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Thoughts on Eric Ebron.........


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
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You do know we have Calvin Johnson, Golden Tate, Brandon Pettigrew and Fauria signed for multiple seasons, right?

Don't quote me on Fauria, as that is an assumption. Johnson, Tate and Pettigrew, I believe we have for the next 4 years. This doesn't include the other WRs or TEs we all KNOW Mayhew will draft in the upcoming years, as he can't help himself.:whistle:

Yep, and those guys (save for Fauria) are all quite a bit older than Ebron. You draft for the future, imo, not the now.

Gulf of Brazil

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Ebron most certainly "will have the opportunity to live up to his draft position on the Lions" as he is a rookie on a 4 yr contract with a 5th yr option. Fauria has 2 yrs left on his as all UDFA's receive 3 yrs. Pettigrew can be cut in 2016 or 2017 pretty easily with limited dead $ should either of Ebron or Fauria improve to the point where the coaching staff feels they're the better option at that time.

Gulf of Brazil

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Big_Blue_72 said:
trustme, key words were "can be" as good as Julius Thomas.... no mention of Manning or Stafford... but I do "comprehend your thought process"... your getting technical.... Would CJ (MegaTron) still be as good as he is with........ say, Ryan Leaf, JaMarcus Russell, Matt Leinart or Mark Sanchez, Joey Harrington, Andre Ware, Dan Orlovsky throwing him the rock ?

TrustMeIamRight said:
I know Manning wasn't mentioned. I'm saying Julius Thomas has been as good as he is, because of, Peyton Manning.

Manning makes all of his TE's look great. Hell -- he even made Jacob Tamme look like a really good NFL TE. Here is a good example:

Tamme with Manning in 2010 -- 67 catches for 631 yards in 16 games.
Tamme without Manning in 2011 -- 19 catches for 177 yards in 16 games.
Tamme with Manning in 2012 -- 52 catches for 555 yards in 16 games.

Manning makes the players around him better and no spot more than the TE position. Julius Thomas is a really good TE, but I am not sure how much of it is the Peyton Manning factor.

Big_Blue_72 said:
The receivers still have to catch the ball. Yes, Manning throws a catchable ball the vast majority of time. The drop rate % along with #'s of drop balls, targets, receptions, has been the biggest convo question mark regarding Ebron. Now take into account that Stafford, in previous years/games, has shown that tendency to be inconsistent with accuracy and catchable balls thrown.

TrustMeIamRight said:
I'm not sure what this comment was made in regards to? What are you trying to say here?

come on TrustMe.... really... read our back and forth... Damn, either it's me and "my poor writing skills" or you're extremely tired due to the kids/work.

Manning alone, hasn't made Julius Thomas or Jacob Tamme look good. IT's both the TE's in concert with Manning that is the correlating result.

or better yet, we try this tomorrow... but go back and read the initial post with Ebron can be as good as Julius Thomas and follow the quotes from there. The actual original posts


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Apr 19, 2013
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come on TrustMe.... really... read our back and forth... Damn, either it's me and "my poor WRITING SKILLS" or you're extremely tired due to the kids/work.

Manning alone, hasn't made Julius Thomas or Jacob Tamme look good. IT's both the TE's in concert with Manning that is the correlating result.

It is probably me -- I've had a LOOOOOOONG day and one I'd like to forget. My dad was watching my son and calls to tell me my mom was in a car accident and he had to leave. I get home and receive a call he has to go to the hospital with her and I have to go to my 94 year old grandma's to bring her lunch.

This isn't a big deal, but trying to watch a 16 month old, while taking care of 94 year old (who is blind, has less than 5% of her hearing and can't walk) is a really rough day. To top it off -- I had to help my grandma go to the bathroom and needless to say, when your grandma says -- i don't have anything you haven't already seen on your wife -- you want to forget the entire day. UGH.

That being said -- I'm not completely taking anything away from Thomas or Tamme. I think Thomas is the real deal, but Manning makes him an elite option at TE. With Tamme -- we can both see what happened to his production, with and without Manning.

Manning can break down a defense and find the hole. He also has pinpoint accuracy, to go along with a very catchable ball making life very easy on his TE's.

I'd guess if we looked at the TE position each year for Manning -- he has probably had one with at least 50 catches the majority of the years. I know Dallas Clark became a star as Manning's TE, but wasn't much after leaving Indy. I'm too tired to look who else he has had other than Tamme and Thomas.


