Well-Known Member
The Atlanta falcons begged the broncos to take it easy in super bowl XXXIII, but back to backs are always sweetestIt is about to end in the next few hours.
I wanted to give it to you again this month but George begged me not to.
You can always tell if you are loved or hated on this forum based on the number of responses in your POTM thread. I would have to say OC stayed true to his form in this month of coronation and brought home a very good draft and now is a member of the POTM Century Club.
We have a secret lounge full of $1,000 a night escorts - stocked with the best food and wine on the planet for the exclusive use of Century Club members. Unfortunately - as our first member of the Century Club - we haven't hired the escorts yet and LGM is charge of selecting them - Springstein is in charge of the food (I hope you like Borst) and Crash is stocking the booze - so good luck with that.
The Atlanta falcons begged the broncos to take it easy in super bowl XXXIII, but back to backs are always sweetest
Let’s not forget an oldie, but a goodie
Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat itLooks like someone’s still living in the past
Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it