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tOfficial "Tom Brady & the New England Patriots" Superthread


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2013
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You seem to think this thread is about me. It's not. Let me make this very easy for you.

Why haven't the Patriots won anything in a decade?

Hammer, I'd just like to point out forum rules #1 and #10 to you. You know, the ones you've banned several Pats fans for breaking.

Me and others have directly answered your question. Then you ignore that and re-post the same question over and over again. That's called "dumbing down the board" and "being an asshole."

Your double standard tops even your envy of Tom Brady.


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Oh gawd. Not another deflection post. What does this thread have to do with the Titans? Yes it is very difficult to win a Superbowl. It's especially difficult to win one when you don't have your video crew working their magic.

Simple. It's all about celebrating the long awaited demise of the Patriots. It's not really about football. It's about hate.

And why do we hate? Because we covet.



Supporting Member Level 3
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Hammer, I'd just like to point out forum rules #1 and #10 to you. You know, the ones you've banned several Pats fans for breaking.

Me and others have directly answered your question. Then you ignore that and re-post the same question over and over again. That's called "dumbing down the board" and "being an asshole."

Your double standard tops even your envy of Tom Brady.

Hammer is not the OP

Win TWINS!!!

Least Racist Member
Jul 23, 2013
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When was the last time the Titans won a Superbowl? When was the last time the Titans just even got to the Superbowl?

Peyton Manning who I hear is pretty decent has one Superbowl win to his name.
Aaron Rodgers who I hear is pretty decent has one Superbowl to his name.
Drew Brees and Sean Payton who I hear are both pretty decent have one Superbowl to their name. They lost yesterday too. Must be in decline.

Why have the Patriots not won another Superbowl in 10 years? Because it's difficult to do

They shouldn't have even been in that Super Bowl...



Aug 8, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Simple. It's all about celebrating the long awaited demise of the Patriots. It's not really about football. It's about hate.

And why do we hate? Because we covet.


I'm not celebrating the demise of the Patriots. I'm simply pointing out their false success due to cheating. I don't hate the patriots. I hate cheaters.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Hammer is not the OP

...and that has what to do with my comments?

If anyone cares to discuss the Patriots success or lack of success, I'm happy to oblige but to toss up a have-you-stopped-beating-your-wife question over and over again regardless of what is said in response is just assholishly dumbing down the board.


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Sep 2, 2014
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Brady just said that he'd retire "when he sucked." Well, he sucks. The problem now is that the Pats have been feeding the Brady hype for so long that now they're handcuffed and held hostage by a below average QB who is getting paid a LOT of money. They'll ride him to a playoff loss and by week 4 next season he'll be benched.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

1) Tom Brady is signed to the most team friendly QB deal in the league right now. To give you an idea, the Pat's over the next 3 seasons owe Brady $24 million in base. Over the next 3 years the Chief's owe Alex Smith $36 million in base, the ravens owe $42 million to flacco, the 49ers owe Kaep $41, ect , ect ,ect.

The Pat's don't have the option to cut or trade Brady like some of those other teams have but that is fine because they don't want to go down that route anyways.

2) Tom Brady doesn't suck. He might not be a league MVP candidate anymore but he is still a league average QB. Even in a down year last year with less than average targets he threw for 4300 plus yards, 25 Td and only 11 INT's. Ridiculous to say that a guy with those numbers sucks.

You obviously just hate Brady and the Pat's and are just jumping on the pile now and aren't making any rational points.


Supporting Member Level 3
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Hoopla Cash
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...and that has what to do with my comments?

If anyone cares to discuss the Patriots success or lack of success, I'm happy to oblige but to toss up a have-you-stopped-beating-your-wife question over and over again regardless of what is said in response is just assholishly dumbing down the board.

It has to do with not having an issue with the people starting the thread and asking the question, but instead Hammer.

As to "happy to oblige", your idea of obliging is different than everyone elses and to prove this I have to look no further than your initial response to this thread. The question was posed and based on this season and the latest game, and your reply was smartassed and didn't address the question in the slightest. :suds:


Supporting Member Level 3
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Hoopla Cash
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You have no idea what you are talking about.

1) Tom Brady is signed to the most team friendly QB deal in the league right now. To give you an idea, the Pat's over the next 3 seasons owe Brady $24 million in base. Over the next 3 years the Chief's owe Alex Smith $36 million in base, the ravens owe $42 million to flacco, the 49ers owe Kaep $41, ect , ect ,ect.

The Pat's don't have the option to cut or trade Brady like some of those other teams have but that is fine because they don't want to go down that route anyways.

2) Tom Brady doesn't suck. He might not be a league MVP candidate anymore but he is still a league average QB. Even in a down year last year with less than average targets he threw for 4300 plus yards, 25 Td and only 11 INT's. Ridiculous to say that a guy with those numbers sucks.

You obviously just hate Brady and the Pat's and are just jumping on the pile now and aren't making any rational points.

Kaep is guaranteed how much after this year? If you answer anything greater than $0, then you are wrong.

Brady may not suck, but his childish antics (and those of his supporters) who blame the WR's and everyone except Tom when he screws the pooch is likely what elicits these types of threads.


