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The official stfu Tito thread


New Member
Sep 28, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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I'll do each copied ownage from the ESPN board as a separate reply so it'll be easy to copy and paste if anybody wishes to do so. Any time that Tito brings up stupid shit just copy and paste and argument from this board that kicked his ass onto the espn board! Also feel free to add replies to this thread with anything that you've done to own Tito.


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Sep 28, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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"Would you consider a 7 pitch at bat compared to a 3 pitch at bat a little thing."

Wow, you really are reaching to try to find reasons this team you supposedly root for will lose. Fine Tito, you win, the Braves will beat the Giants because they average 3.88 pitches per at bat and the Giants only average 3.74. Forget all of the other stuff you just said that was wrong, this one is right! Dude, that's almost an extra 4 pitches per 27 outs! Those extra 4 pitches will be the difference in every game, I'm sure of it now.

Thanks for helping me see the light Tito!

EZ all intelligent


I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 4,700.00
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I'm all for Tito bashing and so forth, but we're getting a little close to 'get a room' territory here.


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Sep 28, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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"First of all if Burrel or Guillen get on or Pablo in the late innings in a tie or close game. Is when you would want Velez to come in as pinch runner thus how he would all ready be on base. second he doesnt have to steal but he would have to be ready to go 1st to third. Or be able to move up much easier on a bunt or hit and run.And tag up on a medium depth fly ball and score with ease.

But if he did need to steal a base. He is the best option on the Giants to do so. Go down with putting your best guy in a base stealing position not all ready a starter real close him and Torres. I dont want to see Rowand or Schierholtz or Ross try and steal a must steal base seen it and they cant do it. Geno is the only one outside of Torres I have seen on this team do that on a consistent basis.

Put your players in a position to succeed the definition of a manager."

Are you talking about the same Velez that during the Padres series came in to pinch run with 1 out and tried stealing 2nd, but a fly ball was hit in the outfield and he never once stopped to look at the ball? I know the guy's only 28, but when I used to play little league I broke that habit when I was 11.


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Sep 28, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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" Nate

No you broke that habit when your dad the next door neighbor and the girl from across the street told you when you tried to steal that base. Why didnt you turn around and at least get in a run down cause you had all day to think about doing that , I mean the guy was eating his sandwich waiting to tag you out.

Then your Dad said man this mandatory play is killing me. then the girl next door said its ok coach my sister is elgible to play next year."

That's not the way the game of baseball is played Tito. If the fielder catches the fly ball in the situation I just described then he just has to throw the ball back to 1st base for a double play. There would be no rundown or tagging the runner out just as there wouldn't have been if the fielder caught in the Velez situation. Seeing as how you don't know stuff about baseball that I learned when I was 11, I have to ask you something. Are you a former coach for Velez? That would explain a lot.


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Sep 28, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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I'm all for Tito bashing and so forth, but we're getting a little close to 'get a room' territory here.

Would you like this idea more if we used arguments against both Tito and NN on this thread?


I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 4,700.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
Would you like this idea more if we used arguments against both Tito and NN on this thread?

No, I'm done with both of them. I'm just sayin'.


New Member
Sep 28, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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Well, I really just get annoyed by douchebags who assume they're right all of the time without anything to back it up. Hence why in my short time there I've butted heads with Tito and NN quite a bit. If nobody else would bother to participate in this thread I could discontinue it. Does anybody think they would add something or use something in this thread?


I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 4,700.00
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
Dude, I totally get you on this. Those two are the worst for exactly the reasons you describe. It's why this other board is going here pretty much.

But I battled those two so long and then realized, it doesn't matter what they think or type or anything. I know they suck, and this is about the Giants not Tito and NN.


New Member
Sep 28, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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Fav. Team #1
Dude, I totally get you on this. Those two are the worst for exactly the reasons you describe. It's why this other board is going here pretty much.

But I battled those two so long and then realized, it doesn't matter what they think or type or anything. I know they suck, and this is about the Giants not Tito and NN.

Well in that case, I'll continue this thread only for the sake of saving time in the future though, because right now I sort of remember which threads I kicked his ass on. It'll only take me about 5 minutes to find a decent amount of stuff that could be useful later.


Senioritis Member
Aug 20, 2010
San Luis Obispo, CA
Hoopla Cash
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Well, I really just get annoyed by douchebags who assume they're right all of the time without anything to back it up. Hence why in my short time there I've butted heads with Tito and NN quite a bit. If nobody else would bother to participate in this thread I could discontinue it. Does anybody think they would add something or use something in this thread?

