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Time for Boise St to put its money where it mouth is


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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So when will we be seeing you and your cute little niece/cousin/wife in Boise?:mo:

Look, quit playing stupid. We all know that what Bama wants is a sucker to come to Tuscaloosa. It has nothing to do with Boise or anyone else, for that matter.

Saban wants to follow the tried and true SEC OOC scheduling strategy, one decent, but beatable team, and three cupcakes.

This links perfectly to your obsession with Alabama, Saban does not make the schedule, but you knew that didnt you?

The fact that Alabama needs an opponent and Boise always says they cant get a game with a top team is all that is needed here. Its pretty simple, you just negotiate the home and home, but that is too hard for you to consider apparently. All I did was post a thread that exposed the Boise plan of ducking big names by putting patsies on its OOC schedule. Oh they play FBS schools, but lets not pretend they are TOP FBS schools, just average schools with an occasional decent one mixed in.

What gets you noticed the most is the constant whining about respect. Lets face it, Aretha Franklin has spelled it less times that Boise State fans have and she got paid for doing it, you guys took it up as a hobby. Now sing us another course Rodney Dangerfield.

What is truly sad for Boise State's football team is that no matter how much respect they earn on the field by doing what they have done, the fans like you and Berkeley do twice as much to ruin it with your constant whine and moan about wanting respect. When you've done it for a couple of decent decades, then come see s, but only after you get in an AQ conference.
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Unfortunately, BSU doesn't bring much to the table. It's all about TV markets and BSU doesn't have one. Plus, what does BSU have to offer outside of football? I've never heard of BSU excelling in other sports.

I echo this statement.


Retired Experience Junkie
Feb 10, 2010
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Alabama Hayseed starts a Boise State thread? :noidea:


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Sep 24, 2013
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I think that a lot of the "Boise hype/hysteria" is/was fueled by the media and the 24/7 news cycle that sports has now. Teams like 'Bama, USC, tOSU, Texas, etc., etc. have gotten to be the "blue bloods" of cfb by building up their programs over the course of decades.

As you point out, in the 20's and 30's 'Bama was basically Boise, as were USC and most of the other current top programs. Back then, Ivy league schools, Army, Notre Dame, etc. were the "elite" programs. Boise just needs to keep doing what they are doing and they can get where they want to go. They can't just come in and expect to get in a decade what other teams have gotten over the course of several decades.

Good points.


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Jul 2, 2013
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I know many of my friends(all alums) have stated they are raising hell at the AD, but they get comments back that clarify the stance the school is taking on it and why. Its all about money at this point and until the big conferences come to an agreement, i dont see any team changing its stance on how it schedules. Until it makes a difference in the bottom line or in the playoffs(bottom line also) then these teams will continue to schedule lower tier teams.

I do agree with you though regarding how BSU fans think the fans of other schools have total control on who their alma maters or favorite programs play. That's just plain fucking stupid and pretty damn hypocritical for BSU fans considering their school plays FCS teams and overall, just plays a shit, weak as fuck schedule every single damn year.


Retired Experience Junkie
Feb 10, 2010
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Little Boise State renting a lot of space in peoples heads here. :nod: Alabama goof boy starts Boise State troll thread. Other shit for brains goofs chiming in with nothing.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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Little Boise State renting a lot of space in peoples heads here. :nod: Alabama goof boy starts Boise State troll thread. Other shit for brains goofs chiming in with nothing.

Actually some very good points are being bought up, but realizing you're incorrect has become known as one of your weak points on this site. And that living rent free in others heads was actually named one of the lamest sayings on this site....I know, I used to use it a lot till I saw that.

How do you spell that again Aretha? R.E.S....


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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Hey Bo...lolz at you being a "hayseed"...didn't know ya owned a farm down there...pics or GTFO!

Not a "hayseed" but I do have a green thumb.


J/K. If I had this on my property I would never go to work.:yahoo:

Name calling is Berkeley's way of saying he didnt have anything intelligent to say.


I ♥ t-baggin
Aug 10, 2011
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Little Boise State renting a lot of space in peoples heads here. :nod: Alabama goof boy starts Boise State troll thread. Other shit for brains goofs chiming in with nothing.

Looks like somebody just doesn't want to hear the truth. Pretty much on par for a Boise fan. :2cents:


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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I do agree with you though regarding how BSU fans think the fans of other schools have total control on who their alma maters or favorite programs play. That's just plain fucking stupid and pretty damn hypocritical for BSU fans considering their school plays FCS teams and overall, just plays a shit, weak as fuck schedule every single damn year.

While I think that some Boise fans are trying to demand a status that their program just hasn't earned, I am also a bit of a Boise apologist (I guess I just have a soft spot for the underdog), so I have to take exception to a couple of points.

First of all, there is huge difference between a team like Boise scheduling an FCS school and a team like Alabama, USC (who never has), Texas, tOSU, etc. doing it. There is far less of a talent gap between Boise and many FCS schools than an AQ program and an FCS school.

Also, there are 2 parts of the schedule. One part, the OOC, is controlled by the school. These are the teams that the program chooses to play. The second part, the IC, is not controlled by the school. Overall, Boise does a better job of scheduling a stronger OOC than many of the current AQ teams. Many AQ teams have been shameful with how they have handled the part of the schedule that they can control.

