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The My Vibe Thread

Yankee Traveler

Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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I have been given an opportunity. Would you take a shot????

I have to go to Walmart and purchase $2000 in Walmart Gift Cards.

I will then mail them to a man who says that I ll then receive

$200,000 In cash, via FedEx tomorrow.

A friend of mine sent this guy $1000 and got back $100,000. He sent me pictures of the money on his bed.

I can send this guy up to $7000 and get $700,000 in cash tomorrow.

My brain is telling me not to be stupid and give away $2000. But my friend, whom I've know all of my life, would never bullshit me.

Can I get in on this too!?!?!?

Seriously? I would jump on that.

Send me some gift cards and I promise I'll send you back 1000% profit for your troubles.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
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I'm not immune to being another "self aware" idiot. I get new bike shoes that are called clipless - even though they clip in. I got them figured out. First I unclip with the right and use that to land my foot when I need to stop. But what happens when you lose balance? TIMBER to the left, and falling into traffic..... Okay, the left foot is a better choice so you can't fall into traffic. So now I take my left foot out and fall to the right... but fortunately I have a nice soft marble curb to land my hip on.

Moral of the story, clip out both at every stop. But why did I need to fall four times to figure that out?
We've all been there.

Yankee Traveler

Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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$ 1,000.00
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You'd spend $2000 on Walmart gift cards and send them to someone you don't know and have never met who messages on Facebook and will not speak with you???
Oh, hell no.
But I am ok with you sending me...lets say 10 gift cards at $200 each? That's the part I want in on.

I'll send you a bunch of cash back.




Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
Out of the desert!
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$ 9,623.00
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I have been given an opportunity. Would you take a shot????

I have to go to Walmart and purchase $2000 in Walmart Gift Cards.

I will then mail them to a man who says that I ll then receive

$200,000 In cash, via FedEx tomorrow.

A friend of mine sent this guy $1000 and got back $100,000. He sent me pictures of the money on his bed.

I can send this guy up to $7000 and get $700,000 in cash tomorrow.

My brain is telling me not to be stupid and give away $2000. But my friend, whom I've know all of my life, would never bullshit me.

I had a girlfriend I really liked. I planned on marrying her but she was always needing to be rescued. One time she was contacted by a guy in Europe who would give her cash. She had to deposit it in her account and then withdraw a portion later. She got to keep the difference. When the Feds showed up at her door and confiscated her computer, ransacked her house and arrested her, it was too much. They let her go thinking she was a fool. I quit dating her because it was too much. The Feds arresting her for counterfeiting was over the line.

Go ahead Ken, you can write another book about it!


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
Out of the desert!
Hoopla Cash
$ 9,623.00
Fav. Team #1
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I have been given an opportunity. Would you take a shot????

I have to go to Walmart and purchase $2000 in Walmart Gift Cards.

I will then mail them to a man who says that I ll then receive

$200,000 In cash, via FedEx tomorrow.

A friend of mine sent this guy $1000 and got back $100,000. He sent me pictures of the money on his bed.

Call your friend directly. You will find he did not send it to you. . It is a common scam with a lot of variations. They all begin with you sending money. They all end with you saying goodbye to your money!


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2013
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$ 1,000.00
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Call your friend directly. You will find he did not send it to you. . It is a common scam with a lot of variations. They all begin with you sending money. They all end with you saying goodbye to your money!
Life's a lot safer if you assume if something seems to good to be true then it probably isn't true. If it's somehow true then crime is involved. If your morals allow you to not care about the crime as long as there's a pay day then you might want to think about who else may be associated and do you want to invite them into your life.

I sleep better knowing I earned all my money and someone else won't be trying to come after it because they had a bad day... and you can't report it to the police without implicating yourself.


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
Out of the desert!
Hoopla Cash
$ 9,623.00
Fav. Team #1
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Life's a lot safer if you assume if something seems to good to be true then it probably isn't true. If it's somehow true then crime is involved. If your morals allow you to not care about the crime as long as there's a pay day then you might want to think about who else may be associated and do you want to invite them into your life.

I sleep better knowing I earned all my money and someone else won't be trying to come after it because they had a bad day... and you can't report it to the police without implicating yourself.


Day to Day
Apr 17, 2013
Palm Coast
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$ 500.68
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They all end with you saying goodbye to your money!
Yeah, I decided to keep the $2000 and pass on the $200,000.