I won't. Wait. I just did. :).

I understand your intentions and find your quips on the ESPN board to be very funny. I just don't care enough about the trolls to dedicate time for one board on them, let alone two. Keep up the good work, but remember all they want is attention in any form.


I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 4,700.00
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
I won't. Wait. I just did. :).

I understand your intentions and find your quips on the ESPN board to be very funny. I just don't care enough about the trolls to dedicate time for one board on them, let alone two. Keep up the good work, but remember all they want is attention in any form.



New Member
Sep 28, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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Fav. Team #1
I'll keep that in mind, but this way I can still make them look stupid without doing any new research or typing. Afterall, if Tito can say the same stupid shit everyday then why can't I own the repetitive arguments with a point I made a week ago?


New Member
Sep 28, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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Fav. Team #1
be a man for once and own up to the whooping you are about to receive. I've let you run rampant for long enough on your desperate for attention thread, but I've decided to take the bait.


"This team goes from cant buy a home run to the 27 Yankees or the Pittsburg Lumber Co in the day, rivaling some of the numbers put up in September"

The Giants are currently 24th in the mlb for runs scored in September, and they also rank 2nd for homeruns with 36, while Toronto leads the pack with 52. For a reference, the team in 13th place has 26 homeruns, so besides Toronto everybody else is relatively close. Throughout the season as the whole the Giants rank 17th in runs scored and 11th in homeruns. Their ranking for runs scored overall is better than their ranking for runs scored in September, proving that you never watch this team play.

"How does a guy after appendictomy surgery come back in 14 days and go yard."

This shows both that you know nothing about the Giants or the human body. The APPENDECTOMY took place on September 12th, and the initial prognosis for his recovery was 10-14 days. He actually was back playing on the 24th, meaning that he was actually right on target for his recovery time. His appendix was inflamed, meaning it was infected and started to swell up, there's much less rehab involved if such is the case than if your appendix ruptures. I know this to be the case because I actually had my appendix rupture (that big word means that it goes boom and stuff leaks out of it,) and I was walking around just fine without the aid of steroids 2 weeks after surgery. Also the appendix is a completely useless organ, so his loss of it would not affect anything except for his recovery from the surgical aspect, which as I've covered is right where it should be.

"Of coarse they have done some damage on the road but not as much as at home."

It's spelled course. Also this is false. They have played 16 games on the road in September and scored 69 runs total, but since I know you don't have 69 fingers to count on I'll just tell you that this is 4.3125 runs/game on the road. At home they have played 11 games and scored 39 runs. Even though I'm sure there are currently enough people in your trailer for you to count on their fingers, I'll save you the trouble of waking up Billy-Bob, Joe, and Jr. to tell you that this is 3.545 runs/game at home.

"But that I still root for the uni and will continue to root for the uni."

Why don't you finally reveal who you are to us and stop with the crap, we know the uni you root for doesn't say Giants on it. I'm also sure that you aren't even Latino, you're just some redneck impersonating an ignorant one in order to show them as a group in a negative light and make them all up to be stereotypes. Everything you've ever said on here I'm sure is TS (think BS, only replace Bull with Troll.)

"How do you explain our pitching supperioriity in Sept and Our New Found Power?"

I'm assuming you don't mean supper ioriity which I guess would be the state of eating supper only in JA speak. I'll cover this question of yours too then. The Giants pitching staff has been one of the best if not #1 both this year and last year, so are you saying they have been using the "anti-humidor" this and last year. If such is the case, then you don't know anything because then you're also saying this team cheated to become an offensive power house last season as well. You can't have it both ways, either you're saying that they cheated this year and last year because the pitching is equal in both seasons, and therefore they did nothing to cheat with the offense. The alternative is that you're saying that this team is cheating just with the offense this season and the pitching is achieving this milestone despite not having any aid. You put the JA in jam, as in you're jamming up these boards with your worthless crap.

"An anti Humidor would not be that hard to imagine or put together. put baseballs in a room of 120+ degrees for a month they will dry out. become lighter and fly further."