For the time being, Boise is hurt by their conference, but that's not really their fault. They have been trying to get to an AQ conference and even joined the Big East which promptly fell apart on them. It's not like they can just show up at an AQ conferences headquarters and say: "Okay, we're in your conference now. Where's our schedule?"

As for fans/alumni having no control over the schedule. Yes and no. Obviously, it's the AD who handles the scheduling. However, if fans just accept crap teams on the schedule with little or no complaint and they fill the stadium to watch their team curbstomp Northern Southwest Kentucky School of Cinematic Arts and Animal Husbandry, the AD isn't likely to change anything. Fans/alumni do have avenues to affect change.

Also, in some ways, Boise is a victim of their own success. When a team like Boise pulls off an upset here and there, it's "cute story" and we all get to razz the fans of the team that got beat (like when they beat Oklahoma). However, when that same team keeps adding to it's list of AQ victims, it gets noticed and some AD's become reluctant to schedule them.

Add to that Boise wanting home and homes or more money than other mid-majors and FCS schools (which I believe they've earned) and they just become too much of a potential headache and risk.
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Sir Member
Dec 18, 2009
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While I think that some Boise fans are trying to demand a status that their program just hasn't earned, I am also a bit of a Boise apologist (I guess I just have a soft spot for the underdog), so I have to take exception to a couple of points.

First of all, there is huge difference between a team like Boise scheduling an FCS school and a team like Alabama, USC (who never has), Texas, tOSU, etc. doing it. There is far less of a talent gap between Boise and many FCS schools than an AQ program and an FCS school.

Also, there are 2 parts of the schedule. One part, the OOC, is controlled by the school. These are the teams that the program chooses to play. The second part, the IC, is not controlled by the school. Overall, Boise does a better job of scheduling a stronger OOC than many of the current AQ teams. Many AQ teams have been shameful with how they have handled the part of the schedule that they can control.

For the time being, Boise is hurt by their conference, but that's not really their fault. They have been trying to get to an AQ conference and even joined the Big East which promptly fell apart on them. It's not like they can just show up at an AQ conferences headquarters and say: "Okay, we're in your conference now. Where's our schedule?"

As for fans/alumni having no control over the schedule. Yes and no. Obviously, it's the AD who handles the scheduling. However, if fans just accept crap teams on the schedule with little or no complaint and they fill the stadium to watch their team curbstomp Northern Southwest Kentucky School of Cinematic Arts and Animal Husbandry, the AD isn't likely to change anything. Fans/alumni do have avenues to affect change.

Also, in some ways, Boise is a victim of their own success. When a team like Boise pulls off an upset here and there, it's "cute story" and we all get to razz the fans of the team that got beat (like when they beat Oklahoma). However, when that same team keeps adding to it's list of AQ victims, it gets noticed and some AD's become reluctant to schedule them.

Add to that Boise wanting home and homes or more money than other mid-majors and FCS schools (which I believe they've earned) and they just become too much of a potential headache and risk.

I think this might be the best most reasonable post in this whole thread.


May 1, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Really, bullshit huh? What you dont see is that Boise is already booked for one and would want a home and home for another. They wont simply take a one off game and if they do it will be with a stipulation. I love the people who like to bash bama and Team SEC for its scheduling practices and think the fans can put pressure on the Universities to change their ways. First off, this is being done yearly i can assure you as fans and Alums are voicing their opinions on this and secondly until there is a reason to make a change and its done across the board by all teams, then there really isnt much to talk about is there?
And still you give no reason for 'Bama not to go to Boise. Trust me Boise would dump a OOC game to get the Tide up to Idaho.


Apr 17, 2013
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If you ever get into a conference that doesn't drag your entire SoS down, you'll understand why no team inside the major 5 conferences schedules more than 1 tough OOC a year and also why they don't have too.

Boise St needs to/has to schedule even more than 2 if they want a SoS that is going to compete with everyone else. That's the bottom line. That you can't grasp the reason why and understand it is your problem. Because back in reality, now that the CFB agenda is over - nobody gives a shit about Boise St and those same people who propped them up years back now support an agenda that locks them out.

You are a bad football fan, and stupid to boot, dear friend, IMO. I get loud and clear that you don't consider this to be a sport. You know, a sport, fair play, level playing field, every team in division 1 FBS has the same chance as any other team, may the best teams play one another, and may the best one win, fair and square. Nope, not in Alabama.

I guess I just can't figure out how Boise is supposed to play more than two majors when those majors, at least the SEC ones, aren't willing to travel. The idea that Boise is entitled to home football games must be a foreign concept, as is the idea of fair play. In the ONLY games your school controls, you invariably CHOOSE to hire cream puffs, all at home. Of course, you consider Boise's conference to be horrible, but in actual games against actual SEC teams, they don't seem to do all that bad, especially when one considers that most of those games are road games for the MWC team.

Once again, explain to me. What business does one of the best teams in America have playing multiple FCS teams, and always having extra home games against horribly inferior teams? Why is it fair for all SEC teams to have more home than road games? Yeah, yeah, we get it, you whine like babies since your conference is so "tough" What, you have the finest players, the best coaches, and gigantic budgets, yes? So why are you picking on FCS schools?


May 1, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Get real Lezbo Berk. Bama's SoS in 2013 was 39. Bozo State's was 75.
So go play Boise at Boise. Shouldn't be any problem right?