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Time to declaw the Bengals


2021 Super Bowl Champions Rams
Aug 24, 2014
Uniontown, Ohio
Hoopla Cash
$ 118.00
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
Looks like Foles might be starting again, but the coaching staff isn't too bright. So who knows who is starting, but it doesn't matter, they both are not that good but Keenum is slightly better. Last game Foles started he attempted 14 passes over ten yards and completed zero of them. This offense is so easy to play against, it is a crying shame. Eight guys in the box to stuff the run, and give up the short stuff, because the Rams aren't hitting on the medium or long passes. The offensive line is train wreck, with high number one draft pick Robinson leading the way with his constitent holding calls to go with his amateurish play makes a for a long day for Gurley and whoever we trot out there at qb.

The defense is solid and so is the punting, but guys get tired when they are the field most of the day.

There is no accountability, just a team planning a move as their number one priority.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 5,000.65
Fav. Team #1
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This seems like the type of game that we should lose but will shock everyone and end up winning somehow. The opposite of last week where it was a game we should've won easily but found a way to look like crap and choked it away.