Gun Control,,,,not likely
It will never happen
and take welfare away from the Illegal Immigrants.. and limit welfare to people that have it say for 5 years max and if you want welfare you get sterolized and lose money if you have more than 2 kids
It will never happen
We have a undeclaired war going on right now with mexico,it will never stop
think nuke
We can't do that,we just need a larger force on that border
We need a outpost and patrols every 20 miles slow don the drugs and the wetbacks
and death to all drug dealers and drug runners.. crack and meth heads also
nope too many bleeding hearts... should close the boarders too and any one sneaking in illeagly will be shot on the spot.. shoot first ask questions later policy will be the mandate
i thought they already closed them
true ghost ...I liked ron paul but he droped out .. think Ill go with romney if he makes it