2018 DCFFL Champion!
Based on what you've heard, we haven't heard the worst yet?Again, I'm not "hoping" for anything. Based on some of what I have read from people who have had the goods on this, it's way worse than what has been revealed thus far.
The NCAA is pissed because Harbaugh wouldn't cooperate on the last investigation and that one isn't done.
They are looking for scalps.
Looking at the totality of all that has gone on, it is likely that Michigan gets slapped with Lack of Institutional Control.
If that doesn't happen, life will go on. If that does happen, life will go on.
The only tangible difference between Ohio State winning vs. losing to Michigan in my life personally is I might get a new t-shirt if they win.
If the NCAA drops the hammer on Michigan, it won't make my life better or worse, because I'm not buying a t-shirt for that.