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Yep, and those guys (save for Fauria) are ALL quite a bit older than Ebron. You draft for the future, imo, not the now.

You don't think a player drafted in the top 10 should have an impact on their team from day 1? Especially from a draft called one of the best in a long time?

As everyone on here knows -- I think the pick was a waste. Detroit already had a solid/average pair of TE's. You don't spend a top 10 pick on a guy for the future. You want a guy who can make an immediate impact. Ebron may still make an impact this year, but IMO, he isn't going to get a lot of targets.


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When I say he won't get a lot of targets -- I'm saying he will end up with less targets than Calvin (obviously), Tate, Bush and Bell.

Gulf of Brazil

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TrustMe, I have a lot of respect for you regardless of what "I may view as excessive ranting from you at times that goes absolutely nowhere."

I'm sorry to hear about your moms accident, taking care of your grandma and I know all too well about raising kids as I had to take care of 3 babies all born in a 2 yr 10 month span and was the only one changing diapers at night, feeding, bathing all while working 60-70 hours work weeks. Parenting is a painstaking job but there is also a lot of first time occurrences that bring many a joy. I truly wasn't trying to come across as a "Richard Cranium" towards you.

I was merely trying to state that it takes both qb and a receiver to make their stats look good to which inevitably all of us surmise as them being great at their respective positions. JMO.

Going fishing in the Gulf of Mexico at 5 am, down here in Thailand, Alabama (in honor of Micro)......(Gulf Shores, Bama) so it's an early rise for me at 4am... Hell, who am I kidding. I'm old, go to sleep at 10.30 pm and wake up for no reason at 1,2,3 am on a near every morn basis.... You guys just wait, your old fartness time is coming sooner than you thank. It's what happens in Manopause or whatever terminology they classify it as. Hahahahaha... STFU it's coming for you, Trust me it will (not meaning TrustMeIamRight)

maybe I'll just stick will the bold at certain times. you're a smart guy but sometimes you need to get more rest so your comprehension skills are back to normal... not a personal dig either, we ALL DO IT at times, JMHO, me especially...
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Gulf of Brazil

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peace out peeps.... be jealous you bitches, cuz I'll be on the water in the Gulf of Mexico tomorrow, while baking in 91 degree heat...FISHING.... It is a blessing to be near such beautiful beaches and warm weather


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
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maybe I'll just stick will the bold at certain times. you're a smart guy but sometimes you need to get more rest so your comprehension skills are back to normal... not a personal dig either, we ALL DO IT at times, JMHO, me especially...

anything that will help me comprehend a post better, I'm all for it. so bold away and i don't ever take anything personal from you, so no need to apologize. to me, this board is just a chance to get away and talk about the Lions.

regarding taking care of my little guy -- i wouldn't want it any other way. i cherish every second with him, as my wife wasn't supposed to be able to have kids, so he is our little miracle.

have a good time fishing and i'll try to keep my rants at a minimum. :)


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TP -- if the Lions want to draft for the future, they need to look at this little monster!!

Well -- that didn't work. Tried to post a pic of my little guy with his Calvin jersey at the Lions practice.


Top Notch
Apr 19, 2013
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How do you know exactly what type of impact Ebron had on the game? You would have to have tape for that to see if there was anything about Ebron's precense that made the Giants defend a certain way. No catches and no tds does not tell the whole story here. What if Ebron had two catches for 36 yards? Would we still be having this conversation?


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
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When I say he won't get a lot of targets -- I'm saying he will end up with less targets than Calvin (obviously), Tate, Bush and Bell.

Id add Pettigrew to that list as well.

He had 70 some receptions that one year, and 80 some that other year, remember?
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Can'tre Member
Apr 19, 2013
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The first time Ebron breaks off a route to avoid contact, and the ball gets intercepted, don't think I'll scream any less loud just because I know it's coming.
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Gulf of Brazil

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Big_Blue_72 said:
Trustme, find the nearest sledge-hammer and railroad spikes, HAMMER AWAY AT ME...

gandydancer said:
Somebody need a gandydancer up in here?

uuuhhhhmmmm..... just coming off a 1 month suspension.... but I can understand the temptation tho... I wouldn't be much of a challenge. :yahoo:
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Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
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One month!?!


Gandy took a break aboot 4,000 posts ago for me.
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