and defense dominated the day.

There was a point in practice where the 49ers attempted 5 passes and 3 of them were picked off. The Broncos were physical on both sides of the ball and just seemed to do whatever they wanted.

Also sounds like all 3 QB's had a very good day at one point in a Red Zone drill throwing 5 passes and having 4 touchdowns in those 5 passes. So no real clarity on who will be the starter as they all looked good but just another sign that some of our QB struggles have been who they are playing every day more so than that they are that bad.

A stand out in camp really has been Doss. In the past 9 practices he has 6 interceptions in team drills. Just seems to have an incredible nose for the ball. Been hearing some whispers (remember these are only whispers) that because of the depth at Corner, RB, and WR the Broncos might look to move somebody for either draft picks or to help with the DL or OL depth. Hillman and Webster seem to be the two names talked about most. Honestly I like the players we have at both DL and OL so wouldn't mind just keeping at least Webster as he is a quality Corner and great on Special Teams.

Everybody can breath a sigh of relief as it is only a lower ankle sprain on Wolfe. High ankle sprains can take a long time to heal so this is the best news we could get today. Wolfe said that if this were the regular season he would actually play on Sunday but because it is not look for him to sit out this preseason game.

Other good news is that Von might get some playing time this week and Okung as well. Talib and Ware might get some for the 3rd preseason game. So all of these guys are coming along very nicely.

One final note that I kept hearing all day was just how impressive Okung has looked all camp. They keep mentioning him getting ready to have a special year if he can stay healthy. Always been his problem but good to hear great things going on with him.

Draft Crazy

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I still bet Wolfe would sit out, players always say that about their injury. Doesn't matter though, just matters that he can play week 1. That's all I really care about.

I don't like trading a CB right now especially Webster, he is way too good on special teams to trade away. Hillman of course, but does he really have any value? It's hard to get any value out of a RB, especially a guy who seems to be a dime a dozen RB.

It is interesting to me all the talk about trading Latimer this off-season and Webster because they are such valueable special teams players. Unless someone else is killing it special teams wise in camp then we would be taking a big hit on special teams. Having 5 good CB's is an incredible thing to have in the NFL, unless someone is giving us a really nice pick for him why bother? I'd much rather have him this year and let him walk at the end of the season then get a mid round pick for him based on his special teams play alone. Guy should get his chance to start in the NFL but that will probably be next year. Sadly, probably end up on a team like Oakland, but I want to be able to enjoy him for one more year. I just don't see trading valueable depth and special teams players in our current situation as we try to defend a title for lesser value then they are really worth. I'd take a mid round special teams player of Webster of Latimer's abilities every year in the draft. Just not worth trading them to me. I get the entire thing of let them go somewhere they may see the field more, but with the Fowler and Vance Walker injuries we know how quickly these guys can become a huge benefit of having on the roster. The mid round draft picks for standout special teamers and good depth just isn't worth it to me. Hillman is another story because he is on the bubble of even making our team. I just don't see a draft pick in return for him. Keep in mind this is a guy who had basically ZERO interest around the league in NFL Free Agency, and I don't see a lot of gaping holes at RB in the NFL right now. If you're cutting a guy sure get the pick, but not in Webster and Latimer's case. We need them to play their roles.