This again is with your inadequate knowledge of the sciences, water boils at 100 degrees Celsius, which would be a lot closer to 220 than 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Leave them in there for a month, that's intelligent. Then the Giants would have a lawsuit on their hands when an employee dies of dehydration while attempting to rip apart the balls that have partially melted together. I don't think anything of this nature has happened yet, and even if it did, as the baseballs dry out, the water evaporating would give off more heat energy than the temperature of the room would indicate is present, so the baseballs in turn would start to melt (just a little bit) against whatever they are touching, so if you think the Giants have an anti-humidor that is also anti-gravity so the balls float freely then you really have gone insane.

"Hell Yeah

And Crank up the Anti humidor its October Baseball !!!

So what if we CHEAT !!!

BEAT US !!!"

Again stop with the us, you're obviously just some poor confused and stupid soul longing for more attention than you deserve. You're not a Giants fan and you don't deserve to be happy or celebrate if they win anything. Just go beat off to your Velez autograph, he's such a nice guy that you didn't even have to ask for it, he just mailed it to you in the form of a restraining order.

"But I am Crazy when I am saying they are doing the same things.

And the numbers prove that.

18 homers in April 36 homers in September hmmmm?

4.58 ERA in August 1.78 ERA in September hmmmm?"

You're either crazy or you're an attention hogging genius (I have you pegged for the latter Mr. redneck in person/stereotypical Latino on the internet.) Funny how you start using numbers now, also funny how you pick 2 different months to compare September to so that they fit your argument. You either need to compare both homers and ERA to April or to August, or to the whole year since 1 month is a pretty invalid sample size for accusations of steroids or anti-gravity baseball saunas.

"Its called denial."

Congratulations you learned how to spell denial, but you forgot the apostrophe in it's. It doesn't matter though because you improved in such a short amount of time, I think you're too unmonitored and are cheating. You're injecting yourself with ground up Sesame Street videos to make yourself seem smarter than you are. Esta` bien Tito, un di`a usted va a aprender hablar inteligentemente. Go ahead and put that in your google translator redneck Tito.

"You Start pointing fingers 4 point back at you."

This is just to have a "you're an idiot" moment. This is actually impossible with the anatomy of a normal human hand, if you point a finger straight out, your thumb will either be pointed in the same direction or will be perpendicular to the previously mentioned finger (I know you don't know what that means, so look at this L and you might figure it out.) This isn't something I've read or heard about, this is just something I learned from having hands.

Tito, I took the bait and acknowledged your existence, but only in the hopes that everybody else can see how badly I've torn you apart. Now that your slanderous argument has been completely decimated, you can leave with your tail between your legs and everybody else can let this thread whither and die.


Senioritis Member
Aug 20, 2010
San Luis Obispo, CA
Hoopla Cash
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I'll keep that in mind, but this way I can still make them look stupid without doing any new research or typing. Afterall, if Tito can say the same stupid shit everyday then why can't I own the repetitive arguments with a point I made a week ago?

Fair enough. I appreciate your understanding of baseball and disdain of ignorance.


I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 4,700.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
OK, now we're going to need a room big enough for a 3 way. :D


New Member
Sep 28, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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Fav. Team #1
" rocksfan

Cain is worse, he will if you let him. throw 15 pitch at bats.

If a team goes up there with a plan. they will destroy Cain. You go up there and swing at the first pitch your helping this guy out immensely.

His spin is easy to pick up in day games. thus making him easy to read and very easy to foul off or take tell you get a fat fastball.

All his success comes in twinight games.

He is what he is a sub .500 Loser"

1. Cain has pitched 210.1 innings this season and he has thrown 3,300 pitches. This means that he is averaging 15.7 pitches per inning not per at bat. He's started 31 games meaning he can almost always be counted on to give the bullpen a night off by averaging almost 7 innings per start.

2. He has had 3 of what I would call bad starts this season. Every start except for these three he has given the Giants a chance to win. So I guess you're saying that the Nationals, Astros, and Padres are the only teams that have had a plan at all facing Cain this season. Considering what offensive powerhouses these teams are that makes sense.

3. Of those 3,300 pitches Cain has thrown, 2,130 have been strikes. That's 64.5% meaning there is a very good chance the next pitch in each at bat will be a strike, so swinging at the 1st pitch against Cain isn't exactly a bad idea.

4. Over the last 3 seasons combined, Cain has an ERA of 3.35 and a BAA of .221. If his spin is that easy to pick up for you then maybe you can give major league hitters some pointers.

You were so well behaved yesterday Tito, what happened? Did it bother you that you almost went a full 24 hours without saying some ignorant crap that even you don't really believe?