Maybe I'm just too old to take a gamble.
Go ahead Ken, you can write another book about it!
Actually, I have two that I've stopped writing. Hit a dead spot that I can't seem to get by. But, you may have given me an idea for a short story.

I took a look at what I've written since 2018.

17 complete novels
9 short stories
3 poems

2 incomplete novels

Over 2,000,000 words typed and probably 300,000 retyped or corrected. BTW, I still have to look at the keyboard and have never been able to memorize the damn thing. It also has to be lit or I'd have misspelled and rewritten about 600,000 words.


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
Out of the desert!
Hoopla Cash
$ 9,623.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
Yeah, I decided to keep the $2000 and pass on the $200,000.

Maybe I'm just too old to take a gamble.

Actually, I have two that I've stopped writing. Hit a dead spot that I can't seem to get by. But, you may have given me an idea for a short story.

I took a look at what I've written since 2018.

17 complete novels
9 short stories
3 poems

2 incomplete novels

Over 2,000,000 words typed and probably 300,000 retyped or corrected. BTW, I still have to look at the keyboard and have never been able to memorize the damn thing. It also has to be lit or I'd have misspelled and rewritten about 600,000 words.
How about a limerick?
Red Sox are red
Royals are blue


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2017
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$ 2,800.00
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I have been given an opportunity. Would you take a shot????

I have to go to Walmart and purchase $2000 in Walmart Gift Cards.

I will then mail them to a man who says that I ll then receive

$200,000 In cash, via FedEx tomorrow.

A friend of mine sent this guy $1000 and got back $100,000. He sent me pictures of the money on his bed.

I can send this guy up to $7000 and get $700,000 in cash tomorrow.

My brain is telling me not to be stupid and give away $2000. But my friend, whom I've know all of my life, would never bullshit me.

Oyyy I truly hope this is done jokingly.,


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2017
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Why do we celebrate Columbus day when Columbus never stepped foot in American soil?


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2013
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$ 1,000.00
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Yeah, I decided to keep the $2000 and pass on the $200,000.

Maybe I'm just too old to take a gamble.

Actually, I have two that I've stopped writing. Hit a dead spot that I can't seem to get by. But, you may have given me an idea for a short story.

I took a look at what I've written since 2018.

17 complete novels
9 short stories
3 poems

2 incomplete novels

Over 2,000,000 words typed and probably 300,000 retyped or corrected. BTW, I still have to look at the keyboard and have never been able to memorize the damn thing. It also has to be lit or I'd have misspelled and rewritten about 600,000 words.
I know it's not your motivation but, have you made any money at it?


Day to Day
Apr 17, 2013
Palm Coast
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.68
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I know it's not your motivation but, have you made any money at it?
No. But two people I know have done it. One guy I served with in the military ($100,000) and the latest guy who I've known my entire life. He was a year older than me and grew up in the house in back of mine. ($100,000).

These people somehow are connected to a supposed U.S. Government Emergency Fund.

I don't know anymore than that, excpt that both guys got the money in CASH. That immediately send up a warning flare. The second flare is even more scary. WTF do you do with 2,000 one hundred dollar bills. Can't deposit it in a bank or their alarms go off and they immediately notify the IRS.

I guess you could make $5000-$9000 deposits, but even that would get picked up eventually. 40 $5000 deposits???Ohyear, I'm having a weekly garage sales and doing very well.

I asked the guy why they can't just make a direct deposit like Uncle Sam does with any other department. "Because it's all cash."

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, writes checks like a duck...................must be a chameleon.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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WTF do you do with 2,000 one hundred dollar bills. Can't deposit it in a bank or their alarms go off and they immediately notify the IRS.
Here's a novel thought. Deposit it all in the bank with one deposit, then pay the taxes you ACTUALLY owe.


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
Out of the desert!
Hoopla Cash
$ 9,623.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
Here's a novel thought. Deposit it all in the bank with one deposit, then pay the taxes you ACTUALLY owe.
The alarms go off whether you are willing to pay taxes or not. Deposit $5000 twice and the alarms will go off. Deposit $3000 every week for a month and the alarms will go off. Pay cash for a condo and then put it up for sale and not only will the alarms go off but they will charge you with heavier charges once they figure out what and how many laws you have violated.