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I referred to a specific post by Hammer, not the OP.

To ask why a team "hasn't done shit" pre-assumes that they haven't done shit and so is an academically void question to begin with.

Your buddy can take care of himself...no need for you to pile on.


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I'm not celebrating the demise of the Patriots. I'm simply pointing out their false success due to cheating. I don't hate the patriots. I hate cheaters.

They've been competitive ever since then, been to two Superbowls (even if they didn't win), were on the verge of making NFL history. Sure, Super Bowls are the gold standard but you can't say they haven't been relevant to the discussion almost every year since then.

There are a lot of good reasons the Patriots haven't won another Superbowl but video taping is probably not one of them.


Supporting Member Level 3
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Hoopla Cash
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I referred to a specific post by Hammer, not the OP.

To ask why a team "hasn't done shit" pre-assumes that they haven't done shit and so is an academically void question to begin with.

Your buddy can take care of himself...no need for you to pile on.

If you think I'm piling on, then that's your own issue and no one elses so please don't try to deflect that on to me. I'm a grown man and when I have time and see someone being a dolt, I'll engage them.

You referred to a specific post, but then quote a completely different one here. And then you wonder why I ask why you aren't addressing the OP. No where in the post you referred to does hammer say "hasn't done shit". What it does is ask why they haven't won anything in a decade, and there is no academically void situation there...you can look in the history books and see nothing was won in 10 years.

If your jimmies are rustled from the game yesterday, that doesn't mean you are allowed to come on here and belittle people wanting to discuss the shortcomings...even if they do take a celebratory tone.


Aug 8, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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They've been competitive ever since then, been to two Superbowls (even if they didn't win), were on the verge of making NFL history. Sure, Super Bowls are the gold standard but you can't say they haven't been relevant to the discussion almost every year since then.

There are a lot of good reasons the Patriots haven't won another Superbowl but video taping is probably not one of them.

It's just a coincidence I guess. The taping had nothing to do with it.


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Why haven't the Pats won anything in a decade?

Can someone here answer that question without bringing up the Titans 2007 loss to the Pats, juvenile insults of me, the Vanderbilt Commodores or San Diego Padres?

I ask sincerely and await a respectful response. There must be an answer.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Why haven't the Pats won anything in a decade?

Can someone here answer that question without bringing up the Titans 2007 loss to the Pats, juvenile insults of me, the Vanderbilt Commodores or San Diego Padres?

I ask sincerely and await a respectful response. There must be an answer.

Ok I'll bite for the 10 time or so.

The Pats have won more games than the vast majority of NFL teams in that time period...why is that nothing? Please explain "sincerely" as you've promised.

The Pats have won two AFCCGs in that time period...why is that nothing? Again, as promised, why would anyone consider two AFC Championships to be nothing?

If you'd like to ask specifically, why they haven 't won a Superbowl in that amount of time which is what your maligned questions implies 1) it's really tough to do no matter how stacked a team is 2) one miracle catch by opponents or one dropped pass by Welker.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Why haven't the Pats won anything in a decade?

Can someone here answer that question without bringing up the Titans 2007 loss to the Pats, juvenile insults of me, the Vanderbilt Commodores or San Diego Padres?

I ask sincerely and await a respectful response. There must be an answer.

Because.... You aren't there QB!!!

But in all honesty they just haven't been good enough. They are a 2 half team and usually comes back to bite them in the arse. They were too reliant on Gronk and Hernandez and Welker and now they can't do much without them. The Defense let them down yesterday and has in the past and the offense is just too freaking inconsistent and they can NOT get ANY pressure on the oppositions QB!


Well-Known Member
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If you think I'm piling on, then that's your own issue and no one elses so please don't try to deflect that on to me. I'm a grown man and when I have time and see someone being a dolt, I'll engage them.

You referred to a specific post, but then quote a completely different one here. And then you wonder why I ask why you aren't addressing the OP. No where in the post you referred to does hammer say "hasn't done shit". What it does is ask why they haven't won anything in a decade, and there is no academically void situation there...you can look in the history books and see nothing was won in 10 years.

If your jimmies are rustled from the game yesterday, that doesn't mean you are allowed to come on here and belittle people wanting to discuss the shortcomings...even if they do take a celebratory tone.

WTF are you even talking about? Wow, talk about rustled jimmies. Go back and read this time and for the record, I've belittled nobody.


Well-Known Member
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Yes, I used haven't won anything and haven't done shit synonymously. In this context they hold equal meaning.

Please tell me where I've belittled anyone.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2014
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It's just a coincidence I guess. The taping had nothing to do with it.

I think there are other factors way beyond any advantage gained by video taping (as opposed to the other methods teams use to look at) the opposing teams plays that would explain their lack of Superbowl titles.

Some easy ones that come to mind are:

2006: A WR corps, lead by Reche Caudwell
2007: The NY Giant's pass rush and a once in a lifetime catch
2011: Gronk's ankle.

Besides if they had actually won of those near chances, what would that have proved?

It REALLY is just a convenient dig by fans that don't like the Patriots.